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Hmm! Where do I start... ok! I was born in the Hundred Kingdoms... I couldn't tell you in which, it disappeared not long thereafter. Mom and dad were farmers, and I have 3 older siblings... two brothers and a sister, and 2 younger ones, boy and girl. My family didn't really care about the politics in the kingdoms and stuff... our land wasn't too big, so all my parents wanted to know was who was supposed to be taxing them that day.

Life there was uneventful, and kinda boring... but it made me strong! Me and my brothers had to learn to plow with our bodies and hands when our ox got sick and until we could get a new one, but it was fine! Since our farm was small, we usually took turns and then did jobs elsewhere to pay for ourselves.

Me? I mostly worked as an errant boy. I ran from farm to farm and then from village to village and town to town and delivered packaged and letters. I didn't have a horse so I had to run all the way, so people gave me the nickname of Lucky Foot. I liked it, so I kept it!

I left the farm behind when I was 14 or so, I wanted to go to the big cities and see stuff. Mom and dad and my brothers and sisters threw a goodbye party for me, and some of our neighbors went and they brought food too! It was great! In the end, mom and dad gave me this amulet here to remember them. It's not much, but it's my treasure.


Anyway! I began traveling through the east, sometimes with caravans and stuff. I traveled with the Guild for some time, and worked as a courier. It was fun since they went to lot of places, but they did some stuff I didn't like so I left. I traveled to Sijan which is nice but kinda creepy, and to Nexus and to Lookshy! I found jobs everywhere as a messenger... I still don't have a horse, but I long since stopped needing one!

But, anyway, one day, some guy from Lookshy asked me to deliver this package to Great Forks. The pay was good, so I accepted. It was the longest delivery I'd have ever done, but I was looking forward to seeing Great Forks! So I bought food and took off real quick like.

Ok, so, I had this package, right? It was kinda big but still pretty light, so I carried it in my back as I ran. I guess what was inside must have been real valuable though, because these bandits jumped at me in the road after I crossed Nexus! I wasn't much of a fighter though, so they kinda knocked me down and took the package and took off with it in their horses.

Now, I was miffed! I was supposed to deliver that! So I took off after them! And what's more, I caught up to them!

They looked pretty freaked out, and I guess they should have, I mean, what kind of human races after a horse and reaches it? And they sped up, but I was miffed so I didn't let up and kept right at it with them! Ok, but horses are still horses and men are men, right? I knew they'd lose me eventually, so in a moment when they ran near a forest I dashed into it. Now, that was kinda dumb, you may think, but I just -knew- that this would be to my advantage... and by the gods, I was right!

The bandits noticed they had lost me, and took a moment to stop and let the horses rest... but, see, I wasn't tired at all! So when I suddenly dashed out of the trees screaming the bandits screamed too and couldn't recover and WHAM! I kicked the one with the package right on the head! He fell down, and the other bandits ran away yelling things about monsters and anathema, but I didn't see any around.

So I took the package back and continued on my way to Great Forks and nobody bothered me then. I only noticed I was kinda sorta glowing when it grew dark, but I didn't pay much attention to that. I reached the city soon enough... I guess I ran pretty fast, and went to the house I was told to and in there was a young man that told me the package wasn't important, but that now I was chosen by the maiden of journeys. Isn't that cool? I always wanted to travel!

The end!


Oh man oh man oh man! Have you -seen- this city? It makes Nexus and Lookshy look as humble as my mom and dad's farm is to them! It’s amazing and it's cool and it’s -so big- and I'm just happy to be here. I still work as a messenger sometimes! Some gods are pretty stingy though.

Also, master Taikun teaches me a lot of stuff here. I don't get it sometimes, but I try my best to do the stuff he tells me to! I guess it's good to learn Old Realm, so I can speak better to the gods here and stuff, but it's so -boring-!


Lucky Foot is young, healthy, energetic, cheerful, and... stupid. A country bumpkin in all the sense of the word, he hasn't quite grasped that fate has something larger in store for him. Still, he's eternally cheerful in a way that tends to be infectious.

He follows orders to the letter, or at least to the best of his capabilities. His pride consists in being able to do -anything- he sets his mind to, even if he's notably better at physical stuff.

Lucky also remembers his family fondly and writes to them sometime and sends some money. He understands they won't live as long as he will, but he's set in making their lives as good as possible. His sifu doesn't entirely disapprove of this (and he truly fears what Lucky Foot might do should his family be put out of the way), but has warned Lucky Foot to -never- reveal what he is now. He has agreed to this terms, and so writes to his family about the cities he visits when he goes down to Creation again.


Boyish, barely 18 years old, and apparently nothing more than a young and fast kid, few people suspect that Lucky Foot is built like a warstrider. His stamina doesn't seem to end, he's in top physical shape, and he's strong like an ox. If appearances have ever been deceiving, this is a good example how.

He's not much to look at. Brown hair that has grown fairly long and is held in a very messy ponytail, and yellow eyes filled with stars (they used to be green). His clothes are often dirt-stained and worn, although he does his best to put on a better appearance when his master asks him to. He also wears a simple necklace with a large leather decoration on it, filled with symbols supposed to ward against evil spirits and such. It doesn't work, and it's not much to look at, but Stallion will get very very violent should anybody try to take it away.

Character Sheet

Name: Lucky Foot, Lucky, That Damned Country Bumpkin
Concept: FAST kid
Nature: Follower
Caste: Chosen of Journeys
Allegiance: None yet.

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 4

Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 3

Perception: 4
Intelligence: 1
Wits: 2

(x)Endurance: 5
(x)Ride: 3
(x)Sail: 1
(x)Survival: 2

(x)Dodge: 4
Linguistics: 2
Socialize: 1

Melee: 1
(x)Resistance: 4

Lore: 3
Occult: 2
Stealth: 1

(x)Athletics: 5
(x)Awareness: 3
Bureaucracy: 2
Martial Arts: 2

Endurance - running a LOT: 2

Acquaintances: 2
Allies: 1
Artifact: 3
Celestial Manse: 3
Salary: 3
Sifu: 3

The Mast: 1
The Messenger: 2
The Ship's Wheel: 2
The Rising Smoke: 2


Name | Cost (Type)
1. Ox Body Technique | - (Endurance)
2. Unswerving Juggernaut Principle | 5 motes (Endurance)
3. Becoming the Wilderness | 1 motes per target number reduction (Survival)
4. Absence | 1 mote per target number reduction (Dodge)
5. Water and Fire Legion | 5 motes, 1 WP, 1 health level (Resistance)
6. Systematic Understanding of Everything | 1 motes (Lore)
7. Burn Life | 3 motes per dot (Athletics)
8. Forgotten Earth | 1 mote (Athletics)
9. Inexorable Advance | 1 mote (Athletics)
10. Hungry Touch | 1 mote per target number reduction or damage point (Athletics)
11. Prior Warning | 6 motes (Awareness)
12. Crimson Leaping Cat Technique | 3 motes (Tiger-Style MA, Dawn book)

Willpower: 6

Compassion: 2
Temperance: 1
Conviction: 3
Valor: 3

Anima Powers: Lesser Sign of Mercury, 10 motes. For the rest of the scene, the character and all his allies within (Essence x 10) yards triple their running speeds.

Essence: 2
Personal: 10/10
Peripheral: 27/27

Health: -0x2, -1x2, -2x2, -4, I

Soak (B/L): 8/8

Paradox: 0/10

Linguistics: Riverspeak, Old Realm (fairly badly), Low Realm

Expanded Artifacts

Acquaintances: 2

Lucky Foot -still- works as a messenger in Creation, and under his resplendence destinies has made a few acquaintances between the people in the threshold... mostly in Nexus and Lookshy. Some older sidereals have tried to suggest to the young man of the power he could hold if he manipulated the important packages and those that were to receive them. Unfortunately, Lucky Foot is as honest as he's simple.

Allies: 1

Hand In Roots is a small god of farming that lost his territory when Thorns was invaded. Technically, he's Lucky Foot's servant, but in truth he appreciates the simple nature of the young man and the two get along. He takes care of Lucky Foot's manse, especially of the plants in it. Lucky Foot for his part has given Hand In Roots a part of the manse to do with it as he wishes, and the small god promptly made a small garden out of it.

Artifact: 3

Thanks to his services and his hard work, Lucky Foot has gained a couple of artifacts.

The first is a Starmetal Breastplate. The incredibly light armor gives him no problem at the time of running around, so he likes it a -lot- (Soak 6/4, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0, Commitment 2, -1 to enemy when determining damage.)

The second is a set of jade hearthstone bracers, which is where he puts his hearthstone. (+2 init, Commitment 4(8))

Celestial Manse: 3

If anybody had told Lucky Foot that he'd be residing in a place like -this- a couple of years ago, he would have laughed. As a matter of fact, he's still not used to this place at all, and it kinda shows. The place is as large as 4 times his former house, and he has -no idea- what to do with this much space. So far, he's been collecting souvenirs from his travels and some gifts some gods give him for tasks he has done.

The stone of the Manse is a Gem of Elemental Travel, thus giving Lucky Foot the disturbing ability of running over -anything-. Which he does. Often.

Salary: 3

Lucky Foot works hard and works well. He now has more money than he knows what to do with. So far, the most he has done is hire a small god of farming that lost his job when Thorns got sacked, partly out of pity and because he's the son of a farmer himself. Said small god tends to his manse and arranges his things. Both get along surprisingly well, as they tend to have the same sense of aesthetic (that is to say, in the eyes of many other gods, none).

He sends a small amount of money back home from time to time.

Sifu: 3

Taikun took to teaching Lucky Foot not long after the young man Exalted. Giving all the appearance of a complete and utter slacker, Taikun in nonetheless a powerful Sidereal and a master martial artist. It is said that Taikun and Lucky Foot are perfect to each other... other masters might have been driven insane by the enthusiastic but hopelessly stupid kid. Taikun tends to teach Lucky Foot by challenging him at every opportunity, and the young man can't help but raise to the challenge. This is the way he has begun teaching him Martial Arts as well, but it's going kinda slow for now.

In regards to the Gold Faction vs. Bronze Faction conflict, Taikun is strictly neutral. He doesn't care about Solars as long as they use their power to help their people. On the other hand, he will participate in a Wyld Hunt if it involved hunting down a dangerous and possibly corrupt Solar. He holds no love for Lunars or Abyssals either.

Resplandecent Destinies

As Lucky Foot is still rather new at this, he has only begun doing resplandecent destinies. The Messenger is the one that interests him the most, but then there's the problem that he doesn't have a horse (despite that he can afford one now) and he's not exactly a good rider. Not that this has stopped him from trying.
