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Latest revision as of 01:49, 27 April 2008

They are like, bright and hot and nuclear and stuff.



The ideal of a human in violence and victory. Solars of the Dawn Caste are those who commit acts of destruction in boundless glory and honor.

Anima banner: As per canon.

Anima effects: As per canon.

Caste Abilities: Martial Arts, Melee, Ranged Combat, Ordnance, War

Associations: As per canon.

Sobriquets: As per canon.

Character concepts: Mercenary leader, cold-hearted sniper, mafia hatchet man, prize fighter, grizzled general, military scientist, bodyguard, arrogant strategist, starcraft pilot


The ideal of a human in self-sacrifice and faith. Solars of the Zenith Caste are those who inspire others with their bulwark belief and superhuman resolve.

Anima banner: As per canon.

Anima effects: As per canon.

Caste Abilities: As per canon.

Associations: As per canon.

Sobriquets: As per canon.

Character concepts: Televangelist, stoic monk, noble philanthropist, revolutionary scholar, undercover journalist, money-grubbing CEO, homeless beggar, new age crystal-gazer


The ideal of a human in discovery and progress. Solars of the Twilight Caste are those who question everything, understand everything and teach everything.

Anima banner: As per canon.

Anima effects: As per canon.

Caste Abilities: Academics, Craft, Engineering, Medicine, Occult

Associations: As per canon.

Sobriquets: As per canon.

Character concepts: Proud gunsmith, discontent schoolteacher, gleeful positivist, quantum scientist, nuclear engineer, anarchistic hacker, tech-savvy NEET, geomancer, astronomer, astrologer


The ideal of a human in vigilance and fairness. Solars of the Night Caste are those who ensure everything remains just, whether or not their efforts will even be felt by others.

Anima banner: As per canon.

Anima effects: As per canon.

Caste Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Investigation, Larceny, Stealth

Associations: As per canon.

Sobriquets: As per canon.

Character concepts: Father with a history of violence, tired policeman, private investigator, vigilante crime-fighter, (in)famous judge, field reporter, village hero, honorable gangster


The ideal of a human in transition and harmony. Solars of the Eclipse Caste are those who interconnect the worlds and expand it manifold.

Anima banner: As per canon.

Anima effects: As per canon, except Eclipses may not learn the unnatural tricks of the Fair Folk and learning the Charms of the Primordial Exalted costs double the normal experience points of unfavored Charms (normally 20).

Caste Abilities: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Pilot, Socialize, Technology

Associations: As per canon.

Sobriquets: As per canon.

Character concepts: Charming diplomat, modern day adventurer, famous novelist, hypertech researcher, passionate politician, notorious occultist, prestigious interpreter, quirky inventor