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(kinda rambling, but Dragon Blooded fans may like this.)
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Latest revision as of 20:32, 3 June 2005

The Glorious Republic of the Dragons United is a meritocracy. So if you want your kid to learn anything outside the official circiculum, you had better teach it to him before he turns 13. That's the age Diligent Canidates for the Tenfold Examinations typically begin their study. For the next 7 years, the life of a Canidate will be very busy indeed.

The Governors of the Republic have compassionatly built schools to give basic instruction in the ten subjects, but no one considers these to be sufficent, and the wealthiest citizens don't bother with them at all. Servants will drive the young student to at least two schools every day, prepare special meals considered to aid in learning, and arrange recreation time so the student does not become overly stressed. Special trips abroad help the student's mastery of linguistics, spelunking, and other esoteric subjects.

Both parents traditionally accompany the child on these trips, a special treat indeed. Typically, Diligent Canidates come from successful families, and successus means hard work. If the parents are Dragon Blooded or simply very succesful, both my labor, possibly in remote posts at opposite ends of Creation. Less prosperous families may not be able to afford servants, and thus one parent might live at home and raise the children. Traditionally the father must stay home, a sexist tradition that flatters neither sex.

During the bad ol days, the Dragon Blooded lived in small settlements scattered throughout Creation. Wyld touched bandits, demons, and other monsters roved the land. Men were thought to be rude, disgusting, and violent. Women were thought to be unpredictable, wild, and charming. So the men stayed home in their heavy armor, prepared to fight off the monsters. If any travelers did come, men were expected to stay inside to avoid offending the visitors, and also because their wives did not have great faith in their loyalty and sexual restraint. Women were expected to travel the land to conduct diplomacy and study sorcery. A women at home would (supposedly) exhaust her husband's health through too frequent sex and pose a danger to the community through practice of Sorcery.

Today, there are plenty of male sorcerors and women warriors, but the stereotypes persist subtly. Starting from the age of Diligent Canidacy, women are expected to show off their sexuality and to find boyfriends. Those who do not are ribed constantly by their peers. Men are thought to be dirty and are expected to show the sexual restraint women supposedly lack. No matter how high a man might rise, the good parties invite on the basis of the women's status.

Of course, the good parties don't mean the things they used to. A few "old money" families hold onto the old traditions, but most know the truth: The real power come from your jobs. A talented and industrious student might land a job with Republic or one of its Zaibutsu. Once there, you might have an office in the undersea duchy of York or one of the glittering towers in Meru. Or you might travel the Threshold, conducting bussiness and slaying monsters. Without a good job, well, your kids will do better. These firms hire only the best students to conduct their bussiness. So you had better study for your exams.