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Born 8 decades ago (Exalted at 27 years old and appears about that age), Tepet Li Tuau had spent his mortal life trying to perfect new versions of medicines and medical practices after a disease ripped through his town at age 15, killing 2 of his brothers, 3 of his sisters, and his father and two aunts. Losing most of his mortal family also made him lose his mother and younger sister, the two of them sunk into a deep depression after losing most of the family, and they never recovered from the tragedy, dying themselves a few years later from grief.

At age 26, his only remaining sister, and the last member of his family left alive, had been murdered by her husband of two years. Since he was of an affluent family a few towns away, Li Tuau heard of the death a year later, and had spent time tracking down the culprit and the method of murder - a simple poison that he uses in his practice in small doses. Found the husband that betrayed his sister's personal manner, and stole into it to gain the evidence he needed.

After ascertaining that the husband had indeed killed his sister, he supplied the murderer with even more poisons - and then called the Guard whom caught the minor nobleman with contraband and murder weapons, and tried him. Li Tuau spoke on behalf of his family, demanding justice for them. It was his hand that was allowed to remove the head of the guilty. And Li Tuau enjoyed it.

So much so, that he seems to have Exalted from it. A sense of pure joy and euphoria washed over his soul simultaneously as the blood of the guilty washed over his body, and his mind was soon elsewhere. He saw spirits he only heard about before, the sky had appeared as red as blood, and even the stars seemed to talk to him. Followed the path of his star for his Caste, staring at it with eyes unblinking until he wound up in Yu-Shan. To be precise, the Bureau of Disease Research and Eradication, where he apprenticed as a Chosen of Endings - a doctor that brought the end of disease and the diseased, who had the goal to remove causes of pain no matter the form, be it disease, injury, or people themself.

After four decades in Yu-Shan establishing himself, went back to the Realm, to a city on the coast that had been the hub of civilization for a highly diseased land. An epidemic fell upon the area the past winter, and he was sent to cure or contain it. Had been making progress, and nearly found a cure when his Nemesis attacked the land. Afraid the epidemic would spread, the Nemesis and their army rampaged throughout the land, slaying all the villages that had even a single diseased civilian, and burning them to the ground. Li Tuau had lost mortals important to him once more - people in the villages had been his friends and companions. He knew their names and they shared with the good doctor their secrets and their lives willingly. But the worst of all was the death of a woman he fell in love with and her four day old son. His son.

Li Tuau now stalks the lands for the Nemesis. Li Tuau - he rarely uses the Tepet moniker himself, transverses both the Realm and Yu-Shan to bring down and end the lifespan of a cancer in mortal flesh he calles the Nemesis. Sees little difference between a disease born by a virus or bacteria and one by the simple, evil acts of mankind. Both are cancers to be destroyed in his eyes, and both slayers of the innocent are brought down by his hands.

"Death is but death, why do you fear it?"


Name: Tepet Li Tuau

Allegiance: Bronze Faction

Caste: Endings

Concept: Doctor as Assassin

Nature: Conniver




Charisma 1

Manip 4

App 2

Perception 3

Intelligence 3

Wits 5

Melee 3

Presence 4 (fav)

-Cast Abils-

Athletics 2

Awareness 2

Bureaucracy 2

Martial Arts 4

Medicine 3

- Larceny 4 (fav)

Lore 3

Occult 2

Stealth 3

Craft (Fate) 3 (fav)

Dodge 4 (fav)

Linguistics 1 - Old Realm

Socialize 1

Willpower 5 Essence 3

Compassion 3

Temperance 2

Conviction 2

Valor 2

Essence: 11 Personal, 28 out of 32 Peripheral (4 commit)


Acquaintances 2

Allies 1

Artifact 2

Backing 2

Connections 2

Manse 2

Salary 2

Sifu 2

Hearthsones: pair of level 1 - Stone of Healing (+3 Medicine), Stone of the Stars (+3 Craft: Fate)

Ally: Minor Spirit of Medicine, Sifu: Sidereal MA is Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style 1

Acquaintances: Locals and Yu-Shan minor spirits

Contacts: Mayor of Local Town, local Dynasty guard, minor spirits in Yu-Shan



Avoidance Kata

Dream Confiscation Approach

Duck Fate

Force Decision

Impose Nature

Name Pilfering Practices

Peaceful Conclusion

Smooth Transition

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Joy in Adversity Stance

Secrets of Future Strife

Combo: "Peaceful Warrior Ducks From Battle" - Absense+Joy in Adversity Stance

(note: Was trying to get Force Decision+Peaceful Conclusion as combo, but two simples don't work, boo. Woulda been great, shake someone's hand with the quote, "Don't you want to die now?")

Colleges: Corpse 3, Crow 2, Sword 2

Initiative 9

Soak: 2L 4B 0A

Artifacts: Starmetal Hearthstone Bracelets - +3 Dodge, +1 weapon attack, defense and initiative (4 Commit)

Weapon: Hook Sword. Martial Arts, +9 Speed, +7 ACC, +4L, +11 DEF (after apparently bonuses? It's how Ed's Exalted displays it)