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Latest revision as of 10:24, 27 November 2003

>>>Well it looks like is that, nope, it's just this one lame Yu-Shan functionary that takes care of Exalting everyone. So all that stuff about the US giving out speeches and Luna showing up personally is out the window, having joined the crew of the USS Retcon where they have become lost is deep space. Or the Games of Divinity go out the window, and all the other following ideas about the breakdown of the Celestial beaucracy.<<<

How could I have mistaken anyone for you, GUTB?

As we already know, powerful gods can traverse the face of Creation near-instantly to attend events they perceive merit their attention.

In any case, it's also long-established that the Dragons don't chose Terrestrial Exalted, it's a function of their heredity. The higher soul comes in from some handling facility in heaven where they're sorted and reassigned to new lives. It is demonstrably possible to mark a higher soul for incarnation in a body that will be Terrestrially Exalted. The assertion that reincarnation body choice has something to do with adherence to the Immaculate Philosophy is an assertion of the Philosophy. Maybe the Dragons do intervene? Who knows?

Taru-Han just has to pick where in the magic window from 5-20 it appears. Note the implicit compulsion here. Gods are shaped by the thing they represent, and you will observe he is incorruptible. You will also note, should you choose to pick up the cauldron of tripe you seem to think we all brewed up while high on crack one night, that there is an astrological construct that specifically highlights the primary characteristics of Exaltedness. One of them is invulnerability to diminishment. The dude pets and prunes and defends his wonderful beautiful Essences. He can just as easily be seen as a total Renfield eaten out by the power of the Exaltations.

>>>And, c'mon lets get real here: We all know, from the first book, that none of the creators had even a marginal idea about this stuff, and basically made it up on the fly as they were doing Sidereals. I wonder if a lone voice was heard somewhere in White Wolf saying: "Whoa! Really, really bad idea". <<<

No, actually. The nature of Exaltedness and the underpinnings of the cosmology were some of the very first things I had in mind when I started writing.

The Celestial history that appeared in the introduction to Games of Divinity is actually one of the first documents I wrote as a developer. As any of the authors can tell you, I pretty much have invulnerable preconceptions about Exaltedness and the cosmology. While I certainly didn't know what every Charm would do, my average outline for a hardback runs about 15,000 words. Authors make shit up all the time and add tremendously to the canon and the game, but I'm paid to have a vision and a direction larger than any one title, and I have one, and I enforce it.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Exalted Developer, WWGS\\ raindog@white-wolf.com