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To /TreePeople.

When We Last Left Our Heroes

The bromeliad spirit returns her bright eyes to the half-mortals. "We will give you the assistance you seek, if you bring the two brothers back into our fold. But," she adds firmly, "you must not let them know that we asked you this. It would not do for a king to be seen as begging for his subjects' return. That would be a great shame for the entire court." She grimaces, a not altogether unappealing expression considering her pretty face. "Those two would never let anyone hear the end of it."

Hasan nods sagely, the very picture of understanding, though he looks to Echo for verbal confirmation.

Echo bows. "I understand perfectly, honored lady."

She smiles brightly at Echo. "Wonderful!"

"I will return to you when I have convinced them to return." Echo bows again.

She gives her marionette bow again. "We shall await your return, good sirs."

The arboreal spirits ascend back into the trees; only a moss bear remains, whuffling at Hasan's coattails.

"By your leave, lady" Echo turns to Hasan "I guess we go back to the manse for now to try to evict some spiders."

"Ah, indeed..." Hasan glances at the moss bear, wondering quite what it thinks it's whuffling at him for. "I'm sure it'll be no trouble at all."

Back to the Tree

Although the going is somewhat easier on the return trip, it seems as if the jungle has already regenerated most of the vines and underbrush which Hasan and Echo cut away on their inward trek.

They also notice that several little gods are following them, apparently out of curiosity. The moss bear which took a liking to Hasan is still ambling along after them; flashes of color above betray the presence of bromeliad nymphs, and the slender figures of artisans can be seen moving among the trees.

"Looks like we've caused quite a stir," Echo says to Hasan as he treks along. "We must be the first outsiders they've seen in quite some time."

Taking a detour around an impassable thicket which seems to have sprung up by magic since they last passed this way, the two men enter a slightly more open portion of forest.

"Ah, apart from that Black Orchid fellow, I'd suppose so." Hasan looks thoughtfully back at their watchers as they walk.

A large tree has fallen here not too long ago, tearing a sizeable gap in the canopy. A number of long-limbed figures scurry away as the men approach.

The dead wood of the tree has been cunningly sculpted in bas-relief. The artisans have apparently been plying their trade on the fallen trunk, transforming it into an intricate work of art. Echo moves to look at the work.

It's difficult to tell if the sculpture is intended to be representative, but it looks far from finished. Parts of the trunk look to have been hollowed out; other parts have been fashioned to resemble strands of wood, intertwining to form small patterns which in turn form larger patterns. Looking at the patterns gives Echo a slight sense of vertigo; it's difficult to retain a sense of scale when looking at the infinitely repeating, finely-detailed work.

Some smaller pieces of wood are arranged nearby; these, too, have been sculpted into odd forms.

Hasan ambles over to regard the smaller pieces, glancing momentarily at Echo to guage his reaction. "These artisans are really quite something, eh?"

"It's amazing work to be sure," replies Echo.

Some of the smaller pieces look like little cages enclosing wooden balls, cubes, or other solids; others are solids which look like they are formed of segments which were fashioned seperately, then joined together.

For a time, Hasan looks as if he's about to pick up one or two of the pieces for a closer look, but he seems to think better of doing so. "Ah, we done here? How do you want to handle the brothers, anyhow?"

"Yeah, best to get that done as soon as possible," Echo agrees.

"Do we have a plan?"

"Not that I can really think of, other than throwing more riddles at them." Echo pauses "I'm not quite sure how to evict gods, but I guess we've got to at least try."

"Eh, how to riddle them into concluding they're best back at court. Hm." Hasan ponders this with approximately as much efficacy as a moss bear attempting a similarly awkward feat would have.

Several artisans, apparently having concluded that the two men pose no threat, emerge from the trees and resume work on the fallen trunk. Beneath their nimble fingers, bark and wood magically flows into more eye-twisting designs. One of them shoos away the moss bear, who looks to have decided that the elementals' work is much more interesting than the two people standing nearby.

Echo thinks more to himself about the spiders and begins to walk back to the manse.

With a glance at the moss bear, Hasan walks after Echo, almost hoping that it will follow and stop bothering the artisans.

As they leave, they notice another artisan moulding leftover wood pieces into irregular flanged shapes, and assembling them into platonic solids. He seems quite engrossed in his work, shaking fiddling with the pieces after they are done. As soon as he is satisfied that casual manipulation won't make them fall apart, he sets them aside and starts on new ones.

Back at the Manse

Echo and Hasan push through the last of the plant life between them and the clearing. Behind them, the moss bear crashes obliviously through the underbrush, still following them.

Echo looks at the moss bear. "We can't take him into the manse. The spiders might suspect we've been to the court. They might not go at all then."

Hasan nods, and turns to regard the bear. "My friend, I would ask you to stay here for a time, until we return. Will you do this for me?"

The mossy green blob looks reluctant to leave the forest in any case. It extends a pseudopod, snuffling at Hasan's chest, then begins moving back into the trees.

Hasan touches a hand to its pseudopod as it departs, and bows briefly, despite any bromeliad goddess' opinion on courtesy around moss bears.

Plants rustle as the rotund elemental pushes its way back into the jungle. It swiftly vanishes from sight and hearing, its green bulk and the sounds of its passage blending together with the jungle's ambiance.

The journey into the forest, and back out again, has taken several hours. The sun is beginning to move down the western sky, its light gilding thick banks of clouds.

"Well then." Hasan regards the manse warily, still obviously unsure how best to evict unwelcome wood spiders, then looks to Echo expectantly, or perhaps hopefully.

Echo steels himself for a second. "I'm ready if you are."

"Ah." Hasan grins momentarily. "I was hoping you'd be more ready than that."

In the Tower

Pushing through the hanging lichen which curtains off the atrium's archways, Hasan and Echo find the mule tied to one of the upthrust tree roots. It looks like Topaz has unloaded it, and the animal is placidly grazing on small, leafy plants, just like when they left it. The curtain-lichen which Topaz cut down on their arrival looks like it is rapidly growing back.

Topaz is nowhere in sight; from what he said before they left, he is probably upstairs, working on deciphering the jade tablet he found.

"I wonder where he ran off to," wonders Echo. "It'd probably be best to do this without him. He seems panicky around the spiders anyway."

Hasan nods, looking thoughtful. "Aye, we can catch up with him later."

Echo moves upstairs toward the spiders. Hasan is close behind, though still pondering on something and clearly not reaching a conclusion fast enough for his liking.

Going up the stairs, they notice for the first time that the air seems to grow cooler and less muggy the higher they progress into the tower. By the time they reach the spiders' level, it is quite comfortable.

The wicker web still blocks off the stairway to the roof; the two metal statues still stand nearby. It rustles as the two spiders emerge.

Echo hesitantly approaches the web.

"Two once more entered the two brothers' den," says the right-hand spider.

"Bringing with them what riddles for the spiders to ken?" inquires the left-hand spider.

Hasan nods to himself, concluding a thought just in time, but looks first to Echo to make the first move; words are far more his strength than Hasan's.

Echo works to keep his composure. "Yes, there will be riddles, master spiders, but first there is an unfortunate bit of business we must discuss."

The spiders remain perfectly still, sixteen beady sap eyes glittering.

"In regards to the conditions we were to hand over the manse to the forthcoming Prince of the Earth to. Part of what we were supposed to do was to make sure the manse was, unfortunetly honorable spiders, uninhabited..."

The spiders do not move. Silence stretches out uncomfortably.

"We would not wish the ire of the forthcoming Prince to be upon you, yet we understand the grave inconvenience this would place upon you, master spiders, and would be more than willing to make whatever concessions need to be made to facilitate this condition."

Hasan looks from Echo, to the spiders, to Echo again, clearly ill at ease. After a moment, unsure whether he's doing the right thing or not, he clears his throat.

"A Prince is coming, from afar," begins Hasan. "Sworn to this manse by the light of a star. To catch the Sun in a web of wood; Ask yourself, can it do any good?"

The spiders' eyes don't move, but it is clear that they are now watching Hasan.

"The brothers do not wish to relinquish the tower..." says the spider on the right.

"...but they cannot equal an Exalted's full power," muses the spider on the left.

"Perhaps," says the right-hand spider, "they would be willing to vacate the tree..."

"...if these bold half-Gods would offer them guarantees," continues the left-hand spider.

"Riddles and puzzles are the spiders' desire."

"If they were to leave, where would these things be acquired?"

The spiders regard the two men, their manner more inquisitive than hostile.

"Of course, honored spiders," Echo reassures them. "For your inconveniance we would offer you annual prayers of riddles during Resplendant Wood, all I aquire over the year. We would also be willing to provide escort to the local court if you wish."

The spiders rotate toward one another, twig-pedipalps working as they converse in some private sign language. They turn back to the men; the left-hand spider's wooden mandibles move. "The spiders suggest that they live in the branches above," it says.

"...For in the old court, there is little they love," adds the right-hand spider.

"In the tree they could dwell, out of sight, out of mind."

"Waiting there to receive all the riddles you find."

Their counter-offer done, the spiders once again become motionless.

Echo's eyes glitter for a second. "But, noble spiders, would you leave the artisan's puzzles behind, for in the court we did find wooden devices of a most peculiar kind that called to both wits and mind. Perhaps as proof we could bring you one, and have this deal sealed an done so that you bring not the wrath of the Chosen of the Sun."

The spiders' resin eyes glitter curiously.

"The brothers would see that of which you speak..."

"...for they are quite pleased by puzzles new and unique."

"If these wood riddles are just as you say..."

"...we shall return to the court 'fore the next break of day," the spiders chorus together. Apparently considering the conversation done, they vanish back into their woody web.

Laughing with delight, Hasan claps Echo on the shoulder as they venture down the stairs again. "You did a fine job there, Echo. A fine job indeed."

Echo smiles broadly. "Thank you my friend, but I can't take all the credit. Your riddle certainly got them thinking as well. The hard part is over though."

As they pass by the "masters' quarters," they see Topaz sitting on the floor of the Water-themed room, surrounded by various books and bits of occult paraphernalia. He's examining the black jade tablet intently, every so often muttering to himself and jotting down notes.

He gives a distracted wave to his compatriots as they pass by.

Echo reminds Topaz to stop and eat occasionally before he continues on.

Topaz nods distractedly, obviously too engrossed in figuring out the artifact to listen to what Echo is saying.

Realising he's not listening, Hasan contents himself with beaming a satisfied smile at Topaz and then moving on. "So, back to the artisans for a puzzle before nightfall?"

"As soon as possible." Echo agrees.

"Hopefully we'll find them quickly enough... I wonder if that moss bear is still around?" Echo continues down the manse.

Getting a Puzzle

The moss bear hasn't gone far; when Hasan and Echo approach the edge of the forest, it quickly comes into view, waggling stubby, amorphous appendages at them in a friendly-looking way. Echo smiles openly at the bear.

Hasan bows slightly, and grins at it. "Hello again, my friend. Will you lead us back toward the artisan's fallen tree?"

The bear takes a minute to process Hasan's words, then starts trundling off into the jungle, its bulk pushing aside vines, branches, and brambles.

The men manage to keep up with the bulky green lump, moving along easily in its wake. With the moss bear clearing their path, they make excellent time to the artisans' clearing. Echo runs along, hoping to not lose sight of either Hasan or the bear.

Recognizing return visitors, the artisans do not startle at their approach, and continue working on their tree. In the hour or two since the God-Blooded last visited, the wood sculpture has become even larger and more detailed.

Echo wipes away some sweat caused by his time in the jungle and approaches the artisans courtiously, addressing them in Old Realm.

A spindly, unkempt elemental nods distractedly to Echo; like Topaz back in the tower, he seems very caught up in his work, tracing minuscule patterns on the wood.

"Greeting and salutations honored artisans. Though it is late and night is upon us, I come seeking your skill... " Echo trails off, feeling slighty ignored. "Well then, so I might not take up too much of your time, might I ask to have one of your small wooden puzzles, honored god?"

The brown-skinned spirit gestures off to the side, where three artisans, a female and two males, sit in a rough circle. On the ground around them are arrayed many small wooden shapes.

It looks like the puzzle-maker the duo noticed earlier has caught the interest of some of his colleagues. All three appear very engrossed in their work. Every so often, they have brief exchanges among themselves.

"Too simple," says the female artisan, shaking her brown-maned head.

"...like so?" asks one of the men, making an alteration to one of the pieces lying in front of them.

"Hm," agrees the second male.

Echo bows to the god before approaching the others. "Honored gods..." he starts, trying to get their attention before launching into a speech.

Their discussion apparently done, the elementals go back to working on their puzzle. The male sitting with his face toward Echo, recognizable by his straggly, lichen-like beard, flicks brown eyes at the God-Blood. His hands continue crafting a peculiarly-shaped chunk of wood.

"If I might have but a moment of your time, I would ask to have a puzzle to facilitate the removal of the wood spiders from the manse and their return to your court as per the agreement we had. Such was the desire of the spiders, and I come seeking to uphold our part of our bargain with your court."

The spindly, bearded elemental nods impatiently, waving a long-digited hand at the many finished pieces arranged outside the work circle. "Old; not interesting anymore. Take all you want." He turns his attention back to the current project, occasionally muttering with his two friends about how to make their newest design more complicated.

The moss bear prods Hasan with blunt, earthen-smelling pseudopods. Hasan blinks and looks round at the bear, his eyes somewhat strained from having been staring at the intricate designs across the main tree in the half-light. The large, lumpy elemental makes happy whuffling sounds as Hasan turns his attention back to it.

Echo bows to the spirit before turning to Hasan. "Lets take the most complicated ones we can find. That should keep the spiders entertained long enough for them to be back in court."

"Hm? Ah, indeed. Let's only take a few at most, though; don't want them too absorbed to move." Hasan grins at Echo, then smiles at the moss bear.

It looks like the puzzle-shapes are arranged in order of completion. The earliest, crudest ones are the farthest from the artisan circle; the most complex are closest. Echo sifts through the closer pieces, picking out any that catch his eye. "Good point. Probably three at the most then."

Hasan stares down at them, and indicates three. "How about those?"

Echo looks down. "Works for me. Hopefully they'll work for the spiders." Echo pockets the puzzles and waits for the moss bear to lead the way.

Back Again, With Puzzles

The moss bear's happy assistance once more makes easy going of the trip through the jungle.

Echo moves quickly through the manse, ready to be done getting the spiders out of the manse. The spiders appear as soon as Echo and Hasan approach their web.

"The men returned faster than the spiders expected..."

"...did they bring with them puzzles to be seen and inspected?"

Echo pauses to catch his breath before speaking. "Master spiders, we return to present you with the crafts of the artisans of the court."

Echo holds out the puzzles for them. Hasan stands quietly to one side, watching their reactions with interest. The spiders extend their bristly, twiggy legs, taking the puzzles and turning them around curiously. They chitter quietly to one another as they inspect the wooden puzzle-shapes.

Echo stands quietly, waiting for the spiders to speak. After a few minutes, they manage to disassemble one of the puzzles -- a wooden sphere -- and then reassemble it again. Placing the puzzles carefully in their web, they turn back to the two men.

"The spiders were pleased by what the men found."

"Their word they have given; by their word they are bound."

"The brothers shall return home before the dawn's light..."

"...to rejoin their court, and in its puzzles delight."

The spiders fix their eyes on Echo.

"To this young man, though, the spiders remind..."

"...that he, too, has made promises which still bind."

The spiders begin rolling their web up into a round ball, not waiting for Echo's response.

Echo bows to them. "I am glad our offering has pleased you, honored spiders. Do you wish us to provide you escort to the court?"

The spiders finish rolling up their web; it now resembles a spherical wicker basket several feet in diameter.

"The brothers know the path to the court which once more is theirs," says the right-hand spider, clinging to the outside of the wicker ball.

"And in Resplendent Wood, they will anticipate your prayers," adds the other spider.

The two spiders begin moving their legs, causing their ball to roll across the floor. They keep their balance atop it as it bounces down the stairs; shortly afterward, Echo and Hasan hear a startled "Gah!"

From the sound of it, Topaz has been startled by the curious sight of the spiders rolling along outside his room.

Hasan regards Echo with laughter in his eyes. "D'you think we should've warned him beforehand?"

Fixing the Manse

Echo blinks "He needed a reminder that their's life outside his studies."

With the wood spiders gone, the way is clear for renovation to begin. True to her word, the bromeliad goddess who serves as the Voice of King Atopa the Grandfather Tree, gathers together a small corps of elementals to help them with the task.

With the aid of the moss bears, artisans, and other wood spirits, work progresses swiftly over the following days.

Although, true to their nature, the artisans refuse to touch the living wood of the Tree of Bounties, they prove quite useful, crafting elegant furniture to fill the various rooms. Hasan sits back in a comfortable chair, directing moss bears to tread on flagstones, their great weight pressing them back into place.

"This should do the trick!" exclaims Topaz, dusting off his hands as he steps back from the dining-room kiln. With a gust of hot air, the red jade cubes in the bottom of the oven begin glowing orange-hot.

Topaz sighs as Echo hands him a pair of pruning shears. "You should have taken longer to fix it!" he jokes. Sighing, Topaz helps his comrades cut back the unruly branches which fill the room. Thankfully, the monkeys have already been driven out.

A storm of tiny raincloud-men swoop through room after room at Hasan's direction, lighting crackling in their wake to attract dust; minutes later Hasan moves on to another room, readying each in turn for the artisans' new furniture.

"The tree itself seems to be the most important part of the Manse," says Hasan. Topaz nods sagely, cutting off another slice of breadfruit. As the three men dine, moss bears move about, pushing detritus into piles to be swept out later.

"If we damage the tree, it would probably unbalance the Manse's geomancy," agrees Topaz. "Trimming the branches doesn't seem to have hurt anything, but we should find some way of working around the roots on the bottom floor instead of removing them."

Echo leans back and watches the sunset from the top of the manse. Relaxing, he has a wine-fruit in one hand and a fish fruit in the other. "Well, this hasn't turned out to be so hard after all." He raises his wine-fruit to take a drink. "All that's left is to serve a Prince of the Earth." After a few moments he returns to the others below, leaving the fruits that hold men swinging silently in the breeze.

At last, the work is finished. The elementals have all gone home, leaving the tower clean and restored.

Elegant wooden furniture has replaced the piles of dust in the rooms; in the kitchen and on the rooftop, branches have been trimmed into order, all manner of remarkable fruit neatly arrayed for the picking.

Flowing wooden sculpture, crafted by the artisans from trees fallen elsewhere, decorates the refectory and master bedrooms.

The bedrooms themselves have been redecorated, adding solar themes and minimizing the obvious elemental motifs.

A cool evening breeze ruffles the trio's hair as they enjoy a dinner of wine- and fishfruit atop the tower. To the west, the lengthening sunlight glints golden from something emerging from the trees.

Shortly, two figures can be seen moving across the clearing; moss bears trundle along behind them, carrying bags of supplies. The evening light sparkles on their daiklaves, and the man's golden breastplate.

The Manse's new master has arrived.
