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This page is devoted to challenges that include a fight, in my own format.
This page is devoted to challenges that include a fight, in my own format.
To go back to my /IndividualChallenges page, you know what to do! ^_^
To go back to my [[/IndividualChallenges]] page, you know what to do! ^_^
<b>Antagonist</b> refers to the enemy you fight\\
<b>Antagonist</b> refers to the enemy you fight\\

Revision as of 09:02, 3 April 2010

This page is devoted to challenges that include a fight, in my own format.

To go back to my /IndividualChallenges page, you know what to do! ^_^

Antagonist refers to the enemy you fight\\ Props should be included when describing the scene, and are things the storyteller or players can use in the fight\\ Special Effects are for storyteller use at dramatic moments during the fight\\ Event In Fight is an event that happens during the fight, at an appropriate time, changing the fight dynamic\\ Emotional High is something the storyteller should harp on a bit in game, to let the PCs know they have done well\\ Alternate Victory offers a chance to end combat without killing

Fight Challenges

Rescue A Princess, from a Volcano

Antagonist        : Son of the volcano god
Info about foe    : Killing him causes the volcano to erupt
Fight Location    : In a shrine over a volcano, with a floor of magma
Props to use      : Pillars; small islands of stone in magma sea
Special Effects   : Bursts of Lava; If dies, Pillars collapsing, rocks falling, rope burning
Event In Fight    : The central pillar gets knocked down, and the shrine collapses
PC Goal for Fight : To rescue a princess dangling over the magma
Emotional High    : Rescue the princess!
Alternate Victory : He will release her if the PCs provide him with the Dream Pearl, emblem of the Winter

Save a village from a forest fire, in the middle of said forest (the Heart of Flame reignites any flame put out)

Antagonist        : Fire Elementals (firebirds, with great wingspans, ignite all they touch)
Info about foe    : They want to burn, so they protect the Heart of Flame. They only purposefully attack any
                      who get close to the Heart (though mere proximity to them can also cause damage)
Fight Location    : In the trees, over the Heart of Flame, as a forest fire blazes below
Props to use      : Trees, Tree branches, Heat Haze, Fire
Special Effects   : Leaping branch to branch, branches cracking, trees going up in a pyre of flame, fire
                      crackling and burning, heat scorching
Event In Fight    : A burning tree spirit arrives, to aid the PCs (regenerate fire damage)
PC Goal for Fight : Put out the Heart of Flame
Emotional High    : As the fire is put out the entire forest sighs in relief; the village is saved
Alternate Victory : Put out the Heart of Flame

A Circle of DBs Swear Fealty after a Challenge, in a Packed Bazaar

Antagonist        : A brotherhood of young DBs, one of each aspect
Info about foe    : They desire to test the worth of the Solars, and if worthy follow them (and say so)
Fight Location    : The middle of a packed bazaar
Props to use      : Moving ox-carts, stalls and contents, people
Special Effects   : Carts overturning, stalls exploding, cloth flying, fruit pulping
Event In Fight    : The city guard arrive and try to halt the fight (the DBs knock them aside)
PC Goal for Fight : Meet the challenge the DBs set, without killing them
Emotional High    : DBs swearing fealty, on the honour of the Immaculate Dragons
Alternate Victory : DBs surrender when seriously wounded.

Rescue the Herb Lady's Daughter, from the Tangled Forest

Antagonist        : A forest spirit (uses blowgun with sleep-poisoned thorn darts)
Info about foe    : She is lonely, hides well, but will not leave her heart trees
Fight Location    : In the deep forest, thick brambles
Props to use      : Brambles, trees, vines, roots
Special Effects   : Tree branches reach, small animals flee, plants take form, roots entrap
Event In Fight    : More tree spirits arrive, to observe ...
PC Goal for Fight : Capture the spirit, and get it to tell them where the girl is
Emotional High    : The brambles part, and the torn and bloody daughter stumbles free
Alternate Victory : Provide alternate company, or threaten the forest very convincingly (though PCs will
                      then not be welcome amonst trees in local forests)

Protect the Village Leader's Husband, in His Bedroom

Antagonist        : DB Air Aspect Assasain (stealth and disguise Charms etc)
Info about foe    : Consumate disguise artist, kills only evil people and has been convinced victim is
Fight Location    : Opulent Bedroom
Props to use      : Four poster bed, dressing table, large curtains, roof beams
Special Effects   : Mirror shattering, bed overturning, curtains billowing, beams collapsing
Event In Fight    : The DBs pet panther reveals itself, pouncing on the husband
PC Goal for Fight : Protect the husband, find who hired the assasain
Emotional High    : Saving the husband ... or not
Alternate Victory : Finding out about the assasain's background, who he will masquerade as etc.
                      - incapacitate him so he can give information

Rescue villagers terrorised by Demons, in a nearby village of wooden huts

Antagonist        : Blood Apes
Info about foe    : Summoned by mortal sorceror, who has lost much control of them. A Blood Ape death frees
                      the rest to kill (not just terrorise) ... he is cowering in a protective circle
Fight Location    : In village, amongst huts and cages
Props to use      : Huts, narrow streets, sharpened stakes in streets and around village, people in cages
Special Effects   : Apes beating chests, huts splintering, people screaming and running to and fro
Event In Fight    : A mortal manages to kill a Blood Ape, and the mortals take courage and attack!
PC Goal for Fight : Get rid of apes while protecting villagers
Emotional High    : Saving the villagers
Alternate Victory : Get the sorceror to end each spell, which requires him to leave the circle and face them

An group of Air DBs (local heroes, out to kill the evil Anathema) in the middle of a storm

Antagonist        : A group of Air Aspect DBs, called Riders on the Storm ... local heroes
Info about foe    : Riding summoned cloud elementals, Combos are all rain cloud lightning and sky related
Fight Location    : In the middle of a storm
Props to use      : Clouds, Mist, Rain, Thunder, Lightning
Special Effects   : Lightning lighting the scenery, thunder pealing, clouds rushing past, rain beating down
Event In Fight    : Spectators arrive, carrying makeshift weaponry
PC Goal for Fight : Convince the Riders that they are not evil and do not need to be destroyed
Emotional High    : A heroic team of DBs giving them Respect
Alternate Victory : Sparing the DBs lives ... the DBs will become respectful, and may later become allies

A reconnaisance unit for the Realm invasion force, on village walls (earthern rampart topped by palisade, towers)

Antagonist        : An elite unit of stealthy DBs, called the Fog of Steel
Info about foe    : Reconaissance unit (find out and get out), Combos and Stunts involve mist and steel
Fight Location    : On walls of village
Props to use      : earth rampart, wooden palisade on top, short wood towers, stakes outside village
Special Effects   : palisade splintering, alarm horns blown
Event In Fight    : a small mortal unit led by a brash DB arrive (against orders) to attack the village!
                      - or the village god appears and events turn in the PCs favour
PC Goal for Fight : Make the DBs think the village defences are better than they are
Emotional High    : DBs fleeing (in the mist, at speed)
Alternate Victory : Convincing the DBs that the village is too well protected

A Realm army has arrived for conquest, split into five groupings of 125 each (can't remember, is this a Scale?)

Antagonist        : Realm (and army commander, the Roseblack) and many DBs
Info about foe    : Very experienced, sends out (1) scouts, then (2) skirmishers, then waves.
Fight Location    : Around village walls
Props to use      : Siege towers, Turtle shaped covering, Battering Ram, Catapults, Town Ballistae and Walls
Special Effects   : Houses catching fire (flaming pitch), structures shattering
Event In Fight    : Envoys from a rival house arrive, with orders for immediate recall to the Imperial City
PC Goal for Fight : Defend the town, minimise casualties
Emotional High    : The rout when the enemy flees
Alternate Victory : Sleeping poison in enemy cookpot, evacuate the town
                      - pledge support, when she needs it in her attempt to become Empress

Falling from the skies, Hawkmen shouting at them to wake up and get onto the Rocs they are riding ...

Antagonist        : Hail Scatter, an ancestor worshipping hawkman leader
Info about foe    : He drugged the PCs to take to his Abyssal master (to be corrupted); hawkmen have nets
Fight Location    : Falling through the air, bound, with their equipment on the rocs
Props to use      : Clouds passing by, a flock of geese (scatter), falling equipment
Special Effects   : Icy wind, changing to warmth of air friction; great wings beating, air currents
Event In Fight    : Reaching the ground!
PC Goal for Fight : To figure out what is going on
Emotional High    : Surviving a mile high fall
Alternate Victory : Getting on the rocs and flying back home

On a cliff face, attacked by two Immaculates of Earth and Air (both have both, but with different focus)

Antagonist        : Two Immaculate DBs
Info about foe    : Desire to protect Immaculate Shrine inside the mountain from defilers, at any cost
Fight Location    : In a crack on a cliff face, climbing up to a cave entrance
Props to use      : Rock outcroppings, ledges, boulders at the cliff top
Special Effects   : Rocks falling, DB's cartwheeling, hair flying, winds, rock face shuddering, Martial Arts
Event In Fight    : Immaculates retreat to the cave, and try to collapse entrance
PC Goal for Fight : To get into the cave, retrieve the contents (a PC's tomb)
Emotional High    : Getting into the tomb and seeing carvings of the glory of the PC's past life
Alternate Victory : Throw DBs off cliff (if the PCs have checked, they know they can't die from this)

Retrieve an ancient artifact the group needs, from the lair of a Wood Spider

Antagonist        : Wood Spider
Info about foe    : Build Webs, keep possesions in sanctum, animates webs
Fight Location    : web filled forest, with rocky floor
Props to use      : webs, trees, fallen logs, pit traps, large rocks
Special Effects   : web nets dropping, prey struggling in web, goo spraying
Event In Fight    : Mortals stray into the scene, and get entangled (screams)
PC Goal for Fight : Get spider to show them its Sanctum
Emotional High    : The spider giving in 
Alternate Victory : Show their power, then bargain for the artifact

Loot the Tomb of an Ancient Solar

Antagonist        : Hungry Ghost of an Ancient Solar (sorceror)
Info about foe    : Mumified body, ghost wanting revenge for those who desecrated the tomb
Fight Location    : Ancient (trapped) Tomb ... with gold everywhere
Props to use      : Sarcophagi, pillars, burial shroud, veils everywhere, suits of superheavy plate armour
Special Effects   : Spikes shooting out of walls, pillars collapse, pits open
Event In Fight    : The building collapses (the ghost can attack through fallen walls etc ...)
                      Alternatively, other desecraters arrive and die (causing a distraction the PCs can use)
PC Goal for Fight : Put hungry ghost to rest
Emotional High    : Making it out alive, with booty!
Alternate Victory : Destroy the ghost's body - it banishes the ghost to the underworld. For now.