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Alchemical Intelligence Charms

Bolt of Entrancing Celerity's eyes scanned the mortars across the ravine; they would hit, considering all physical variables. He began arranging a sorcerous matrix, Charms activating along his back -- the air became charged with motes, wild and unpredictable. He would give them a metaphysical complication instead.

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Esoteric Calculator</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Intelligence: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

This charm allows the Alchemical to perform mathematical calculations with super-human speed and efficiency. Any intelligence roll that requires mathematical input (Calculating the Geomancy for a structure, Aligning the perfect catapult shot, allocating resources for an army etc) may be supplemented by the use of this charm, 1 mote adds a number of automatic successes equal to the Alchemical's intelligence score to the roll. Alternately it can be activated in a scene long configuration to aid in the rapid accumulation and usage of mathematical data, trend analysis, etc. Any situation that it might apply to (Playing Card Games, Looking for an anomaly in a large amount of text, etc) they may add a number of dice to their dice poll equal to their intelligence score. This Charm is located upon the crown of the head, and contains a small crystal screen that constantly scrolls esoteric symbols when active.

Supra-Cranial Booster</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant or one scene.
Type: Extra Action
Min. Intelligence: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Esoteric Calculator

This charm allows the Alchemical Exalted to take several mental actions simultaneously. When activated in this way, it allows the Alchemical to make several rolls based on mental attributes at the same time. For example, the Alchemical might spend a scene at the forge, rolling intelligence + occult to work on the artifact they are creating, while also rolling wits + socialize to review mentally review the events of last nights dinner in order to look for weaknesses in the Tripartite Council's members, and rolling Perception + Awareness to keep their eyes open for intruders. They may make a number of mental rolls in the scene, equal to their Intelligence score. In its second configuration it lasts for only a single instant, but it allows the activation of a number of other Intelligence based charms of instant duration in the same turn equal to their essence score, without a combo.

Autochthonic Artifact Production Facility</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 2 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Intelligence: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: Sapphire Essence Actuator

This Charm is installed in the area of the Alchemical's sternum, visible as a large diamond surrounded by a setting made of the Alchemical's Caste Material and flecked with streaks of the other four Magical Materials. It allows the Alchemical to double the number of successes scored on an Intelligence + Occult roll for purposes of artifact creation only. The use of this charm allows the Alchemical Exalted a mastery of artifact creation that is unmatched by other Exalts.

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