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== Tentative Brawl Charms ==
Ooook...LeSquide is going to change a few of these, mainly for cost and such. My modifications will be in the parenthesises.
=== Flowing Hand Blocks ===
*Cost: 3 motes
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Reflexive
*Minimum Brawl: 3
*Minimum Essence: 2
*Prerequisites: Blade Deflecting Palm
When an opponent declares multiple actions, this charm can be activated to offer a cascading parry. (So, you have to activate it multiple times for multiple opponents? Sounds good to me.)
=== Enmity of Hand and Sword ===
*Cost: 1 mote (Increased cost to 3 motes)
*Duration: Essence in Turns
*Type: Reflexive
*Minimum Brawl: 3
*Minimum Essence: 1
*Prerequisites: Blade-Deflecting Palm
As Flowing Water Defense (The initial charm of Water Dragon Style) with the following exceptions: It's effects only work against opponents using melee weapons, minimum ability is one higher (because of its prerequisite). -1 to user's attack pool, -3 to opponent's attack pool.
=== Ringing the Blade ===
*Cost: 3 motes
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Reflexive
*Minimum Brawl: 4
*Minimum Essence: 2
*Prerequisites: Flowing Hand Blocks, Enmity of Hand And Sword
After a successful parry using this charm, the attack(er. Attacker, I assume) recieves a die penalty equal to any additional successes from that parry to any non-charm physical action until their next turn.
=== Redirect the Blades === (I'm with Madoka on this one; no Brawl redirection)
*Cost: 3 motes
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Reflexive
*Minimum Brawl: 4
*Minimum Essence: 2
*Prerequisites: Ringing the Blade
As Safety Among Enemies (dodge attack redirector), but with a brawl parry instead of a dodge.
=== Weapon Release ===
*Cost: 5 motes + 1 Willpower
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Supplemental
*Minimum Brawl: 5
*Minimum Essence: 3
*Prerequisites: Ringing the Blade, Flow Past Defenses
In an attempt to disarm, the Player adds essence to a normal attack roll. The opponent rolls nothing besides any parry or dodge attempt he may have. If the equipment is artifact, then add its rating to the difficulty of the attack. (For its cost, this is ok)
=== Hand-Over-Sword Mastery ===
*Cost: 3 motes
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Reflexive
*Minimum Brawl: 5
*Minimum Essence: 3
*Prerequisites: Redirect the Blades, Geyser Strike
As Smoldering Karma Strike(dodge counter-attack), but with a brawl parry instead of a dodge. (Hrm. I dislike clones between abilities, but some sort of counterstrike would be fine)
=== Lighten The Load ===
*Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
*Duration: Instant
*Type: Extra Actions
*Minimum Brawl: 6
*Minimum Essence: 5
*Prerequisites: Hand-Over-Sword Mastery, Weapon Release, Many Arms of the Brawler
Being a master of both his watery essence and of neutralizing his opponent's equipment, the brawler may attempt a complete disarm. This attack not only involves the skill of quickly removing equipment, but also involves briefly making the opponents body fluid and pliable. The opponent recieves one dodge or parry attempt to this charm, which applies to all of its actions. After this, the Exalt using Lighten the Load rolls Dexterity + Brawl individually for each piece of pertinent equipment (weapon, armor, shield, etc.). Each attack is pitted against the one defensive maneuver plus any applicapble artifact rating. (As mentioned before, this is fine)
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== Comments ==
They seem like rather rational charms, simple and effective.  Are they for terrestrials?  I don't agree with Redirect the Blades though.  If the exalt is parrying an attack, he stops it, it is done and overwith.  The attack has no where to go.  The dragon blood have Safety Among Enemies because they aren't really that good at dodgeing crazy attacks from bigger tougher exalts and everything else creation throws at them.  So they developed this trick.  If you can't out right beat and overcome your opponents attack, why not trick him and make him attack someone else. Sorta like fithing dirty because a fair fight would just mean your demise.  So the charm itself I like, as I love SAE.  But for a parry it doesn't sit well.  I know you can say it is  deflection off of the brawler's forearm which guides the blow to the new target, but that doesn't sit well either.  I say just go out and get SAE, definitely worth the investment.  [[ Madoka ]]
:First off, I felt I needed a precursor to Hand-Over-Fist Mastery (which was the first charm I thought of while making up this branch of the tree) and I felt this fit in nicely between HOFM and Ringing the Blade.
:Second. We have in one situation a character capable of jumping out of the way of an attack. Somehow he jumps in a particular fashion that the attack is redirected at another person. In another situation, a character is able to whack a wielded weapon away with his fists (or feet for that matter). I think it's perfectly reasonable for him to be able to do so in a fashion that redirects that attack to another. In fact, I think it is more reasonable for the character to actively redirect an attack than to passively let it hit another character.
:Third. it has not been approved yet, so we'll see. Maybe he'll see things your way!
:Fourth. Yes, these are made for Terrestrials. Notice their prerequisites being seated in book brawl charms.
:Fifth. the whole "dirty fighting" thing is right on. I built this entire branch of the tree to be able to deal with melee weapon users. Grappling a dude with a sword is great, but not if he hits you first.
:Sixth. Thanks for the input!

Latest revision as of 00:32, 7 November 2005