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Revision as of 21:23, 8 April 2005

Name:    Deristarius (♂)
Caste:   Twilight
Nature:  Thrillseeker
Anima:   Laughing Monkey™
Concept: Battle Mage
XP Left/Total: 9/12


Strength  ☻☻☻oo   Charisma     ☻☻ooo   Perception   ☻☻☻oo
Dexterity ☻☻☻☻o   Manipulation ☻☻☻☻o   Intelligence ☻☻☻oo
Stamina   ☻☻☻☻o   Appearance   ☻oooo   Wits         ☻☻☻oo


Dodge:         ☻☻☻oo
Endurance:     ☻☻☻oo
Investigation: ☻☻ooo
Lore:          ☻☻ooo
Medicine:      ☻☻☻oo
Melee:         ☻☻☻☻☻
Occult:        ☻☻☻☻☻
Resistance:    ☻☻☻oo
Stealth:       ☻☻☻oo


Artifacts ☻☻☻☻o
Manse     ☻☻☻☻o
Resources ☻oooo (...but this has been used up.)


Compassion ☻oooo    Conviction ☻☻☻oo
Temperance ☻☻☻oo    Valor      ☻☻ooo

Virtue Flaw

Willpower:    ☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻oo
Essence:      ☻☻☻oo
Essence pool: 17 Personal / 39 Peripheral


□    -0
□□□  -1
□□□□ -2
□    -4
□    Incap


Ox Body Technique
Body Mending Meditation
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defence
Excellent Strike
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Emerald Countermagic
Demon of the First Circle
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze


Silver Eyes Stance
Dipping Swallow Defence + Excellent Strike


Sapphire Sorcery Capturing Cord (Celestial level)
No spells captured.
Gem of Adamant Skin (Hearthstone)
(All L damage is converted to B damage.)
Chopping Sword
(Spd: +0, Acc: +1, Dmg: +4L, Def: +0)
Lamellar Armor
(Def: +8B/+6L, Mobility: -2, Fatigue: -1)


Base init: 7
Soak:      12B/8L/6A
Dodge:     5
Chopping Sword - Spd: 7, Acc: 10, Dmg: 7L, Def: 9

Deris is ugly, to say the least ... and that overshadows any other first impression. He wears a long grey cloak, with his choice in shirt varying from white to grey to green to brown. He has bright green eyes, and is 5'1" tall.

Deris grew up in the Scavenger Lands, in a small village called Carlinfarme. His parents were good to him, and his mother (a hedge witch) showed him how to handle herbs at an early age.

When he was seven, his mother sent him to serve the Council of Entities in Nexus. It was a long way to travel, but once there he received the best training ... indirectly his patron was Ephiselle.

At the age of 20 he was returning home for a visit, when he saw smoke rising from the direction of the farm. Rushing in, he found the building aflame with mystical fire. Almost as a reflex, his hand stretched out and emerald energy moved to erase all trace of the fire.

Too worried about his family to consider what had just happened, he removed them from the smoke - only to notice a large elemental moving from the farm toward the village. His family safe, he went to intercept the creature, once more extinguishing a mystical flame it called forth.

As the creature turned to face him, suddenly he realised that he was glowing with a golden light that was visible for miles - the creature bowed to him, apologised and fled, leaving the hero of the village to be feasted that night.

A few years later, the new Solar went scavenging in the forests of the Haltans. The scavenger lord he had hired on with fled with the hired hands when they encountered one of the fae, but the Twilight saw a tomb sparkling in the distance. Through the edge of a wyld zone, he travelled to the tomb and was granted entry by the stone lion guarding it.

Inside he found a tomb, and opening it the most beautiful and powerful item he had ever seen - a Sapphire sorcery capturing cord. Next to the tomb, he found an adamant gem inset into the wall.

Leaving the tomb, he was challenged by the fae to "give him what was his" - but as the lions guarding the tomb came to life once more, the fae fled, promising revenge.

Deristarius, that is beautiful! I'm impressed! You definitely deserve +1 XP! ^_^ - BrokenShade