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Session Two: Conspiracy Theories

Enarae cleared her throat. "As much as it would please us to accept your offer, we can not say yay or nay. There is a time when the young must leave to explore the world and know both their place and what they need to do, away from others. That time is now for us. We are not ready to become citizens here, for then we would have to stay, when it would be better for us and Paragon if we waited to answer when we have grown into our places in the world."

Oaryet feels his eyes widen a little at this comment but holds his tongue for now, Enarae seems to have things under control.

"And as their captain and leader, I promise that we shall return when the time is right for both us and yourselves, if your offer is still there for us. I hope you understand and can forgive our youth and wanderjahr."

The Perfect smiles. "My lady, my citizens--especially those such as yourself--are free to explore the world around them, even after accepting the rights of a citizen. It simply means that your home is here, and Paragon will always welcome you."

"That is what I mean....We have not found our place yet, and after seeing the world, we will be able to be far better citizens. I could not give my answer till I knew both myself and my crew had grown to meet the glorious honor of the title "Citizen of Paragon."

Tyver raises his eyebrows at the whole exchange but decides to let Enarae do the talking. The Perfect looks saddened. "Ah, well. The offer always stands, my dear." He looks over to his wife. "Shall we retire for the evening?" Scarlet Whisper nods, and the Perfect stands, as does everyone else at the table.

"Since it is with a sad heart I say these things, perhaps I should leave with my crew. I thank you for your hospitality." The captain raised her glass. "To the Perfect and his city!"

The sun is setting, and the light hits the market streets of Paragon with shades of pink and gold. The town is amazingly clean, and everyone seems polite. Oaryet walks with Tyver into the city. "Man...something just didn't feel right at that dinner you know?"

"Oh yeah. You can tell the Perfect is the only one who's keen on us. The rest of them...well, when that offer got made, they certainly didn't have very happy looks on their faces."

Oaryet nods. "And our god never meant for us to be subjegated under a mortal." Some of the people in the town look at Oaryet wide-eyed when he mentions how they should not be subjugated under a mortal, before looking away.

"Mmhmm...and I know it's silly, but this city is way too clean. Cities aren't supposed to be clean. Nexus certainly wasn't anyway, nor any other city I've been in. People are messy, it's just a fact of life, but here..."

Oaryet lowers his voice. "These people don't look the happiest either."

Tyver murmurs, "That too.."

Oaryet stops to talk to a passerby. "Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you could explain something to me and my friend."

Occasionally, Shopkeepers call out to Oaryet and Tyver, asking them to take a closer look at their wares, but never in a way that could be construed as harrassment or an annoyance. The passerby looks up. "I'll do what I can, sir. What would you like to know?" He glances at Oaryet's hand fleetingly.

"Yes, I am not from here. Just curious, if someome wanted to stop being a citizen of Paragon could you?"

"I honestly can't concieve of a reason why you'd want to stop, sir. My family came here from the slums of Chiaroscuro many, many years ago.. They had to beg for food, but the Perfect makes sure that even the most impoverished of his people has something to eat and a place to sleep. Many families come here for just that reason."

Oaryet nods. "I know, but could you?"

He reddens slightly. "No one has ever been forced to become a citizen.. Even those born here. But yes, once you are a citizen, you are a citizen for life."

"Do you think this noble city would not be possible without you all binding yourselves to him by that artifact?"

He tilts his head to one side. "I think you'd have to ask someone who wasn't born here. I'd like to think it would be, but then, living in such a mighty place has probably made me a bit.. naive.. about human nature." He smiles. "I hear the rest of the world isn't quite as polite as we are."

"I thought you said your family came here from Chiaroscuro? Sorry, I take it your parents did and you were born here then. Do you know someone who wasn't born here we could talk to?"

He gestures to a rice stand. "I think he came from Gem. You might want to talk to him."

Oaryet nods. "Thank you." Starts to walk away with Tyver, but keeps his voice low. "I don't like this place..."

Tyver murmurs back, "Definitely..."

The man behind the counter looks up at you two with a smile. "What can I get you?"

Oaryet keeps his hands behind his back and smiles. "Just wondering if you were born here in Paragon and if we could ask you a question?"

"No, I wasn't born here. What would you like to know?" He looks a little confused, but as there are no customers at the moment, he's not going to push you away.

"Well since you have an outside perspective, do you think this city could be as great as it is without people binding themselves to the Perfect through that artifact?"

He looks at you for a long moment. "People are bastards." He takes a swig out of a waterskin he keeps behind the counter. "Nothing bad ever happens in Paragon unless it's to someone who deserves it. Can't really say that about the rest of the world. The Septer enforces the law, that's all. It just happens to be effective."

Oaryet smiles and makes a short bow to him. "Thank you for your time sir, have a good day." Starts to walk off with Tyver and once out of earshot again murmers to him. "I like that attitude even less...if the Perfect used that scepter to just kill someone, the people assume they were doing something wrong and deserved it. There is no way to argue things." Oaryet shivers, even though the night is warm.

"Definitely not the sort of place I'd want to live," Tyver replies.

"Well...shall we go check on Enarae, tell her what we learned or did you want to walk around more?"

"Let's go see Enarae...yeah. I'd much prefer we all stick together, after hearing all this."

Oaryet nods and together we return to the castle to find our lovely companion.

In Enarae's room...

Enarae looks to the two. "Time to go... we better fix the problem otherwise... let's just get in, and make sure no one else comes in with us.

"I take it that you too," asks Tyver, "have become somewhat disillusioned by this little paradise?"

"No no, just I dislike any place that makes jewelry that protects itself from being stolen from you, by choking you to death first.

Oaryet blinks. "You were going to rob our hosts?"

Tyver raises his eyebrows. "That's certainly an...odd feature."

"No, I said it protects itself from being stolen from you by choking you--as in the owner or wearer.

Oaryet lets that sink in for a moment, and then a flash of anger passes across his face. "I..see."

"Anyway, we're leaving," she continues with a note of finality.

Oaryet nods. "I agree."

"I like this plan."

Oaryet opens a door and checks the hallway. No one's there. "Shall we then?"

Enarae starts walking towards the ship. Oaryet follows close behind, keeping an eye out for things. Tyver takes up position in the rear. The hallways are empty except for the occasional servants; no one tries to stop you. Enarae moves sure and towards the ship, making sure that no one follows. The Shrike recognizes you as its owners and lowers the invulnerability shields, allowing you onboard.

Enarae gets in the captain's seat after everyone is in and the door is closed and locked with all defenses up. "Run a check, we need to see if we can take this bird up."

Oaryet does what he can to help with that.

"Run the coolers through the conduits, fire up the engine, and let's take her up, if need be I have a plan if we can get her up."

"Well...looks like we are stuck. I mean, we barely made it here."

Enarae starts looking at the gauges and through the ship for signs of what went wrong. While looking over the Shrike, Enarae and Tyver both stumble upon a small heat-outlet valve, which is clogged by an arrow. Enarae works on removing it, and closing it up... making sure the valve is working.

"Must have been a crazy Delzahn who shot us," muses Oaryet. "Odd nomads..."

Enarae nods. "Now to see if we can actually get this thing up and running. Everyone, check all stations, let's see if there's any way to get her up before her normal time."

Oaryet nods and leaps to obey the crazy captain's commands. "Looks like we are grounded, Enarae." Oaryet isn't pleased about this.