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On 17 Aug 01, at 14:28, Matt Johnson wrote:

Well, true enough. Spirit just doesn't evoke the same sense of horror that demon does, for me. So someone yelling out "SPIRIT!" is more likely to draw a curious stare, where if someone yelled out "DEMON!" I'd probably start running right away :)

In the setting, they wouldn't shout "SPIRIT!", they'd shout "GOD!", and I personally would start to sorta mosey away from whatever the situation was.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski Exalted Developer, WWGS raindog@white-wolf.com

On 20 Aug 01, at 9:34, Matt Johnson wrote:

Hmm. Honestly hadn't considered that... From the stand point of the designer, would a shout of "GOD!" have people assuming that said god was nasty, or would people wait and see how said god was acting before deciding? I'm curious what you think the standard reaction in the Threshold would be to such things.

They'd probably get ready to make obesiences and start gathering a sacrifice and figuring out how to feed the god the slut who's gonna get the husband they want their flaxen-haired angel of a daughter to marry. They'll also possibly send someone off to get the militia together if they've had good luck driving off gods before and the god looks weak, and /definitely/ send a runner to the temple or house or glen of whatever the local theological big cheese is. Even in places where the gods don't rule men directly, there's typically a sort of protection racket going, where the biggest local god or junta of local gods gets the prayers and the sacrifices, and in return makes sure no hostile, interloping gods move into the region. This is sometimes replaced by a hero, Fair Folk, sept of beast men or whatever, but it's the same general principle.

there was an NPC that was gettign his first breath while we were there and the Gm was sayign he was running around shouting that he was a demon... so, you know, perhaps I have abit of a coloration to how I see things :)

I'm sure you could feel yourself to be one, especially if you thought you were a devout Immaculate. People seeing it from the outside, though, are going to assume you're a god-blooded or Little God of some sort.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski Exalted Developer, WWGS raindog@white-wolf.com