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Seandoran Aulenfall, The Ashen Reaper

Concept: Priest of Sijan

Born to two well-to-do parents in Great Forks, Sean grew up in a large city surrounded by a multitude of various theologies and ideologies. At an early age, his parents inducted him into the politics of the almost theocratic system of beliefs pervading Great Forks, schooling him not only in the arts and sciences, but in the rampant theologies the city was known for.

Though fate might have dictated otherwise, the young man grew up bearing a resentment for the place of many spirits in the world of humanity. Though of course they had their places in religious hierarchy, his experiences had shown him that though man was guilty of bearing many negative qualities, the spirits themselves were no better. The little gods were capable of much greatness in their existence and their interaction with men, and for this Sean blessed them. But he also saw that just as they were capable of good, so their unfathomable drives also drove them to darker depths than many men. The qualities he detested in men, Sean found exacerbated in the godlings.

Coming of age, he grew weary of bearing to live in a bureacracy permeated with such fickle beings, though he refused to turn his back on his theologic teachings. His roaming thoughts came to Sijan, a place of thought and learning parallel in many ways to Great Forks, but without the intruding spirital hierarchy. Leaving his parents and the city of his home behind, Sean travelled to Sijan. In time, he became inducted into the funerary order, and was able to expand his knowledge of various cultures, of certain crafts, and of the occult.

Description: A tall, supple figure, Seandoran is light of build, though he carries himself with a subtle surety in his actions. He is a pale man, with delicate features, and long lustruous black hair that he wears in a woven braid that starts at the middle of his back, braiding his hair down to the small of his back. His wrists bear bracers of gleaming starmetal, worked in the likeness of the signature silver bracers the Funeraries of Sijan carry. His clothing is a complex overlap of folds, belts, buckles, chains and trinkets, appearing largely ornamental in nature, though of religious significance. He garbs himself mostly in black, with a deep, somber violet providing the only splashes of color to his person. Over top of it all, he wears a dark, ash grey cloak, the mantle of the priests of Sijan.

Character Sheet

Caste: Chosen of Endings\\ Nature: Savant\\ Anima: Violet to Midnight Blue\\ Concept: Priest of Sijan

Attributes:\\ Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2\\ Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2\\ Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4


Endurance 1
Craft (Fate) 1, Dodge 5, Linguistics 3, Performance 2 (Funeral Rites), Socialize 1,
Brawl 1, Melee 3, War 2
Investigation 1, Lore 3, Occult 3, Stealth 1,
Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Bureacracy 3, Medicine 2

Backgrounds:\\ Allies 4, Artifact 5, Salary 1, Manse 5

Virtues:\\ Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Willpower: 5\\ Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap\\ Fu: 3\\ Essence: 4\\ Essence pool: 14/39



  • Absence
  • Duck Fate
  • Avoidance Kata
  • Trouble Reduction Stategy
  • Neighborhood Relocation Scheme


  • Impeding the Flow


  • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
    • Internal Flame
    • Possession
  • Celestial Circle Sorcery
    • Weave Fate
    • Gateway


  • Smooth Transition
  • Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence

Immaculate Charms

  • Spirit Sight
  • Spirit Walking

Violet Bier of Sorrows Style

  • Secrets of Future Strife
  • Flight of Mercury
  • Joy in Adversity Stance


Quick Combat Combat: Base initiative: 9 Soak: 2B/1L/0A (unarmored) Dodge: 10 Attacks: Knife: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Bare fist: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Graven Silence: Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies 4: The Grimoire of Sublimely Tarnished Undertakings \\ (spirit-possessed book - author uknown)

Investigating reports of a restless creature creating trouble around the tombs of one of the more ancient districts of the Sijan burial grounds, Sean and a band of funeraries set out to put the spirit to rest. The young man was the only one to return. They found an ancient creature bearing the stench of buried centuries upon it - there would be no putting this one to rest except with the sword and the spear. The thing tore apart the funeraries, and only the fortuitous touching of Saturn's hand upon Seandoran's brow gave him the ability to drive the creature back to the sleeping depths from which it had awakened, as well as changing the young man forever.

It was here that he came across the Grimoire, a book ancient in appearance, yet sturdy to the touch. It spoke to him in his mind, revealing its sentience to him and tying its fate to his own. Sean took the book with him and learned much about the unknown world, and about what he had become, before the first Chosen of the Maidens made contact with him.

Manse 5: The Crypt of Unknown Souls

Buried deep within the hollows of the tombs catacombing Sijan and it's surrounding valley, the Grimoire led Sean to the burial place of one of its previous owners, a Celestial not unlike himself. The chosen of the stars had died in a great battle several centuries ago, according to the book, and the holy men of Sijan had laid him to rest within their sanctified grounds. The chosen tomb had always been considered an especially sacred place, but the priests at the time had no idea of the significance of the structure where they interred the fallen warrior. Most likely a manse of secrets, the carefully constructed chamber bears a Gem of Sapphire and Emerald.

Artifact 5

Within the Crypt of Unknown Souls laid the body of a fallen warrior, a chosen of the stars, according to the ancient text Sean carried with him. The champion had been buried with full honors, laid out within the tomb bearing the armor and weapons he had fallen with. Most prominent was a great spear, a wickedly barbed lance with ancient engravings carved into the mirrored metal. The name given to the lance was a testament to fate's cruel sense of humor - Graven Silence, The Divinely Chosen Judge of Heaven Upon The World. Seandoran took up Graven Silence at the behest of the Grimoire, along with the hallowed armor and bracers the fallen champion had been interred with., all of the serenly silvered metal of the stars. Later in his travels, Sean took it upon himself to have the bracers embellished by a fine craftsman, to resemble the signature silver braclets worn by the Funeraries of Sijan, a life he might've known but for fate's intervening hand.