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Goggles of Mile Sight

Goggles of Mile Sight: White Jade Accessory

Artifact ••
Commitment: 3 motes (Jade)
Reqs: Awareness 3

The Goggles of Mile Sight are an unusual device, consisting of a set of jade mounted eye glasses set in a headband which can easily be raised to sit against the forehead when not in use, they offer great enhancements to sight when used. The goggles function through use of many lenses inside the raised glasses, which through use of focusing essence, can be made to zoom a users sight in and out, up to a range of a mile (hence the name).
The goggles require an awareness of 3 to use properly, as they are very disorienting for a user without firm control over their sight, zooming in and out unnecessarily and inducing sensory dizziness. For a user with firm control of their senses however, they can greatly aid long range scouting, or magnification of close objects.
When in use, the wearer can generally see normal detail at a range of up to a mile, allowing them to make normal awareness + perception rolls to spot things at these ranges.
The downside? The goggles have only a small window of sight and require concentration, meaning the wearer can only focus on small areas, and while the wearer is concentrating on something else using these goggles, they suffer –3 penalties to their awareness rolls to anything happening close by (ie, if someone creeps up on them), and they cannot see anything else outside the goggles viewpoint at all (the window covers an area around 10 yards diameter at whatever range it is being viewed at.)
