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The Kanto Prefecture and Port Edo

  • Location: Scavenger Lands, north of Cut'n'Shoot, east of the River of Tears, west of the Inland Sea
  • Population
    • Urban:
      • North Port: 250,000
      • Port Edo: 350,000
      • Port Yanaze: 400,000
    • Surrounding Area: 20 million
  • Ruler:
    • Nominal: Prefect Kansai Rinko
    • Actual: Regent Taiichi Meiko, Daimyo of Port Edo and Magical Girl (Sailor Warrior)
  • Status: Independent Prefecture and Member of the Ineffective Commonwealth of Independent States

The Kanto Prefecture has survived relatively intact from the days of the Chaos Plague. Prefect Kansai Mariko, a Magical Girl, managed to assemble a militia of surviving warriors which drove off any surviving monsters and restored something vaguely resembling order. A series of competent Prefects fended off a series of invasions and united with other local states to hold off the Realm.

However, in the fourth century, a series of child-heirs held the throne, and the office of Regent became the real power in the state. The Prefects have become ceremonial rulers who putter about tending to the needs of the major goddesses of the land, while the Regents rule. Ever since, a series of internal civil wars have passed the Regency around between the major Houses of the land, led by the Daimyos of the Districts which make up the Prefecture.

However, there are rumors the current Prefect seeks to change this system, and it's anyone's guess if she will succeed or not, though she's already survived five assassination attempts by mercenary ninja, including deadly bubblegum and being locked in a room full of poisonous sock fumes.

The continued independence of Cut'n'Shoot has led to repeated clashes between the Kanto Prefecture and Cut'n'Shoot, as various Regents have tried to assert their authority over the Legion, which points out that the old procedures have not been followed--the Shogun has not approved any Prefect since the Chaos Plague, after all...

The peoples of Kanto are noted for their massive rice and wheat production, for their construction of houses made out of paper in large part, and for their skills at poetry and music. Port Yanaze is a massive den of vice for those who favor such things. It includes a large number of floating brothels--inter-linked ship-borne brothels known as 'the Floating World'. Many are quietly owned by the Houri Gang, who are known to have their eyes on the whole city...