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Ex-Member of the Third Field Force, Lookshy

Concept: Huntress

A minor member of note within House Kirigasa, Aria grew up in Lookshy, receiving the standard education entitled to every native, growing up to enlist in the Lookshy military as required of all citizens. The girl who had spent her youth running wild within the Green Hunt of Lookshy (and sometimes even outside the city's enormous walls), had developed a love for nature and the wilderness, for hunting and tracking and hiding amongst the shadows of the green forest canopy. As an adult, she was able to put those talents to good use, serving as reconnaissance with the Third Field Force of Lookshy.

Her life was changed when her unit was assigned to one of Lookshy's redoubts, far from the safe confines of the city walls. During her unit's assignment at the redoubt, word came to the legionaires of an anthema who had been sighted within hard riding distance of the small fortress. Her unit of the Third Field Force, being specially trained to deal with such matters, was dispatched along with a handful of the Blooded commanding officers to deal with the situation. As they closed closer to their quarry, the people they passed told them tales of the demon's passing, of the chaos and fear that had reigned in its passage. Finally, the unit's trackers were dispatched afield to flush out the hiding place of their prey.

Aria was the one who came upon their prey. A lone cottage stood alone in the woods, smoke lazily rising from the chimney, as Aria spied two figures through a window: a young woman, seemingly gentle in nature was tending to a man, an obvious warrior who had sustained an injury and was laid out upon a bed. The tracker's eyes fell upon a sword propped up against the wall as well; a blade of great length and girth, unwieldable by any normal man. The tales heard in passing claimed this as the weapon carried by the anathema.

Silently slipping away, Aria reported back to her unit as to the demon's whereabouts. The entire force marched silently and determinedly through the forest to the cabin wherein their prey was holed up. The Blooded of the group wasted no time in calling the anathema out, having surrounded the cabin with their numbers and baring their steel in anticipation of bloodshed. Aria was perhaps the most surprised of all when the young woman came out bearing the giant blade in both small hands, claiming defiantly she would defend this place and the man inside to her last breath. The Blooded attacked as one, supported by their mortal retainers. Aria watched the battle in flustered indecision, for surely what she had witnessed was no demon tending to a man as softly as this woman had. Though her heart wavered in her decision, her hand tightened about her bow regardless, knowing that it would be loosed very soon.

At her grip, the Maiden of Battles lay her hand upon the young woman's soul, marking her forever as one of her own. The battle paused as Aria looked about her - the woman was barely holding her own, but she would be no match for the remaining Blooded if they pressed en masse. A soft voice spoke in the huntress' mind, saying, "Choose this battle, and you choose your fate." The cryptic words rang in Aria's mind as her first arrow flew into the throat of one of the Blooded. Her vision turned crimson as she saw her unit fall back away from the melee, as the Blooded turned between her and the other young woman. All she saw of the Blooded in this moment was the decadence she had been witness to her entire life, but most appalling of all was the fact that they attempted to slay this gentle soul before them at the whim of a hypocratic theology.

The Blooded died that day, and Aria's former allies ran in fear from her, taking word of her betrayal back to the Legion. But the young huntress had set her foot upon another path, and she would not be alone in following it where ever it led.

  • Caste: Chosen of Battles
  • Nature: Survivor
    • Regain Willpower when:
  • Anima: Red
  • Concept: Huntress
  • Attributes:
Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 


  • Mercury
    • Survival 2
  • Venus
    • Dodge 3
    • Linguistics 1
    • Socialize 1
  • Mars
    • Archery 5
    • Brawl 1
    • Melee 3
    • War 2
    • Resistance 1
  • Jupiter
    • Investigation 3
    • Lore 3
    • Occult 2
    • Stealth 3
  • Saturn
    • Athletics 1
    • Awareness 5
    • Bureacracy 2
    • Presence 2
Backgrounds: Artifact 5, Salary 3, Backing (Gold Faction) 2, Celestial Manse 2, Sifu 2, Connections 2, Ally 1

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 4
Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Fu: 3
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 14/39


  • Dodge:
    • Absence
    • Duck Fate
    • Avoidance Kata
  • Melee:
    • Harmony of Blows
    • Meditation on War
  • Investigation:
    • Efficent Secretary Technique
  • Stealth:
    • Soft Presence Practice
  • Awareness:
    • Prior Warning
    • Expected Pain
    • Inevitable Pursuit
  • Archery:
    • Any Direction Arrow
  • Wood Dragon Style:
    • Eyes of the Wood Dragon
    • Mind Over Body Meditation
    • Wood Dragon Vitality
    • Soul Marking Strike
  • Violet Bier of Sorrows Style:
    • Secrets of Future Strife
    • Joy in Adversity Stance
    • Violet Bier of Sorrows
  • Combos:
    • Eyes of the Wood Dragon/Soul Marking Strike
    • Harmony of Blows/Meditation on War
Quick Combat
Base initiative: 9
Soak: 3B/1L/0A (unarmored)
Dodge: 10
Knife: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate
Bare fist: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate
Graven Silence: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate


Starmetal Long Powerbow
Starmetal Daiklaive