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Latest revision as of 16:18, 3 February 2005

The leaves rustled in the wind as a lone man stood on a hilltop overlooking a small village. His hair was blowing in the calming breeze that was coming in through the valley. He thought to himself how weary he had become after his long journey to the northern lands in seek of old friends. After all these great many years, he still rode his grand Clydesdale Matheus. Matheus, he was named because Marcus wanted to honor an old mage that had long since passed on to the other side. Marcus then put his head down and let out a sigh.

"Time to go old friend and pay homage to the passing of another old friend." He whispered to his horse as he kicked the horse's sides. The old horse started to move towards the town in a slow gallop. Marcus knew that soon he would have to put down this friend and it saddened him that he would have to do so. They had seen so much together, maybe a little too much death and battle to suite Marcus. Just then, an image came to Marcus. He thought back and dwelled on this aching memory. How long has it been since the time when he felt his curse the most? A shiver went down his spine and his body went stiff with the thought. Then a tear strode down his cheek. Not long enough he thought to himself.

Several hours later Marcus's travels ended when he reached the towns main gates. There were several guards currently on duty that he could see. Marcus gave the on that approached him a once over as he was getting off Matheus. The guard saw the ornate holy armor that Marcus was wearing. The cloak that Marcus was wearing was caught by the wind and revealed to the guard the ornate holy symbols that were scattered over the arm plates, shoulder plates and the breastplates. He was rather moved. Marcus thought to himself that the guard probably knows who he is, but he decided that he must be polite as his Ranger teachings had taught him to be.

"Greetings, I am Marcus Pendragon, adopted son of Liet and Liel. I am here for the funeral of a dear friend."

The guard felt the regal presence that he was in as Marcus talked to him. "Yes Lord Pendragon, they are expecting you in the Citadel. It is good to see you again my lord. It has been a long time since anyone has seen you in this area. We have sent many messengers to look for you. I see that they have found you. It is strange that none of them have returned with you."

Marcus took his gaze away from him and grabbed for the reigns of his horse, "No messenger found me. I knew long ago that this day was coming." He started walking into the city and then gave an answer to this guards statements, "The messengers are still looking for me where I am not."

With that said, Marcus continued to walk into the city of Pleiades. He had been in the wilderness for weeks and so his nose had become accustomed to the fresh air, but this city gave off the usual repugnant smell of civilization. He was at least thankful that it did not smell as bad as the death lord controlled cities. Then he came back to where he was and what he was doing. He thought to himself and was amazed that it had been about 60 years since he has been in this town. He looked around and thought to himself that a lot of things have changed. He then thought about the past and couldn't hold back some of the tears. There were so many memories when he thought of the past. So many places he had seen with his eyes. Too many people had died by his swords and hands. Too many friends had died to bring him back from the depths of hell. Then hatred flooded his entire being when he thought of the dark one, the dark priest himself, Kâzuyá. The dark priest had put a curse on Marcus long ago, and that curse was directly involved in the death of his young wife. Oh how he had grown to love her even after her death, at his own evil hands.

He stopped in his tracks when he thought of his wife. He remembers their first night together. He and his companions had stopped at this town to protect them from raiding barbarians. This was a noble cause and he felt strongly in it. After all, he was a Ranger, those who are above simple knighthood. She was a young and feisty little thing. The town offered them board until the situation had been corrected, and so a bar owner offered a spare room to Marcus. He had accepted. The bar owners adopted daughter took an instant liking to Marcus when he first stepped though the door and she desired him. She used all of her womanly gifts on him until he had succumbed. The next morning, upon his waking, she dragged off to the local priest, which happened to be Marcus's friend that was currently traveling with the group. Being noble and somewhat embarrassed, he accepted the marriage. He found out later that she was a fighter, even up to par on his own fighting abilities. And he was considered to be one of the best fighters amongst the Rangers.

Marcus then snapped back to where he was when a storeowner started to yell at Marcus to move on or buy something. Marcus being polite to the shopkeeper apologized for his inaction for the last few minutes and tugged on his horse and became moving once again. It was a crowded afternoon in the market place, but Marcus was thankful that it was a small square and that he would be in the Citadel soon. He traveled the rest of the way without thought or incident and in a way he was grateful. The past was too painful to think about at times.

At the door of the Citadel there was Garrett, sitting up against the doors. He had been sitting, but when Marcus came into sight, he got up and started to walk towards him. Marcus let the reigns go on his horse and stood still. Garrett got up to about five feet away from Marcus and stood there. A cold breeze blew just then. Marcus's cloak blew in the wind , as did Garrets.

"Marcus." Garret replied in a cold, stern voice. Then the two men walked towards each other and hugged. Garret in a happy voice, "It has been far too long old friend! We have missed your company in our travels."

Marcus patted Garret on the back and then letting go of the hug.

"I know my friend, I know. I have missed the company of good friends. I came as soon as Assumé, as soon as he sent me word." Marcus looked down. He felt odd saying the name of his friend from a time long lost to memory. He then looked up and saw Garrett's face; it was contorted in a way to show shock. "Yes Garrett, I still talk to my friend. Even if he wasn't able to break his curse, I myself owe him my life for his aid in breaking the curse that the dark one put on me."

He paused to let this settle in his friends mind.

Marcus continued, "By Helios, the spells that still hold true have kept the darkness within me at bay. If Assumé had been more persistent in his completing of the spell that the dark one started, I would not be here talking to you. Rather, we would be on the battlefield facing each other."

Garret shook his head in agreement, then he spoke, "I understand my friend, the dark one hasn't been able to totally suppress Assumé light side. We can be grateful that we do not have two of them to deal with yet. The brothers would be unstoppable if they thought the same."

He then stepped back and put an arm on Marcus's shoulder, "We have you to thank for that at least." He smiled then and turned and started to walk into the Citadel. "Come Marcus, we have held off long enough. This must get underway soon, the body is starting to be rather, well, smelly to be polite. Not to mention, there is no need to keep a soul waiting to go on more than it needs too."

Marcus replied, "I know. We have lost a valiant warrior."

"He was stupid, I cannot believe he did what he did!"

"Really?" Marcus replied in astonishment, "What did he do?"

"I take it then that Assumé, didn't tell you the details then?" Garrett said, turning his head as he continued to walk forward.

"No, you know there cannot be much to be said for telepathic messages over the dreamscape. Since the curse was lifted, my mind has been closed to all save a few of the most powerful minds. And at that range, I am surprised it came though at all." Marcus said in a rather low tone as they entered the Citadel. For he didn't want everyone to know there business. To talk of such matters is not wise in times of war. They both knew it.

"Well, we had come back to this town for a much needed rest. Given our company's long life span as you well know yourself, we wanted to take a couple years off. We had been in Pleiades for about a full moons time. One night, a cloaked figure entered the city. I felt the dark ones presence the moment he entered. I think he was looking for this fight."

Garrett turned his head to see who was listening. "You know him, he could never stay away. He wanted to find him and destroy him. Fool's errand I told him. But he was rather bull headed as usual. I did not go with him, but I saw through his own eyes." A few tears started to roll down his cheek. "This fight was a set up. The dark one tore him apart. Less than five seconds was this battle. As he was dying, I was still there in his mind. The dark one leaned over and spoke directly to me, he said he was looking for you." With that being said; Garrett whipped the tears away from his eyes.

"Well, I have already said my goodbyes to our friend. You might as well say yours." He turned to sit down in one of the chapel's pews, his face all red from the tears, and then he remembers, "By the way, Elena wants you to meet her for dinner." He chuckled to himself, "Not every day a person gets invited by the queen to dinner alone. Then again, no everyday a peasant inherits a kingdom from a rogue death knight." At once Garret regretted the words.

Marcus went pale when he heard those words, the curse, and the curse by name. He remembered the time when the dark one bound a demon to his soul. He had been changed into something unthinkable. And when the curse broke, he was no longer what he had been before the curse, he had become something totally new, what that was he didn't know and still doesn't. It took him many years to learn what his powers had become, but he was no longer a Solar by any means.

He turned and saw the shame that his friend now bore. He knew that he regretted his words and that was enough for Marcus to forgive his friend. "You can go tell her that I will be there shortly. I am going to say good by to my old friend." Marcus then went down the isle. He heard Garrett getting up and leaving he continued his way to the alter, were his friend laid. Marcus remembers all the times that they had fought together. They trusted each other completely in battle, he would never trust no other they way he trusted him.

He walked up. And for a long time he stared at the limp body that was once his friend. He bent over and whispered in his ear, "Lo, there do I see my father's father before, lo there do I seem my line down to the beginning, lo there shall I rest in the halls of Helios." He then raised and patted him on the chest. He gave is old friend a once over. The he summoned his arcane energies stored in his body. He closed his eyes.

A gusty breeze blew throughout the citadel. A pillar of fire stretched forth from the alter to the ceiling. Marcus took several steps back. This is the burial of kings in Jaiden's homeland. He turned and walked out of the Citadel. Marcus thought to himself, the dark on will pay for this life and all the lives that he has taken a thousand fold when his armies march forth down the Ford. He smiled; at long last the battle would soon be over.