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The Sidereal Martial Art known as '''Crystalline Babbling of Tongues''' Style is one of the older styles available to the Sidereals to master. Those who know of the Border of Kaleidoscopic Logic Style sometimes refer to Tongues as its "little brother", but few deny the usefulness of its Charms in action...  
The Sidereal Martial Art known as the '''Crystalline Babbling of Tongues''' Style is one of the older styles available to the Sidereals to master. It is inspired by the Defining Principles the Primordials encoded into Creation and, indeed, was created after long meditation in Lodros, the First Age City of Words. Those who know of the Border of Kaleidoscopic Logic Style sometimes refer to Tongues as its "little brother", but few deny the usefulness of its Charms in action...  
'''Weapons and Armor:''' While not weapons per se, this Style's practicioners are never without ink, paper, and pen/brush; Artifact pens (such as Silver and Audient Brushes) are especially prized. More martial users carry large Starmetal Artifact pens that share the same basic traits as a Wrackstaff. This Style may not be practiced in Armor.
'''Weapons and Armor:''' While not weapons per se, this Style's practicioners are never without ink, paper, and pen/brush; Artifact pens (such as Silver and Audient Brushes) are especially prized. More martial users carry large Starmetal Artifact pens that share the same basic traits as a Wrackstaff. This Style may not be practiced in Armor.
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The Sidereal flings a piece of paper at her target, which attaches to them and overwrites their will with the Sidereals' own. The empowered paper flies at the target in a straight path, exactly as an arrow. However, the Sidereal has shaped it, it does no damage, but attaches wherever it strikes. Once attached, it exerts a Servitude effect, that adds the Sidereals' Essence in Automatic Successes. If it overwhelms the targets MDV, then they are slaved to the Sidereal's will for the remainder of the commitment. If the target does not or cannot dodge, then the paper will normally attach itself to their forehead, but it may be placed anywhere (under clothes, under the tongue, within body cavities) if concealment is an issue...Immaterial entities possessing bodies or objects may be ordered to depart with this Charm.
The Sidereal flings a piece of paper at her target, which attaches to them and overwrites their will with the Sidereals' own. The empowered paper flies at the target in a straight path, exactly as an arrow. However, the Sidereal has shaped it, it does no damage, but attaches wherever it strikes. Once attached, it exerts a Servitude effect, that adds the Sidereals' Essence in Automatic Successes. If it overwhelms the targets MDV, then they are slaved to the Sidereal's will for the remainder of the commitment. If the target does not or cannot dodge, then the paper will normally attach itself to their forehead, but it may be placed anywhere (under clothes, under the tongue, within body cavities) if concealment is an issue...Immaterial entities possessing bodies or objects may be ordered to depart with this Charm.
'''(Crystalline Babblingof Tongues Form)'''<br>
Cost: 20m <br>
Mins: MA 7, Ess 7<br>
Type: Simple<br>
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Shaping, Touch<br>
Reciting the alphabet of a language that doesn't exist, the Sidereal becomes a being of living language, The Logos; those who look closely can see that his form appears made up of infinite letters, like a walking jigsaw puzzle. Yet, his manner has never been more gracious: He adds his Linguistics score to his Appearance and his Martial Arts to his Performance. He may infect others with his touch (which requires an opposed Dexterity + Martial Arts roll if resisted) to "teach" them to speak the language he has become. Once he touches someone in this manner, his form explodes into a cloud of whirling letters, which sink into the person so "instructed". That carrier now counts in all ways as a 5 dot Familiar, as per the Background. In addition, the Sidereal can also instantly teleport to wherever he is being spoken. Only other speakers of the Sidereal can understand the language that he has become. The Sidereal can instruct a number of beings up to his rating in Permanent Essence.
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The Sidereal inhales deeply and spews forth a cloud of letters, that rain down upon her visible enemies. Whether two, a Circle of five or a legion of over a thousand, this Charm shatters the bonds of understanding between friends and allies. For the rest of the scene, no meaningful communication, whether speech, codes or gestures, can be made between companions. Most armies will fall apart and rout in confusion, and some naturally agressive people and mounts may well turn on their compatriots and riders. Charms and spells that allow supernatural communication and cooperation must overcome the Sidereal's Essence in Automatic Successes to remain functional.
The Sidereal inhales deeply and spews forth a cloud of letters, that rain down upon her visible enemies. Whether two, a Circle of five or a legion of over a thousand, this Charm shatters the bonds of understanding between friends and allies. For the rest of the scene, no meaningful communication, whether speech, codes or gestures, can be made between companions. Most armies will fall apart and rout in confusion, and some naturally agressive people and mounts may well turn on their compatriots and riders. Charms and spells that allow supernatural communication and cooperation must overcome the Sidereal's Essence in Automatic Successes to remain functional.
Cost: 20m <br>
Mins: MA 7, Ess 7<br>
Type: Simple<br>
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Shaping, Touch<br>
Reciting the alphabet of a language that doesn't exist, the Sidereal becomes a being of living language, The Logos; those who look closely can see that his form appears made up of infinite letters, like a walking jigsaw puzzle. Yet, his manner has never been more gracious: He adds his Linguistics score to his Appearance and his Martial Arts to his Performance. He may infect others with his touch (which may require an opposed Dexterity + Martial Arts roll if resisted) to "teach" them to speak the language he has become. Once he touches someone in this manner, his form explodes into a cloud of whirling letters, which sink into the person so "instructed". That carrier now counts in all ways as a 5 dot Familiar, as per the Background. In addition, the Sidereal can also instantly teleport to wherever he is being spoken. Only other speakers of the Sidereal can understand the language that he has become. The Sidereal can instruct a number of beings up to his rating in Permanent Essence.

Latest revision as of 06:21, 12 June 2008

The Sidereal Martial Art known as the Crystalline Babbling of Tongues Style is one of the older styles available to the Sidereals to master. It is inspired by the Defining Principles the Primordials encoded into Creation and, indeed, was created after long meditation in Lodros, the First Age City of Words. Those who know of the Border of Kaleidoscopic Logic Style sometimes refer to Tongues as its "little brother", but few deny the usefulness of its Charms in action...

Weapons and Armor: While not weapons per se, this Style's practicioners are never without ink, paper, and pen/brush; Artifact pens (such as Silver and Audient Brushes) are especially prized. More martial users carry large Starmetal Artifact pens that share the same basic traits as a Wrackstaff. This Style may not be practiced in Armor.

Complementary Abilities: Users of this Style must have a Linguistics score of at least 3.

Cost: 8m
Mins: MA 5, Essence 4
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene

This Charm enables the Sidereal to view all meaning, hidden or otherwise. He quite literally sees the intent behind physical motions, in messages, and in speech, floating over the target as written text. This gives him +3 to all relevant DVs and enables him to understand speech and text even if he does not know the language.

Cost: 8m
Mins: MA 5, Essence 4
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene

The Sidereal performs a flowing kata that perfectly communicates with all those who can see him, regardless of how complex his thoughts and ideas (it does not gurantee understanding by the viewer, however). He may also include social attacks in his "communication", which count as Unexpected.

Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: MA 5, Ess 5
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

So long as she possesses a means to write with, the Sidereal may write at virtually any distance, in any size, on any surface. This charm's effects are limited in range by (miles per dot of Permanent Essence) and remain so long as the Sidereal commits Essence to the text. Whether inscribed on the walls of a castle, the surface of the sea or the clouds overhead, the message is supernaturally legible to all those with an unobstructed view of it.

Cost: 12m
Mins: MA 6, Ess 6
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One Scene

The Sidereal writes his intent, which becomes reality. Scrawling a single word or symbol on paper, the paper becomes those words. Thus, a handful of prayer slips with the symbol for "Raiton" written on them, becomes a flock of Raitons; a paper circle with "Shield" written upon it, can parry blows. Whatever she creates this way has the standard stats of an Exceptional entity or object of its type, but understands her orders perfectly (if mobile). Paper thusly empowered by this charm counts as standard prayer slips for the purposes of resisting destruction.

Cost: 12m, 1wp
Mins: MA 6, Ess 6
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Servitude, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite

The Sidereal flings a piece of paper at her target, which attaches to them and overwrites their will with the Sidereals' own. The empowered paper flies at the target in a straight path, exactly as an arrow. However, the Sidereal has shaped it, it does no damage, but attaches wherever it strikes. Once attached, it exerts a Servitude effect, that adds the Sidereals' Essence in Automatic Successes. If it overwhelms the targets MDV, then they are slaved to the Sidereal's will for the remainder of the commitment. If the target does not or cannot dodge, then the paper will normally attach itself to their forehead, but it may be placed anywhere (under clothes, under the tongue, within body cavities) if concealment is an issue...Immaterial entities possessing bodies or objects may be ordered to depart with this Charm.

(Crystalline Babblingof Tongues Form)
Cost: 20m
Mins: MA 7, Ess 7
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Shaping, Touch

Reciting the alphabet of a language that doesn't exist, the Sidereal becomes a being of living language, The Logos; those who look closely can see that his form appears made up of infinite letters, like a walking jigsaw puzzle. Yet, his manner has never been more gracious: He adds his Linguistics score to his Appearance and his Martial Arts to his Performance. He may infect others with his touch (which requires an opposed Dexterity + Martial Arts roll if resisted) to "teach" them to speak the language he has become. Once he touches someone in this manner, his form explodes into a cloud of whirling letters, which sink into the person so "instructed". That carrier now counts in all ways as a 5 dot Familiar, as per the Background. In addition, the Sidereal can also instantly teleport to wherever he is being spoken. Only other speakers of the Sidereal can understand the language that he has become. The Sidereal can instruct a number of beings up to his rating in Permanent Essence.

Cost: 15m, 2wp
Mins: MA 6, Ess 7
Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion, Obvious
Duration: One Scene

The Sidereal inhales deeply and spews forth a cloud of letters, that rain down upon her visible enemies. Whether two, a Circle of five or a legion of over a thousand, this Charm shatters the bonds of understanding between friends and allies. For the rest of the scene, no meaningful communication, whether speech, codes or gestures, can be made between companions. Most armies will fall apart and rout in confusion, and some naturally agressive people and mounts may well turn on their compatriots and riders. Charms and spells that allow supernatural communication and cooperation must overcome the Sidereal's Essence in Automatic Successes to remain functional.

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1hl
Mins: MA 7, Ess 7
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping, Touch

The Sidereal cuts himself, but instead of blood, he bleeds ink. Pressing an inky palm to a target and a piece of paper of the same equivalent size, he causes the paper to become a perfect copy of the original, only under his control. The Sidereal may also duplicate himself this way. If he has duplicated himself, then he may spend a Willpower point to instantly switch places with his duplicate, which may range up to a mile away from him. He may have as many duplicates functional as he has dots in Essence.

Cost: 20m, 2wp
Mins: MA 7, Ess 8
Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping

The Sidereal treats Reality as a Fiction that she may change at will, with but a stroke of her brush. Activating this charm causes the Sidereal to enter the Plane of Ideal Meaning, where she can literally see the words that stand for all the people, places and things about her (she does not dematerialize, however). Her anima shapes itself into the Expressive Form of a giant brush, that rewrites the characters around her; people may become beasts or elements (tho they retain their minds, which this Charm cannot touch), a hovel may become a palace, an oxcart a steam cannon. These changes are Shaping in nature and work directly on the Tapestry, so not even Essence Sight reveals the cause of them.