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<dg-ST> Session One: The Perfect's Circle
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<dg-ST> The Champions of Creation are gathered in the great hall of the Shrine of Glory, perhaps the most magnificent manse still standing in the second age. Saheel looks over the group assembled, proud of their potential, but yet, somewhat concerned.

<dg-ST> "This is your first mission on your own; you will be going out into the world as the arms of the Sun, doing his work and spreading his light. I have faith in you, my children. Let us hope your mission is more successful than the.. debacle.. that was your last flight in the Shrike.

<dg-ST> --- Sparkly flashback sequence ---

<dg-ST> You're flying over the South; the Essence sails are out, because trying out all the fun stuff depleted the Essence. Sibella was wrestling with servants trying to get her to bathe, and Z's brother was off on a fasting and prayer hike through the desert. But that's all right. What could go wrong?

Zhumaydan taps idly at her keypad.

Enarae very quietly takes a deep breath as "captain". "�Ohmygod there's a fire in the back!�"

Tyver is at the wheel, humming a sea shanty as he pilots the-- OH MY, FIRE!

Oaryet is sitting at the gunners seat, reading the owner's manual on proper use of your 5MS weapons.

<Zhumaydan> "Fire? FIRE!"

<Oaryet> "What?"

Enarae starts to fasten her seat belt very carefully as the ship starts to dive.

Oaryet leaps to his feat.

Zhumaydan points at the fire.

<Enarae> "In the case of a real emergency, we'd be crashing right now.

<Oaryet> "This doesn't count as one?"

<Enarae> "You might want to take the pilot's seat again... since I just made that up."

<Oaryet> "..."

Oaryet sits back down.

Tyver continues flying the Shrike, pondering ways to get back at Enarae for this.

<Enarae> "You know, I never thought I'd crash as the pilot of an anceint ship paniced, and I don't plan on it." She smiles "As the boss says, you have to be ever vigilant!"

<Oaryet> "..."

<Enarae> "I mean, we can't freak out just because the ship's on fire. We still need a navigator and pilot. Worrying about that is Sibella's job."

<Oaryet> "..."

<dg-ST> Those who happen to glance out of the window see a sapphire-hued dragon materializing next to the ship. It has lovely, shimmering feathers and about a dozen gossamer wings.

<dg-ST> It glances over at the Shrike with milk-white eyes, and appears suprised to see you.

<Enarae> "You should probably close your mouth and just relax... I mean it's not like a gigantic flying dragon just decided to attack!"

<Oaryet> "How do we know its hostile? It seems surprised if anything."

<dg-ST> It does not appear to hold any animosity towards the shrike, it's just close quarters.

<Enarae> "That's what I said... it's not like it decided to attack."

<Oaryet> "Well technically your statement would refer to the fire not being like a dragon that is attacking us."

Oaryet keeps his eyes on the creature though.

<dg-ST> It flies a couple hundred yards away and begins making a small storm, as air elementals are wont to do.

<Enarae> "That's true too, since the fire isn't attacking, just being. Now, steady at the helm Tyver."

<Oaryet> "But a fire in reference to one out of control in the engine room would be like a dragon that is attacking us."

Tyver is steady at the helm, fairly certain that a big awesome First Age thing can handle a small storm.

<Zhumaydan> "Do you think it's friendly? I don't think I know any air elementals."

<Oaryet> "I think its just doing what air elementals do."

<Tyver> "Uhm...I think we're overheating. I think that's what this gauge is for, anyway."

<Oaryet> "..."

<Enarae> "Did I ever tell you about the time I got in a game of Gateway with some air elementals? The stakes were for a few snow storms on their part, and the riches of the caves of Durathon on mine."

Zhumaydan taps some more buttons, zooming in on famous landmarks of Creation on her map and examining them from all angles.

<dg-ST> The gauge does, in fact, reveal that the Shrike is overheating at a somewhat alarming rate.

<Oaryet> "Perhaps uhm...we should land and cool off?"

<Enarae> "And if there's anything that I've learned from that game, it's air elementals are your friends.... and they can't resist a good game or two. I bet we could get the dragon to cool off the ship.

<Enarae> "And the south could use a good snow storm... too damn hot here."

<Tyver> "Okay...yeah...we're definitely overheating. As in, not getting home overheating. Whatever you're gonna do, do it."

<Oaryet> "Fly into the storm then?"

<dg-ST> The dragon is making a light drizzle over some farmland. He seems happy.

<Enarae> "Fly us in... I'll see about talking to the dragon."

<Tyver> "Roger that.." *turns the Shrike towards the storm*

Enarae puts on a smile that practically glows lighting up the whole interior with her warm feelings of assurance.

Enarae walks towards the back of the ship to go out the top hatch.

Zhumaydan considers climbing out onto a wing to address the dragon.

<Zhumaydan> "Do you think we can convince him to snow on us?

Enarae flips up her stylish wolfskin tunic with the ears still attached to a hood.

<Zhumaydan> "Hold on, everyone. I'm opening the hatch."

Oaryet watches all from his monitor.

Tyver tries to hold the Shrike as steady as he can, keeping a wary eye on the heat gauge.

Zhumaydan cools her flame-spear with a touch and ties a rope to its tip, making a makeshift harpoon. Climbing out of the hatch, she slides toward the back of the ship, wedging the spear into the outside hatch handle and holding on to the other end of the rope.

Enarae flips out onto the top of the ship, sliding back, but doing a small shuffle as the ship turns in the storm so that in the end she seems to be moving not at all as Tyver skillfully pilots.

<Zhumaydan> "Excuse my unforthy interruption, worthy sir!" she shouts, then scrambles to help Enarae out as well.

<dg-ST> The Air Elemental looks extremely unhappy to be addressed. Not angry, just sort of sad and uncomfortable.

Enarae smiles as she moves. "Excuse me oh pleasant dragon of the winds. Could I speak to you for some bit of time? I was wondering if you know a friend of mine, Borealis of the Northern Chill?"

<dg-ST> Fluffy white eyebrows raise in surprise. "Uh, yes, my lady, I certainly do," he calls out. "Why do you ask?"

Zhumaydan slides downwind, in case some unanticipated collision disturbs Enarae's composure.

<Enarae> "You see, he and I made a bet a time back. And he owed me a few things. Now while I wouldn't expect you to pay, I was wondering if you might in fact be willing to make a deal. You see, we have a bit of a problem and need the aid only such a Lord of the Elemental Air as yourself can offer."

Enarae smiles with a twinkle of near perfect friendship and camaderie with the glorious elementals.

Enarae knows that the Elemental is ensnared by her irresistable charm, wit and beauty.

Oaryet sighs at Enarae's beauty.

Enarae winks as a tiny glow of a golden disc rounded by a golden circle appears. "So will you grant us your most kind and wonderful aid for friendship dear Lord of the Air and Sky?"

<dg-ST> The dragon's serpentine whiskers twitch, and small streaks of lightning flicker down their length. He looks sad, almost pained. "Well.. ah.. you see, mighty Chosen.. the thing is, well, I, ah.." he clears his throat, and a rumble of thunder gently sounds. "I.. I'm not exactly-- I'm not in 'full control' of my facilities, one might say." His blush turns him a lovely shade of periwinkle from head to tail. "I swear to the Sun himself that I would help you if I could, but it is not within the bounds of my ability." He looks shamed.

<Oaryet> "We should see if we can help this guy out" Oaryet says to Tyver.

<Enarae> "Well, if you might give us all the aid you could? For we can not travel far, and we must have much cold and snow otherwise from what I have been given to understand this ship might explode destroying much of the South with it."

Zhumaydan 's heart spills over with pity. "Perhaps we can help!?"

<Tyver> "And how, exactly, would we go about doing that, y'think?"

<Oaryet> "I am sure if we put our heads together we could figure something out."

<Enarae> "And I offer anything within my power of the moment to aid you in return if you can point us to a near blizzard. For this land is too beautiful to see such as yourself sorrowful. It almost seems the Sun himself hides his face in sorrow over your pain."

<dg-ST> He blushes some more. "I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. Not for another.." he trails off for a moment, tail swishing as if he was using it to count. "Three seasons, seven weeks, and four days, I'm afraid." He coughs politely. "Now please, do not entreat me any more. It breaks my heart to deny you anything, Daughter of the Eclipse."

<Enarae> "I only ask that you might point us to someone who could aid us quickly, good Lord, and we shall both be troubled by this no more."

Zhumaydan turns on the charm. "It pains my heart to see you so distraught, O Prince of the Airs! Perhaps you would be willing to join us someday in the future, when your fortunes are brighter, and we may celebrate and talk of things!"

<Zhumaydan> "For somehow we must repay you for bringing this trouble to your mind."

<dg-ST> He smiles, almost relieved. "You are quite near the city of Paragon. Perhaps you may find help there. I am sorry I could not be of more use."

<Enarae> "Yes, please come a bit closer oh Prince?"

<dg-ST> "I cannot leave the lands I am sworn to water, my lady."

<Enarae> "I mean, merely to come a bit closer to the ship i this storm, friend dragon. I would never think to ask you to leave your lands and duty. Such is... unthinkable, such a noble dragon abandoning his post? I just ask for this small favor."

<dg-ST> He moves towards the edge of the farmland he is watering. There's still s good deal of distance between you.

Zhumaydan considers informing the pilot to fly us closer to the dragon's fields.

<Enarae> "Would you please ask Tyver to bring us closer, Zhumaydan?"

<Zhumaydan> "Certainly!"

Zhumaydan skitters over to the airlock and shouts inside..."PILOT!!! Bring us closer, please."

Tyver shouts "AYE!" and steers toward the farmland.

<dg-ST> You come up on it pretty quickly. The shrike is overheating at a slowly escalating rate.

Enarae quickly slides over to the side and touches the dragons side and gets very close to say something to him.

<Tyver> "Oaryet, would you go tell them to hurry, please? We aren't getting any cooler in here..."

Oaryet goes over to the hatch to mention as much to Zhumayden.

Zhumaydan nods and makes to relay the information.

Oaryet goes back to his seat.

<Oaryet> "Hey Tyver...what if we kept all the hatches open as we flew? That would cool us down a bit wouldn't it?"

<Tyver> "Well, it's worth a shot, I'd say."

Oaryet nods and opens up all the hatches he can get to, things will be windy inside but it might help.

Enarae steps away with a smile from the dragon and walks to the hatch with a wave, then enters.

<dg-ST> Gale flies back to continue his work.

Zhumaydan heads back inside as well, the conversation concluded.

Oaryet returns to his seat. "What about a river or lake? Maybe we could rest the Shrike in one for a time?"

<Zhumaydan> "That sounds like it's worth a try...let me look for nearby bodies of water..."

<Zhumaydan> The map of Creation wheels and shifts as it focuses on the Shrike's position.

Enarae sits in her "captains" chair with a sense of statisfaction. "Onward good friends, we have a ship to fix."

<Zhumaydan> "I don't see anything nearby...other than the Ocean...that we can fit this bird in."

<Zhumaydan> "Can we get back to the nest?"

<Oaryet> "How close to home can we get?"

<Enarae> "There is paragon, remember?"

<Enarae> "I'm sure they won't mind if we land on the palace top.

Zhumaydan grins. "Plotting a course to Paragon."

<Oaryet> "If we can reach Paragon we can reach the ocean right? Isn't it on the coast?"

<Enarae> "Just let me do the talking good friends."

<Zhumaydan> She taps more keys, and tries to bring up the holy city.

<Zhumaydan> "Alright. We should be there in no time. Provided that Tyver doesn't crash us into Gem."

<Oaryet> "Ok then...whats the plan when we reach Paragon?"

<Tyver> "Just for that, I think I'll do a barrel roll."

<Zhumaydan> "We let Cap'Enarae do the talking. And look sexy."

<Enarae> "Zhumaydan is my assistant, and you two are mutes."

Oaryet opens his mouth to say something, then looks at Enarae and then closes it.

Enarae winks, "At least to start with. Don't worry, I'll take care of all of it."

Zhumaydan takes the opportunity to rearrange her hair. "I guess I should do the God-Blood thing? Don't want them getting too alarmed by Anathema falling out of the sky."

<Enarae> "Zhumaydan... can you tell if there's a place to land on the Perfect's palace? I don't want to try and hide, let's go right to the source of our best help as if we don't know who he is."

<Oaryet> "Maybe I should stay on the Shrike then?" shifting the large daiklaive on his back selfconsciously.

<Enarae> "Well, they'll see you eventually, but I want at least Tyver to come along with Zhumaydan and myself

Zhumaydan zooms in on the Palace.

<Oaryet> "And someone should probably watch the Shrike in case they try to steal it."

<Oaryet> "Or I suppose we just set it to invulnerable mode..."

Oaryet goes quiet and turns back to his weapons array.

Enarae sits with a look of quiet serenity and assurance. "The Perfect will be unable to resist the ideas that we'll present."

<Oaryet> "How much longer until we get there?"

Zhumaydan raises a brow at Enarae, but figures that her sister in the Sun has something up those furry ex-wolf sleeves.

Enarae flashes in a glows in a way that obscures her form as they start setting down, as she is naked.... yet nothing can be seen.

<Oaryet> "..." Is in a happy place.

Tyver sets the Shrike down, light and gentle as a feather (surprising even himself).

Enarae stops glowing dressed in what appears to be a suit with a robe over it, with a collar that goes over her head, and sleeves that drap down, made from a strange shimmering fabric.

<Zhumaydan> "All right." Zhu makes sure that her hair's arranged correctly and steps away from the keypad. "Did you say apprentice, bodyguard, Anathema lover...?"

Oaryet coughs once, must have breathed down the wrong pipe or something...

<dg-ST> After the crew exits, a dashingly handsome young man uses the molding on the rooftop's overhang to flip up onto the roof, and he sketches a quick bow. "Hello, good travellers."

Enarae says this before exiting. "You're my second in command Zhumaydan, Tyver, you're the pilot. Oaryet... be quiet please."

Tyver grins and says this before exiting: "Of course I'm the pilot."

Oaryet nods, holding back a sigh and instead focusses on being ready to leap to methodical combat action should the circle be put into danger.

Enarae exits the ship. "This is �NOT� Omicron Perseai 8!"

<Zhumaydan> "Hm. We must have missed."

<Tyver> "Hey, I just fly the thing. You guys tell me where to go."

Enarae walks straight up to the handsome man. "Good sir, could you please tell me where we are at the moment?"

Zhumaydan tales a moment to size the man up while Enarae distracts him.

<dg-ST> "Why, you're atop my master's roof, in the greatest city in all of Creation. Welcome to Paragon, my lady." He makes a broad, sweeping gesture to the skyline behiind him.

<Enarae> "Oh yes, it is the greatest city in all of �Creation�" *She looks at Zhumaydan.* "See, he was going the wrong way from where we said."

Zhumaydan nods. "But since we're here, might as well enjoy the sights, eh?"

<Zhumaydan> "We don't know Paragon at all well, stranger. Would you be so kind...?"

Enarae hits Tyver's side lightly. "I told you that Omicrom Perseai was that way *pointing to the sky randomly* But, you're right. A city must be truly wonderous for it to be spoken of in the stars where we travel, yes?"

<dg-ST> He raises a dark eyebrow. "You travel amongst the stars? My! It seems this machine is even more glorious than I have heard." He flashes a winning smile at Zhumayadan. "And its crew more lovely than I imagined."

<Enarae> "Sir might we speak to the Perfect, as we have heard of his wonderous generosity and would wish to see about fixing a minor problem with our ship, but such takes time."

<dg-ST> He grins widely. "Why, that's precisely the reason I was sent here-- to offer you the Perfect's hospitality, and to arrange your meeting."

<Zhumaydan> "What an amazing chance!"

<Zhumaydan> A grin practically decapitates Zhu.

<Enare> "Then I would be glad to tell him tales of the lands among the stars, and see about perhaps... other things to our mutual benifit."

<dg-ST> "Forgive me, I have not introduced myself properly." He takes Zhumayadan's hand in one of his, Enarae's in the other, and kisses them in swift succession. "I am Gentle Wind, member of the Perfect's Advisory Circle."

Zhumaydan waits for Enarae to name herself.

Enarae bows. "I am Georgina-Rashman Callina, *goes on for about 15 seconds* But you can call me Callie, all my crew and friends do."

<Zhumaydan> "They call me Lingering Mirage."

<dg-ST> His smile hardens ever-so-slightly along the edges. "There is a ladder right this way, my ladies." He points off the side of the building.

<Oaryet> "..."

Enarae smiles and offers Gentle Wind her arm.

<dg-ST> Wind's eyes flicker briefly down Oryet. "You too, my good man. What did you say your name was?"

Oaryet doesn't say anything.

Zhumaydan takes a position a little behind Enarae, her spear still smouldering, looking for all the world like an overpaid bodyguard.

<dg-ST> "Yes, well, this way."

Enarae follows along talking and asking about different things that she sees along the way.

Oaryet follows along in silence, his whole demeanor serious.

<dg-ST> Wind plays the happy host, seemingly genuinely pleased that he gets to show off his city.

<Enarae> "So, what is that strange urn for, the keeping of an arcane power source?"

<dg-ST> "Flowerpot, actually." He winks at Enrae. "The gardener is being lax, I'm afraid-- which is why it is empty. At any rate, allow me to show you to your rooms. I'm sure my friends will be overjoyed to meet you, as will the Perfect."

Enarae plays the gracious guest. "Well, if the rooms are as half as inviting as this city, I know it will seem much like home."

<Enarae> "And I am suprised you have friends, Gentle Wind, for I would imagine many men would feel envy for such overwhelming good looks. It is truly a tribute to your nature."

<dg-ST> He leads you to the guest wing of the palace proper and shows you each to separate rooms. "You can change your clothes and relax here, if you like. If you need anything, just pull the cable in your room and a servant will come tend to you. Dinner is in a few hours." He bows once more. "I look forward to seeing all of you tonight."

Oaryet moves quietly through the room looking for hidden peepholes and listening things and sliding walls and ninjas and such.

<dg-ST> He chuckles. "My friends have their own areas in which they excel. It is what makes us such good friends. We.. complete each other." He smiles brightly. "Adieu, my lady." He turns smartly on his heel and leaves.

Zhumaydan takes the opportunity to wash up and outline her eyes in dark kohl. In a moment of inspiration, she carefully draws a pattern on her face to mimis the stripes of a desert tiger, as they once did in her homeland.

Enarae nods and enters the room, relaxing as her eyes slowly take in the comforts of the room, carefully examining every single inch of the room, in silent wonder of it's luxury... while taking a look for anything out of the ordinary.

Enarae relaxes as she carefully makes herself up in a manner that she imagines would be most pleasing to those she'll be seeing.

Oaryet doesn't change what he is wearing, just waiting in silence for the others.

<dg-ST> There is a knock on Oaryet's door.

Oaryet opens it carefullyl

Zhumaydan shrieks. "A SPIDER!" In a fit of feigned terror she sets to cleaning her entire room.

<dg-ST> A tall, fairly attractive man with dark skin and green eyes is standing at Oaryet's door. "Hello, my name is Alabaster Sphinx." He smiles politely. "May I come in?"

Oaryet nods and lets him in, closing the door after him.

<dg-ST> When you close the door, he smiles. "I have seen that craft you arrived in before. I met a very wise man, then. His name was Saheel." He sits and regards you frankly. "You know him, I think."

Oaryet doesn't say anything in regards to that.

<dg-ST> He smiles slightly. "My name is Alabaster Sphinx. I have come here as a friend; will you give me your name?"

<Oaryet> "Oaryet."

<dg-ST> "When I met Saheel, he seemed quite a noble man. A righteous man; I studied with him for some months." He tilts his head to one side. "Are you sure you do not know him?"

<Oaryet> "No, I konw him as well."

<dg-ST> Sphinx smiles broadly. "That is what I thought. Yes, Saheel is a good man. He taught me many things about our master, the Unconquered Sun. That he is a compassionate god, who wishes his children to live in peace and happiness. Did he teach you the same?"

<Oaryet> "He has."

<dg-ST> "He wishes to do much good for the world." Sphinx's face becomes more serious. "But even with such a magnificent creation as that which sits upon our rooftop, he cannot effect great change by hiding in the middle of the Wyld. But here.." He sweeps his hand across the room, mimicking Wind's earlier gesture. "No one starves, no one is murdered. Here is the peace that our God craves. That is why I have sworn to serve Paragon. Perhaps your time here will persuade you that the world is best helped from inside it, instead of hiding from it."

<Oaryet> "Perhaps I will."

<dg-ST> He smiles, pleased. "Thank you for your time, Brother Oaryet. May the sun bless you. I will see you at dinner." Obviously pleased, the man excuses himself from the room.

Oaryet decides to go to his compatriotes to relay this conversation to them.

<Oaryet> And I do it as well as just deciding to.

<Oaryet> And then since no one seems to care, wait for dinner.

Tyver is found in his room, shadowboxing in a corner. This is unsurprising, he does this all the time.

<dg-ST> There are knocks on each person's door. Servants come bearing gorgeous clothing. The women's clothing also comes with breathtakingly beautiful, ornate jewelry.

Oaryet puts o a clean open white shirt and pantaloons and some of those shoes with the curl at the end.

Enarae takes the clothing and jewelry. "Would you please give my most gracious thanks for the gift of proper clothes to wear to dinner?"

Tyver looks at the clothing. At his armor. Clothing. Armor. Clothing. Armor. "Dillema."

<dg-ST> The servant nods. "Of course, my lady."

<Tyver> (after the servant has left)

<Zhumaydan> "This is beautiful. Thank you."

<dg-ST> The servant smiles brightly. "It is clothing worthy of your station, my lady. I will relay your thanks to the Perfect." she curtseys and leaves.

<Oaryet> "Perhaps stick to the armor and add this cape Tyver."

Enarae puts on a green dress, with a star blue ruby resting on her breast from it's chain and other gems. She carefully puts in earrings and smooths herself before waiting for the call to dinner... then leaves the room to pay a visit on Zhumaydan with a knock.

<Tyver> "Yeah, that sounds good. Heh.... I'll make up some line about this being a pilot's uniform or something..."

<Oaryet> "If it weren't for this hot southern weather I might wear some armor to."

<dg-ST> Incidentally, you all find the clothing that was brought for you surprisingly cool to the touch.

Tyver grins...well, grins more. "Wimp."

Zhumaydan opens the door.

<Oaryet> "Just not a smart tactical move in this weather."

Enarae enters. "So, what do you think?"

<Zhumaydan> "That's a stunning necklace."

<Enarae> "This certainly is a beautiful place, isn't it, and I must say... they have wonderful taste in jewelry don't they Lingering Mirage?"

Zhumaydan examines the dresses that have appeared in her room. "The red, do you think, or the white?"

<Zhumaydan> "Yes, they do. I'm completely enchanted by this necklace--" she lifts a collar of red and silver pearls.

<Enarae> "Hmm... Well, to be honest, this white would go perfect with these sapphires and pearls."

Zhumaydan looks at the sapphire set. "Yes. That's a very nice tiara."

<Zhumaydan> "The white it is."

Zhumaydan manages to struggle into it fairly quickly.

<dg-ST> After a little while, servants knock on the door once more, to lead you to the grand dining hall.

Enarae takes a string of topaz beads and begins to braid them into her hair, creating a sort of crown of jewels and hair, the golden brown stones bringing out the light in her own hair.

Oaryet can't help but stare a little at the two girls.

Tyver can't either.

Zhumaydan takes Tyver's arm and maneuvers him to the dining hall.

<dg-ST> The dining hall is shockingly ornate, rich fabrics studded with jewels line the walls, tapestries depicting the history of Paragon hang everywhere. Beautiful servants wearing various degrees of gauze seat you at a raised table in the front of the room, its top seemingly plated with beaten gold.

Enarae slides her arm around Tyver's other one, and moves gracefully, looking like some sort of goddess from heaven come down to dine with the greatest of all rulers in Creation. Her very walk is that of not just a goddess, but a queen among them, yet she is graciously visiting Pargon this night.

Oaryet follows after them, deeply envious and jealous of Tyver.

Tyver is visibly happy. But then, he always is.

<dg-ST> At the head of the table is the Perfect and his wife; Tyver is seated next to an inhumanly beautiful young woman with honey-colored skin and amber eyes, while Zhumaydan and Enarae are seated to either side of Wind. Oaryet is seated next to Sphinx and another, large man.

<dg-ST> No one else is in the dining hall.

Enarae smiles and waits to hear from the Perfect.

<dg-ST> The Perfect smiles at everyone at the table. "It is rare for such distinguished guests to dine at this table; it warms my heart to see the people I love most and the people I most honor supping together." He raises his glass in a toast. "To the greater good."

Oaryet again envies Tyver.

Zhumaydan flashes Oaryet a suggestive look before returning the toast.

<Enarae> "To the greater good, and the health of our host."

Enarae drinks from her glass.

<Zhumaydan> "You honour us immeasurably with your hospitality, Perfect."

Oaryet sips and smiles back to Zhumaydan.

<dg-ST> He smiles winningly at Zhumayadan. "You honor me greatly with your presence." He gestures to the others at the table. "As you can see, I believe that those chosen by our Gods deserve to be treated as if they /were/ gods." He smiles at Sphinx, who smiles and inclines his head in thanks.

<dg-ST> "So," his wife sweetly chimes in, "what brings you to our fine city?"

<Enarae> "Well, to be honest, our pilot became a bit lost, and our fine ship had some problems. We saw your fine city and knew that if anywhere on Creation could we find aid, this place would be it."

<dg-ST> The lovely woman sitting next to Tyver bursts into a melodious giggle. "Certainly, you know." She squeezes Tyver's arm. "We are /quite/ the friendly city!" Dark ringlets of her hair shake with her mirth.

Oaryet hopes the guy beside him isnt there for that reason...

<dg-ST> She covers her mouth with a dainty hand and blushes prettily. "Oh, my name is Delicate Petal, by the way."

<dg-ST> The large man next to Oaryet seems to not be nearly as pleased with the meal as Petal is. If anything, he seems sort of surly.

Zhumaydan looks at the large man. "Are you not feeling well, sir?" Tyver 's mind reels to come up with an alias. "Doitzelkaiser the Third, pilot with no sense of direction."

<Zhumaydan> The food, to her mind, is almost distractingly excellent.

<dg-ST> The man turns to Zhumayadan and makes a distracted show of decorum. "I'm quite well, thank you, my lady. Er, your beauty had me distracted." He flashes a slick smile.

<dg-ST> As dinner goes on, you discover that your dinner companions, including the Perfect's wife, are a Solar circle that keeps everything in Paragon running smoothly.

Enarae smiles to the man. "Well, good sire, might we at least know the name of one whose manners are so well met in this place of wonders and beauty?"

Zhumaydan chuckles. "I keep forgetting that it has that effect at times. I'll endeavor to find a veil, so as not to further impede the gastronomical pleasures of my dining companions."

<dg-ST> He actually chuckles at Zhumayadan's words before turning to Enarae. "My name is Righteous Viper. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Oaryet eats slowly, trying his best to be mannerful.

<dg-ST> "So," Wind chimes in smoothly, "What do you think of our fair city thus far?"

<Enarae> "It is as much a pleasure to experience as it is beautiful. It is a city that truly is a Paragon of what cities should aspire to."

<Zhumaydan> "And your company is like a jewel in its crown."

Zhumaydan turns to Righteous Viper. "That is a very interesting name."

<dg-ST> Wind basically undresses the women with his eyes. "Everyone has all they could ask for. And crime is unheard of here-- why, you could walk down the street in the middle of the night, looking as lovely as you look right this moment, and your virtue would never be threatened."

<dg-ST> The Zenith looks slightly uncomfortable at Wind's words.

Zhumaydan refrains from making a comment about Enarae's virtue.

<dg-ST> "Er.. yes." Viper shifts in his seat. "It was a name I took upon Exaltation."

<Enarae> "Some might consider your words to be somewhat scandalous good, Gentle Wind. But, I will take it as a compliment."

Enarae nods her head.

<dg-ST> Wind smiles with the confidence that his words were taken precisely as intended.

Oaryet can't help but not like the Perfect...

Zhumaydan doesn't discomfit the warrior further, instead turning her attention to Sphinx. "Alabaster Sphinx, you seem thoughtful. I hope I am not intruding my asking you what's on your mind." She bites the head off a man-shaped sweetmeat with a smile.

<dg-ST> Sphinx musters a smile. "I was merely thinking how splendid it is that so many of our kind-- so rare, so lost and hunted-- can gather here tonight, paid the proper tribute, in a city which exists as our God would wish. It is a blessing far too rare in this troubled world."

Oaryet keeps his opinions on the matter of this city to himself.

Enarae smiles and looks to the head of the table. "Perfect, might I ask something, why would such a great leader as yourself need to ask us here tonight, being mere travelers in our ship?"

<dg-ST> The Perfect smiles broadly. "I have heard the tales of the giant orichalcum bird which flies through the sky, my lady. It was as a great shooting star, landing atop my home, and giving me a chance to honor the lost heroes of old. Yes, I needed to ask you here, because it would have been sacrilege to do anything else."

<dg-ST> "And now, if at all possible.. I would like to ask you to stay. Stay, and live as your god meant for you to live. Become a glorious citizen of Paragon."