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Posts on the One Thread I want to keep

High on the desert winds, faint traces of black ash flow and ebb, unnoticed. Then, as night falls, slowly but surely they waft to the ground.

It is almost midnight when the last of the ash joins with the desert. Now cold winds blow, and it seems to take an eternity for the ash to gather itself together, but at last it flows into the form of a man.

Minutes later, Rift Dancer takes his first breath of cold desert air. With the wave of his hand, clothes of white and gold velvet appear on his body and cover the sparkling azure gem on his chest.

Looking up at the stars he smiles, a smile of hatred and joy. It is done. Now. Now, when the stars have changed and all who knew him are dead, and even his reflection is no longer mirrored in the skies above ... now he will have his revenge.

Once again, twilight fell in the desert. It was the time Rift Dancer felt most at home, the time when the Unconquered Sun revealed his most vibrant colours. It was also the time Rift Dancer preferred for crafting his greatest sorceries.

As he began to chant, Rift Dancer felt peace for the first time since his reawakening. Words came slowly to a tongue that had not spoken in aeons, but piece by piece and note by note the mystical constuct gatherd force. Melodies arced through the hot desert air, as brilliant crimson light surrounded Rift Dancer. And at last, he began to dance, as cracks and groans reached outwards in a growing crechendo.

Rift Dancer stilled himself and relaxed. It was here, the sport was about to begin.

"WHO DARES SUMMON ME!" bellowed a voice. Behind and to the right. Yes, perfect. Rift Dancer smiled, a smile that was everything to do with power and nothing to do with sanity. High in the desert sky a green sun shone momentarily, then winked out. "Why Ligier ... do you not remember me? A benighted creature like you _cannot_ forget. Serve me now as you promised when I first bound you, by Wrath and by the Sphere. Build me a palace that will never be forgotten, where my sanctuary may be erected and where none shall assail me."

Rift Dancer smiled once more, and waited. Would the demon rise to the bait? There should have been wards to hold a demon such as this, wards Rift Dancer had neither the time nore inclination to set up. Besides, it was more fun this way ... and ...

"IT SHALL BE DONE." echoed across the desert.

Rift Dancer sighed. Instinctively, he bent down to pat a fleeing Sand Spirit on the head, hardly noticing the squawk of surprise and indignation. Apparently the war would not start today. It was time to look Elsewhere.

Rift Dancer reclined on the cushioned divan, bored. Surely creation could not have fallen so far in his absence that he would be left alone, even out here in the desert. After all, someone must have noticed the crafting of his Citadel and the essence flare as his Solar Sanctuary was rebuilt. He sighed again. Could it truly be the case that no-one had noticed a geomantic construction that rearranged the essence flows for hundreds of miles around? Surely there would be more to his new existence than merely sitting alone in his vast new manse, twiddling his thumbs.

But it was past time to look Elsewhere. Opening his inner eye, he focused on what was not ... and found Wrath buried there. His heart warmed as he felt the old itch in his palm. How he longed to hold that blade in his bare hands, and harvest the blood of those who defied him. There were always fools who did. Surely he would soon use the blade as it longed to be used, but wait ... what were those? Shadows of what might have been, mingled with shadows of what was not and yet was! What dared to occupy the space he had designed for Wrath alone? With interest piqued and anger lighting his face, Rift Dancer was momentarily lost in distraction.

Suddenly his seventh sense flared up. After lying dormant for so long, Rift Dancer was slightly slower to react than he would have been an aeon before - yet in this case it did not matter. Faster than thought, reflexes that could overtake lightning brought Wrath into his hand trailing shards of Elsewhere. Up and around, his hands moved in a perfect block and counterthrust. Insane anger suffused his brow as the blow aimed at his spine was effortlessly diverted, and a black shadow dissipated harmlessly with its head severed from its shadowed body.

Ahhhhh, the pure sensation! Exultation and rapture filled his body as blood sang in his veins and filled his ears, and the All-Encompassing Avoidance Prana caused energy to flow unobstructed through his body once more. But he was not alone. Visitors at last! Not necessarily friendly ones, but after so much time, that mattered not in the least.

Surveying the creatures in front of him, a slight frown momentarily graced Rift Dacers brow. It was only there for a fraction of an instant, but it did not go unnoticed. The foremost of the five creatures in front of him smiled and stepped forward, hands open. "Greetings from our lord, the First and Forsaken Lion."

What were these beings? They reeked of death, but were NOT dead. The underworld must have progressed greatly in his absence to have developed creatures like these. And here they were, in his Sanctuary, showing far too much confidence for his liking. It would be best to observe these creatures and find out more.

"And greetings to you, creatures of the underworld. Welcome to my not quite humble home. To what do I owe the honour of your presence? Or absence?" Rift dancer let his eyes indicate the spot where the sixth of their number had so recently stood shadowed.

Now it was the newcomers' turn to be uncertain. Perhaps they had not expected civility, nor the air of confidence which oozed from the Sorceror. Nevertheless, the Charm laden in Rift Dancer's words bore swift fruit. "I am Terror Twice Savoured. I am an Abyssal Exalted, created by the Deathlords from twisted Solar shards stolen from the Jade Prison, servant of the Neverborn who lie dead in the underworld and seek to bring all to the void. We are here to assess the threat you pose and if necessary remove you from this place and raze it to the earth."

As one of Terror's companions broke from his shock and slapped him through the face, Rift Dancer laughed out loud. This time there was only a hint of madness in his laughter, but an air of expectation filled the chamber. With sarcasm and irony premeating his words, he replied: "Thank you for your candor. I do appreciate knowing the true intentions of intruders. For the information, you may leave unscathed. All except you, Terror. I'm sure you would rather stay anyway, wouldn't you? We shall become great friends."

Terror nodded. As he did so, the muscles on his neck stood out as though he were fighting to keep words inside. But come out they did, while terror grew in his eyes. "We shall. And I shall serve you always my lord."

"Perhaps not ..." was Rift Dancer's reply, as four creatures of the night stabbed their companion simultaneously in the back and faded swiftly into the shadows. They left in all haste, the sound of laughter ringing in their ears. Never after could they forget the sight of Terror Twice Savoured's head rolling across the floor trailing blood, his eyes filled with fear.

Rift Dancer surveyed the desert, his cool burgundy robes rippling softly in the still desert air.

Silence was perfect for what he had in mind, and the desert was a place of silence like none other. Raising his arms, he extended his quieted thoughts outward: "Come to me. Come to me my children. Come now and meet your new master!" Thoughts pierced air, then sand, and finally reached deep into the bedrock below the palace of cool black brass. Slowly, the desert began to answer.

Where there had been stillness and silence, now movement raced across the desert sands. The small creatures of the desert were gathering. On the edges of the multitude, larger predators edged back with a feeling of unease then fled with tails between their legs.

In moments, a carpet of life covered the sands as far as the mortal eye could see. Rift Dancer nodded his head, and once more his thoughts went out to the small desert dwellers.

"You are mine now, to do with as I please. But fear not. The desert shall bloom as the rose, and in this pleasant garden you will find peace and prosperity. You shall be my people, and I will be your god. Go forth and tend this garden that I provide for you. Report any intruders, and take care of those who are not welcome, for ye shall know them."

In excited expectation, small heads began to weave and sway. What might this wondrous thing called a "garden" be? Where was it? And since when did they know to ask such questions? What was happening here?

A vortex of golden energy sprang forth from Rift Dancer's fingers and spread in all five directions. Rainbows split the skies, and as each rainbow faded more and more water began to fall from cloudless skies. As the water met the parched earth, a change began ... small oases formed at irregular intervals, and plants began to grow at an accelerated rate. Deep in the desert, a garden more beautiful than any on the Blessed Isle bloomed, and flowers and trees waved in fresh cool breezes.

Looking around them, marvelling at this bright new world, the desert dwellers began to chatter amongst themselves. None found it strange that they now stood on their two hind legs, or that their skins' hue shifted to match the verdant garden's kaledioscopic palette. None found their bright new world strange in the least, for it was glorious and good in their sight. Swiftly they went about building dwelling places and shelters of abundant bright golden leaves.

Rift Dancer surveyed his works and smiled. Yes. It had indeed begun.