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Latest revision as of 23:54, 22 July 2006

It was a cold morning at Kyuden Bayushi. Winter had almost ended, and spring drew near. Already the snow began to melt, and the first flowers bloomed. Shosuro Souske had been reassigned here after his year-long gempukku as a shinobi, that harsh year where he was unable to wear anything but his black ninja garb, and was forced to do the most horrible of tasks. Finally, though, he was allowed to burn his black robes, and was a full fledged shinobi. He had been reassigned to a post at Kyuden Bayushi, and rumor was Aramaro had been personally giving new shinobi tasks personally, for some unknown reason.

Dressed in the simple clothes of a low tier Samurai of the Shosuro family, Souske sat in the ante-room and quietly sipped his tea.

The other shinobi were already in attendance as well. Their disguises were impressive, but he could recognize a few that he had survived his gempukku with. After a short period of time, Aramoro looked up and spoke through his elegant silken mask.

"I welcome you, samurai-san, all of you. I have called you for a very important task. A dark cloud has fallen upon Rokugan, and it is our job, as the Emperor's underhand to make sure the Emerald Empire does not come to harm. There is a man that must be found. He was banished to the Burning Sands five years ago, but our spies have informed me that he did not in fact accept his banishment. He is known as Yoto, formerly of the Kakita family. Unfortunately, we have only been able to narrow his position down to five places. That is why I have summoned you. Each of you will be given a different task, and report to me when significant progress is made. You shall return to Kyuden Bayushi with the information, as should any other clan learn of his whereabouts in Rokugan, he will be executed for breaking his banishment. We need him alive. All of you shall leave now. I shall give you your missions one by one. Souske-san, you shall be first. You may remain."

The other samurai bowed and shuffled out of the hall backwards.

Souske planted his forhead firmly on the tatami in a deep bow.

"I am ready to serve, Aramoro-sama."

"One of my spies has informed me Yoto had a lover. A Unicorn courtier, by the name of Shinjo Kokori. She no longer knows where he is, but, rumour has it, he truly loved her. I take no stock in rumours, but it is still wise to investigate them. You will find a decent cover and travel to Unicorn lands, and learn what you can."

"Understood my lord. What information is available on Shinjo Kokori?"

"Quite a few bits of information, actually. She is to be wed to a Miya soon, Miya Rinji. She does not particularly care for him, however. She also seems to have a thing for female whores. This may be useful information. I will send word for the Scorpion tea houses to assist you if she has visited them recently. Now, go. If you are fortunate, there are two Crab you may travel with soon."

"Understood, Aramoro-sama. I will report when my task is complete. May bayushi smile upon you"