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Gossamer, Quintessence, and Ambrosia

Although unusual, weapons and other items crafted from such rareified substances as the sustenance of the gods can be found within Creation from time to time, often in the hands of Sidereals or the half-divine offspring of mortals and gods.

Gossamer goods are in fact common enough -- relatively speaking -- that the Guild maintains a steady, if expensive, trade in such luxuries.


Goods fashioned of gossamer, no matter how perfect, always possess a tinge of the unusual about them. They may shine with a barely-noticeable opalescence or iridescence (a fairly common effect), or bear some unreal feature, such as an unusual color or texture.

It is entirely possible, in fact, for a gossamer-crafted object to be entirely unlikely or impossible by Creation's standards, its beauty and excellence drawn entirely from mortal dreams and raksha ingenuity: swords of rose petals, sanxians of liquid serpent-scales strung with sunlight, and odder creations are all entirely possible.

As stated in E:tFF, gossamer weaponry add the following to their stats: +1 to accuracy, damage, and defense, and +2 to rate. Gossamer armor has no fatigue penalty. Other gossamer items add one die to a relevant roll.

Gossamer items are highly valued as curios as well as highly effective possessions; such items cost two additional dots above an item's normal price. Should a gossamer object have some special power or property, the price will rise accordingly.

(It is conceivable for "raw materials" crafted from gossamer to be offered in trade or claimed from raksha; these baubles -- such as butterfly lion-hides, pearls of fire and cobra's-tears, and stranger things -- may have to be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis)


As quintessence may only be used to create objects which are expendable or otherwise to be used up (from victuals to fine robes), it is unlikely in the extreme to be able to find items such as weaponry crafted from quintessence.

Be that as it may, such divinely-sourced objects make fine tools indeed; any items crafted of quintessence offers 2 bonus dice to any rolled action in which it is employed, such as makeup for a theatrical performance or finely embroidered robes in order to make a stunning impression at an important court function.

Objects crafted of quintessence resemble the finest and most perfect of their Creation-made counterparts, without flaw or blemish. Some such items have an indefinable aura or radiance about them, some nuance which clearly marks them as out of the ordinary.

Goods crafted of quintessence cost one to two dots more than their mundane counterparts, depending on the nature of the item in question and the demand for such goods.


The most rarified -- and rare -- of creations are crafted from ambrosia. These exquisite objects are perfect in ways that can virtually overwhelm a mortal crafter who tries to comprehend them; they are as much an expression of the sublime quality of divinity as the gods who create them.

There is no mistaking an item crafted from ambrosia for an ordinary object, even one from the hand of a master craftsman. They are more real than real: colors are impossibly intense, almost seeming to glow internally; the lines of the object are perfectly aligned; even the most base-seeming of metals are gleaming and uncorruptable. They are perfection enough to make one weep with joy for seeing them.

A weapon crafted of ambrosia gains three +1 and a +2 bonus to be added to its statistics; no more than two of these extra traits may be stacked. Armor gains +2 to soak, a -1 mobility penalty, and has no fatigue penalty. Other ambrosial items offer three dice to relevant dice pools.

When such a treasure as an ambrosial craftwork may be purchased at all, its costs a minimum of three dots above the normal Resources cost for such an item.

Refining and enchanting items of unusual materials

Further refinement of quintessent and ambrosial objects is conceivably possible, such as via thaumaturgy or the Emerald sorcery of Elemental Empowerment. However, only those capable of crafting the object itself may further refine it without risk; any other individual (enchanter or otherwise) will fail to do so -- wasting time, effort, and resources -- on a roll of 1 - 7. On a result of 8 - 10, the item is marred or ruined in some way.

Unless by the hands of the raksha or their half-Wyld spawn, gossamer craftworks may not be so altered.