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Rocki the Flying Catgirl, Sorceress-Queen of the Flying City of Spearmint

Rocki was born in the Harem Age into the Paw Caste. She learned early and well how to use and manipulate others, convincing her Bishonen husband, The Bull of the Winkle, to teach her the arts of sorcery and carefully turning him against the rest of his harem, until finally, there was just her. Then she manipulated him into helping her achieve her great dream--to rule a flying city. Birds and flight fascinated her, and she was ecstatic when she finally achieved her dream.

During the Usurpation, she fought hard to protect her husband against the attack of the Magical Girls and the Helping Goddesses. Hundreds of Magical Girls were eaten by demons, blown up by AA guns, or fed on by crows. Finally, though, The Bull of the Winkle was killed by an elite Helping Goddess Assassin squad, and she was forced to take Spearmint into the Wyld.

She returned after the Chaos Plague, settling her city over its old location in what was now jungle, having become an even more self-centered freak than before. Her Goddess form is half-cat, half-woman, and half-bird all at once. She has bred a vast horde of birdman creatures and is rumored to be preparing to conquer Hawkmountain.

She also has become a fantastically powerful sorceress and is rumored to have possession of the second volume of the Liber ab Decora Magica (The Book of Cute Magic).

Rocki is one of the leading elders of the Moonsilver Pack; she has volunteered to unite the forces of the skies behind the Pack; given most Catgirls aren't so comfortable in the air as her, they're willing to over look her crazed breeding experiments and her kidnapping of young men to play the role of her dead husband in her fantasies.