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The Kukla, Fran, and Ollie

There are few things more feared by everyone in Creation, whether they be mortal, Magical Girl, or even demons, than The Kukla, The Fran, and The Ollie, usually referred to collectively as The Kukla, Fran, and Ollie.

The Kukla and the Ollie are giant living war machines produced to fight against the You'll See, while The Fran is their keeper, an unhappy Helping Goddess who has spent thousands of years slowly going completely insane trying to rein these idiots and their minions in.

The Kukla resembles a clown doll the size of a war strider. The Ollie appears as a dragon attuned to whatever element it is operating in, but always has a goofy grin and a single giant fang. The Fran looks like an utterly frazzled woman of medium height and build with brown hair of varying length, always a mess as she tries to ride herd on these idiots. Both have vast, poorly defined powers to wreck havoc, theoretically in the service of comedy. They believe it their job to find small children and entertain them. Their efforts at entertainment, however, tend to level everything in sight...imagine slapstick as performed by 50' tall beings who use the local community as props. Especially if they summon various of their minions to 'help them'--a giant crab named 'Miss Crabby' (and boy is she), Punch, Judy, etc, etc.

The Fran manages to keep them both asleep most of the time through her charms and sometimes by letting them rampage until they run out of motes of Moe. Unfortunately, they recharge while they sleep.

Heaven sometimes deliberately unleashes them on its foes, but this is dangerous as the collateral damage is unpredictable and immense.

Gothic Lolitas have recently found to their horror that the Fran and the Ollie often percieve them as children and especially want to 'entertain them'. Such as trying to do the Hokey-Pokey with them...