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Vital Statistics


Name: Ragara Laral
Aspect: Air
Profession: Satrap and Sorcerer
Anima: The Icy Winds of the North.
Current Age: 30
Apparent Age: 21
Hair: Blue-White
Eyes: Ice Blue
Skin: White
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 163 lbs.
Sex: Male


Ragara Laral seems to be a decent person on the surface. However, there are indications that he is a sadist and prefers his women unwilling. He was sent to become a Satrap ten years ago, after an incident with a Dynast of House Ragara resulted in her Exaltation and his disgrace. During his tenure as Satrap, he has devoted much of his time and effort to dealing with the local bandit gangs and barbarians. He has saved a number of girls from the various bandits under suspicious circumstances. They claim to not remember their captivity very well.

The people of /CeruleanLake seem to like him. He has prevented bandit attacks on their cargoes and village. He also does not drive as hard a bargain as their last Satrap.


Ragara Laral is a Registered Sorcerer and is known to have learned all the spells in the Black Treatise of Sorcery, save Demon of the First Circle. From the various statements of the villagers and his men, he seems to also know several mind effecting spells, most likely including Theft of Memory.

He is not known to have many charms, preferring Lore and Occult charms to the exclusion of others.

As the Satrap, he has a Scale of twenty-five men to deal with the bandit attacks and five bureaucrats to handle the paperwork. He lives in the /HouseOfAdamantIce but was not given the Hearthstone.

He is known to have a Memory Stone. It is unknown how many artifacts he has, as he may by carrying anything from the cache he discovered.