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Barn (0 XP Brash Young Hero Kensai Bishonen)


  • Physical: Secondary
    • Strength: 4
    • Dexterity: 3
    • Stamina: 3
  • Mental: Tertiary
    • Perception: 3
    • Intelligence: 1
    • Wits: 3
  • Social: Primary
    • Charisma: 4
    • Manipulation: 3
    • Appearance: 4


(Bold are Favored)

Kensai: All are Caste Abilities

  • Archery:
  • Brawl: 1
  • Martial Arts:
  • Melee: 3
  • Thrown:


  • Endurance: 2
  • Perform: 1
  • Presence: 4
  • Resistance: 2
  • Survival: 2


  • Crafts: 4 (+2 dice Agriculture)
  • Investigation:
  • Lore:
  • Medicine:
  • Occult:


  • Athletics: 1
  • Awareness: 1
  • Dodge: 4
  • Larceny:
  • Stealth:


  • Bureaucracy:
  • Linguistics: 1 (Low Realm, Rivertongue)
  • Ride: 5
  • Sail:
  • Socialize: 1


  • Allies (Eton, Dim, Deirdre) 3
  • Artifacts 2 (Daddy's Sword)
  • Artifacts 4 (Daddy's Articulated Plate)

Charms and other powers:

Anima Power: Aura of Cool - After defeating any opponent, the Kensai may spend ten Moe to cause a dramatic slow mo to overcome all Creation as the world pauses for a moment to contemplate how awesome he is. Anyone who witnesses this diaplays must make a Valor roll. Failure means they ruin screaming in terror. Success means they are properly intimidated and suffer a penalty to all dicepools equal to the Kensai's Moe. Rolling more successes then the Kensai's Moe negates the effect entirely.


  • Gracious Bishonen Dodge
  • Superior Bishonen Dodge


  • Resoundingly Pretty Body Method: Barn has taken it twice, giving him 2 -1 and 4 -2 health levels. He NEEDS THEM.
  • Armor Mastery


  • Gracious Bishonen Melee
  • Superior Bishonen Melee
  • Instinctive Parry
  • Wolf's Fang


  • Gracious Bishonen Presence

Nature, Essence, Willpower, and Virtues

Nature: Heroic Wanna-Be

  • Permanent Essence: 2
    • Personal: 12
    • Peripheral: 29 ( 11 motes committed)

Willpower: 6


  • Compassion 3
  • Temperance 1
  • Conviction 2
  • Valor 3

Virtue Flaw: Young, Stupid Hero He gains a point of limit any time he does the pragmatic thing instead of the heroic thing. Once he limit breaks, he acts entirely by the code of the chivalric, stupid hero.



  • Horse, "Prince"


  • Daddy's Sword: Orichalcum Daiklaive (5 motes, Spd 4, Acc 3, 5L, Def 3. So in his hands: Spd 10, Acc 9, 9L, Def 9. )
  • Daddy's Armor: Orichalcum Armor (6 motes, 14 Lethal, 16 Bashing Soak, -2 mobility, 1 Fatigue)


  • Lethal Soak: 2 (16)
  • Bashing Soak: 3 (19)
  • Dodge: 7 dice ( 5 dice with armor)
  • Fatigue: 1 (5 dice)
  • Mobility Penalty: -2
  • Health:
    • 1 –0
    • 4 –1
    • 6 –2
    • 1 –4
    • Incap.


Barn is a handsome young man with short-cropped yet messy black hair and a persistent look of determination on his face. He usually wears his father's BRIGHT ORICHALCUM ARMOR everywhere, with the royal seal of his home kingdom embossed on the chest. This has caused on-going diplomatic problems between his homeland and the Realm, which keeps asking why his homeland commissioned armor for a BISHONEN. He wears peasant garb if forced out of armor, as he can't afford anything else and only barely affords that.


Barn is only Moe 2, so his Kensai status is his Fetish, though it's likely that Daddy's Armor and Daddy's Sword will be his next two. If he lives that long.


Barn is determined to become as great a hero as his father, having failed to realize he's actually 20 times better...when he uses his charms, anyway. He rushes boldly to confront evil without regard for his own safety and in general acts as if he needs to save Creation all by himself, relying on his friends to restrain him. Which they usually have to.

He is very naive and doesn't understand that his girlfriend, Deirdre, is actually an Alien Princess and not just from some country where everyone has funny ears. She works hard to keep him from realizing that, or he would start brooding over whether she was evil or not, which she's not interested in as part of their love story, even though she knows she should be.


Barn was the son of the great Mortal Hero, Gazebo. His father's legendary deeds inspired Barn to want to become a hero as well, as he grew up in the nation of Bucolic Backwater, in the little town of Innocent Farmers Village. There, he developed strong moral fiber and a complete lack of understanding of the universe, really.

This was due to his mother's manipulations. While his father had retired from heroing after his mother was murdered, actually, she faked her own death in order to return to her duties as a Helping Goddess. She is actually Second Class Goddess Karla Marx, who hopes to eventually elevate her son to become King of some chunk of the threshold in order to then use him as a pawn to explore her economic theories. She secretly swapped his father's gear with orichalcum copies, having successfully predicted the release of the Bishonen shards and that her son would become one if she only arranged things properly.

Thus it was that she faked his father's death (he actually has been carried away to her Celestial Harem. She does have a fondness for the man), then staged a monster attack on Barn's home village to force him to abandon his old farm and begin the life of a hero. He was just looking for an excuse, anyway.

Barn has three allies--his alien lover, Deirdre, who resembles a classical elf-maid, warrior and sorceress in one, his best friend Eton, a renegade monk of the Kawaii Order who is now a Stalwart, and Dim, one of the Mountain Folk, cast out of the Kingdom Under the Mountain for having an unclear Caste Identity (one of the greatest sins of Mountain Folk society). (Dim has several allies from his old adventures, but they have yet to build close ties to Barn). He is currently travelling with them, looking for trouble while Dim and Deirdre bicker as if THEY were lovers. But they're not. We hope.

Storyteller's Notes:

Barn's Mother Karla is part of the Open GoldSource movement, seeking to create a new OS with a different economic system--less competitive and more communitarian. She hopes to manipulate Barn into becoming a major king so as to test it out on his kingdom. She loves to use Disguises in order to manipulate people, and has several times posed as a villain for them to test their skills on.

Barn is your archetypical 'brash young hero from rural backwater who rises to greatness'. We all know one, really. Barn has no tactical sense, and relies on Dim to make the big tactical decisions while he wades in like a maniac.