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Bishonen Stealth Tree

  • Graceful Bishonen Stealth 1/1
    • Superior Bishonen Stealth 2/2
      • Unfailing Bishonen Stealth 3/3
        • Invariant Bishonen Excellence of Stealth 4/4
    • Evidence-Concealing Prana 3/2
      • Traceless Passage 4/2
    • (Sense)-Denial Method 3/2
      • Mask of the Five Senses 4/3

Evidence-Concealing Prana

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Reflexive
  • Minimum Stealth: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Stealth

Even if you are hidden, you leave evidence of your passage; this conceals all such evidence. Roll Intelligence + Stealth and add your successes to the difficulty of any roll to notice the evidence of your passage, such as when you opened the door in front of the guard to go through it. This also hampers tracking rolls. This will not hide acts of violence, but it will hide any bodies which result.

Traceless Passage

  • Cost: 6 motes
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Stealth: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Evidence-Concealing Prana

The Bishonen moves without leaving a trace of his passage; only charms and sorcery can track him.

(Sense)-Denial Method

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: One Scene or Violence
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Stealth: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Stealth

For one scene, the Bishonen vanishes from the sense chosen when the charm is purchased. (It can be chosen multiple times for multiple senses). The stealth collapses once you engage in any act of violence. If you interact with someone (such as picking their pocket), they have a chance to detect you (Awareness + Perception vs. your Dex + Stealth.) You are still vulnerable to detection by other senses.

Mask of the Five Senses

  • Cost: 10 motes, 1 WP
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Stealth: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: (Sense)-Denial Method, at least three versions

Roll Manipulation + Stealth against the Moe of anyone observing you. If you succeed, you cannot be detected at all so long as you avoid doing anything to give yourself away.