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izzylobo - 03/03/2004 21:36:40

Lookshy standard issue is somewhat more variable than Realm standard issue, because there's more variety in units - the Realm really breaks down into three, maybe four troop types (Medium, Heavy, Peltasts, Marines (which are basically medium troops), maybe scouts), while Lookshy has (fairly small) units of cavalry, specialized troop types (combat engineers, etc.). Additionally, you have the Foreign Legion units, which vary widely in composition - pretty much any unit type under the sun, they have them, and even in basic types, there will be a lot of variation (so two Dragons of heavy infantry in the Foreign Legion will not necessarily be equipped the same, especially if they're pretending to be non-aligned units).

That being said, the typical equipment issue probably looks something like this -

Heavy Infantry - Reinforced Breastplate or Articulated Plate (exceptional, reduce fatigue and mobility)*, chopping sword, poleaxe or great axe, shield. Some units (lighter ones) will exchange the axe for a spear or pike (especially a Water-empowered shapeshifting one).

Medium Infantry - Reinforced Breastplate, chopping sword, spear, shield. Often a pair of javelins (to toss like roman legionnaires did, as they close).

Archers - Lookshy Strongbow with 2 quivers of arrows, reinforced buff jacket, short or chopping sword, often a javelin or short spear, sometimes a target shield.

Scouts - cavalry, lightly armed. Usually issued a Swift or Scout. Buff jacket (often reinforced, sometimes Water-empowered - shift from a light buffjacket to heavy-reinforced one). Often a strongbow and quiver. Usually a spear, and slashing sword. Encouraged strongly to run like hell, instead of trying to stand and fight.

Dragoons - mobility assets - ride to battle, dismount and fight on foot (usually) - equipped like medium infantry, usually.

They've got a lot of weird (for them) units in the 4th, and some cavalry, etc. in the 2nd as well - mostly those are equipped as you would expect (skirmishers get lances, slashing swords, and reinforced breastplates, horse-archers get strongbows, spears, and slashing swords, etc.) They don't have heavy cavalry - they rent those from the Marukani when they need them (it's a pretty specialised troop type, in the Second Age, and the Horselords are one of the few forces to wield them effectively).

Scott Taylor http://www.simcon.org

*this should be assumed in general - Lookshy spends money on armor and other heavy stuff first, then on weapons - the exact percentages vary a lot, but tend to be pretty high (hooray for demons that can pound out Exceptional gear in hours, instead of years - Ph33r the Black Blades of the Seventh!). (Realm Legions don't spend as much per soldier, because they have more troops, and the individual soldiers matter less - the slight loss in mobility and speed isn't necessary)

izzylobo - 03/05/2004 16:22:12

Keep in mind that infantry will often be fighting in reasonably close formation - they have to worry about a wide-sweeping slash taking out the guy next to them... this isn't an overwhelming concern, and I'm sure there are exceptions (either to straight swords, or slashing swords). Additionally, a properly designed chopping sword would work reasonably well for secondary field duties - clearing brush, chopping small trees, sharpening spikes, etc.

Cavalry, officers, and others who are mostly operating either alone, or in a more open field configuration would more likely carry slashing swords or straight swords (as well as heavier weapons with wide swing spaces, like axes, etc. - the greataxe and great sword guys are, when fighting close-order, fighting with with a lot more of an overhead chopping attack - but they are also less likely to be working in close-order drill, instead of a more open spacing.

Scott Taylor