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The Wounded Abbess Whispering

Description: There once was a beautiful Solar of the Zenith caste, whose words could reach into the most hidden corners of a soul. This Solar could convince people about following her way with a few words and a smile. However, while she once seeked to guide people through the right path, she soon began using her gift to manipulate, enchant, and control. She could start wars and rebellions with a whisper, and make sure a man was dead by the time the sun next rose.

So caught up was she in her own manipulations, that she never saw the Usurpation coming. She attended the feast, clad in a beautiful gala, and it was there she died, wounded by fire, arrows, and blade. Her words could not help her amist the rage and fear, and thus she met her end, one of the first to fall.

When the Malfeans came with their deal, she wavered for a few moments, but finally accepted. Her body was reformed, but where she had once been perfectly beautiful, she was now wounded... wounds that would never heal.

The Wounded Abbess Whispering usually appears as a tall, regal woman, clad in white robes... which are invariably bloodstained. Blood pours eternally from various wounds... some visible, some not. She had found that drinking the blood of a dozen mortals stops the bleeding and closes the wounds for an hour, and so she's always very eager to capture and consume this precious blood. It's fully possible to see her in her healed, beautiful state often, and she rather enjoys showing off then, but the wounds always return.

The Abbess no longer knows pain, pleasure, or any other sensation. The world of touch is dead for her, and she can only gain back a little of it back when she's healed.

The Crimson Citadel

The Crimson Citadel stands in the northeast, only a couple of weeks from the Lover's own fortress. It is a large city, with obsidian and crimson walls. The ghosts that inhabit this place go about their duties in a monotonous fashion, willing to do anything for their mistress. Those visitors that stay behind may find themselves falling into these patterns as well, as the words of the Abbess whisper into their ears and steal all their free will.


The Abbess has no weapon to call her own... except her own blood. She can freely control the blood flowing in her and from her, transforming it into blades, arrows, maces... anything imaginable. In effect, wounding her only makes her more and more deadly, as there is really no limit to what she can do with her blood.

Her other weapons are her words. It's almost hypnotic, soft and beautiful. Men and women, dead or alive, find themselves swayed by her words easily, and many end up swearing eternal obedience, in life or in death. Exalted and Spirits ae quite a bit harder to charm, but she has done so... all of her Abyssals, at the very least, are loyal to her first, even beyond the Malfeans.

The Abbess' Goals

The Abbess' primary goal is to heal her wounds permanently. A vain creature in life, her appearance in death ashames her, although she won't admit this even to herself. Seeing how she's healed for a mere hour by consuming a dozen mortals, she believes she might be healed permanently with the appropiate sacrifice of a million mortals... Something, she hopes, will keep her body healed for at least a few years. Having heard about the Mask of Winter's successful attack on Thorns, she is wondering if it's time to strike as well... although she lacks something as mighty as the moving fortress Juggernaut.

The Abbess' Servants

The Abbess keeps a good number of Abyssals under her command, as well as several mortals, most of whom expect to be sacrificed to their master sooner or later, and would happily die for that.

Paladin of the Iron Hand: A young woman with stark white hair and blood red eyes, the Paladin is a Midnight and a mighty warrior. She leads most of the Abbess' undead forces in battles, and has a definite deadly presence around her. The most notable feature is that her right arm is completely missing... and it's been replaced with a soulsteel arm, which has surprising flexibility. The Abbess is quick to let the Paladin know that she's displeased with her by simply shooting pain down the otherwise unfeeling arm. However, she can easily carry her weapon, a Grand Daiklave, in her soulteel hand without much trouble at all, meaning that she needs not use both hands to weild the giant weapon.

The Crimson Garda Bird in Chains: Another young woman, with short, oddly fiery red hair and red eyes. She is a Dusk caste, and she's also crazy. Whatever evets brought her to the Abbess shattered her mind, and she's often alone, bound in chains until she's needed. Mostly, this is because The Garda Bird is an -incredibly- dangerous woman, whom the Abbess suspects has god-blood in her. When she is released upon the field of battle, she seeks only one thing: to see everything BURN. Not even her fellow Abyssals are safe whenever she is released, so they are quick to retreat away from the field of battle. Once released, she won't stop until everything around her is burned to the ground, she's knocked unconscious (or, of course, killed). or the Abbess herself calms her down and binds her again. The Garda Bird usually uses no weapons, but for all her madness she is rather skilled in Fire Dragon style. Whatever artifacts she's given are to ensure that she can set the battlefield ablaze.
