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Sarah Lucky-Lune, Child of Gaia Ragabash Adren, got married and had a child. Several really. But she didn't care about the others like she did for her last daughter. Scarlet was born under an auspicous blood moon in cold October. Luck-Lune could hardly wait to do the right of baptizm for her, this child was the one she was waiting for. Trying not to get her hopes up, Luck-Lune left Scarlet with her kinfolk father for the first year. That's when they could perform the rite and see if Scarlet would indeed become garou. After much anticipation Lucky-Lune got her answer. Scarlet was fated to become one of the garou...

Scarlet grew up primarily among her human kinfolk. She was treated just like any other child, except by her mother, who cherished her the most. Scarlet had three older siblings (two brothers and a sister) but they were not marked like she was. Scarlet had a happy childhood. She spent much of her time playing with the children around home. And spent as much time with her mother as she could while her mother was around.

Scarlet grew up adjusted to the garou comunity. About the time she turned nine her mother started bringing Scarlet around the caern a bit. Introducing the young girl to important people around the caern. By the time Scarlet was twelve she was a regular around the caern, and was nick-named "Lune's Daughter".

Scarlet would always enjoy sitting around the main hearth and listening to the great Children of Gaia tell tales of special places in the spirit realm, sing songs about great battles won, tell epic poems about some hero of the garou nation. Scarlet was facinated by it, and would sit there until taken away by her mother or father.

The more time she spent in the caern the more questions she asked. But some of her questions could not be answered. She had never seen a garou in war-form. Something the great stories, poems and songs always talked about. But she hadn't seen it, and on some level was too afraid to. But her curiosity got the better of her. One nearly full moon when the caern was preparing for a moot, they asked her to leave because they had "important business to take care of and this was no place for kin." they told her. She left as they asked... at first. But she only waited until dark before sneaking back to watch some of the rites. It was durring one of those rites that she got her answer. It looked like the entire caern was in their war-forms. While she wasn't deleriously frightened it did shock the young girl's sensiblities. Not being able to handle it she ran away. For months after she would have nightmares about the rite. Images of wolves and crinos garou ran through her dreams. After a time she no longer feared the images, and dreampt she was running with them. It was many moons later before her first change actually came about, though some galliard whisper the garou spirit was with her before her change.

Scarlet had a less than friendly change. She was at home one summer day, it was getting late and her mother was due for a visit any time now. Really, she hadn't seen her for a few weeks. Scarlet, having nothing better to do, went to sit by the main hearth of the caern and listen to the galliards talk. Hours went by, and there was still no sign of her mother. Scarlet forced back her premintions of doom and continued to smile, while adults swaped stories. It was getting very late, the moon was high. Almost full, she noted, just like that one night. Still no sign of her mother. Setting her worries aside she asked casually about Lucky-Lune to a few of the other galliards sitting around. And again her questions were answered. There was a howl in the distance. Scarlet couldn't understand it really but the hackles on the back of her neck stood up, and she began to act without thinking. She stood and ran in the direction of the howl. Her legs weren't fast enough, she knew something was wrong and her legs were too short... She was one of the last to appear for the summons. When she came upon the scene the adults wouldn't let her in, so she asked louder. When one let her in, Scarlet instantly wished she hadn't. There was her mother, laying limp in the arms of another garou in his war-form. Her mother was in her human form, a silly smile on her face. Blood was gushing from a chest wound that looked impossibly big. Scarlet froze in the face of death. The death being that of her mother, she stood in shock. It took several minutes for her to understand what had happened. It seemed everything around her went fuzzy, her hearing would come in and out between static. "Hordes of them" ... "Banes" ... "We tried" ... "She saved us" ... "Martyr" ... She had enough. Scarlet relased her emotions. Like a tree branch she snaped. Tears mixing with rage she howled a vicous howl and turned on the others around her, inflicting the most minor of wounds, but angry as only a galliard could.

Scarlet was easily maintained while she frenzied. The elders, normally not so forgiving, let her slide in the face of her mothers death. "As one star fades another lights the sky..."

Name: Scarlet Lunesdotter
Nature: Cub (regain when people do things for me)
Demenor: Caregiver (regain when I do things for others)
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Galliard
Tribe: Child of Gaia

Str 2/4/6/5/3
Dex 2/4/3/4/4
Sta 2/2/5/5/4
Cha 5 (crowd pleaser)
Man 2
App 3
Per 3
Int 2
Wit 3

1 Alertness
1 Athletics
2 Brawl
1 Dodge
2 Empathy
2 Expression
0 Intimidation
1 Primal-Urge
1 Streetwise
2 Subterfuge
0 Animal Ken
0 Crafts
0 Drive
2 Etiquette
0 Firearms
0 Leadership
0 Melee
5 Performance (song)
2 Stealth
2 Survival
0 Computer
1 Enigmas
2 Investigation
0 Law
0 Linguistics
2 Medicine
3 Occult
0 Politics
2 Rituals
0 Science

Kinfolk 2
Resources 2
Rites 4
Fetish 4
Totem 0

Persiasion ((Cha+Subterfuge))
Call of the Wyld ((Sta+Empathy))
Mercy ((1 gnosis))

Rage: 4
Gnosis: 3
Willpower: 7

Glory 2
Honor 0
Wisdom 1

Talisman Dedication (pg.160) lvl 1 - Mystic - wits+rituals=7
Cleansing (pg.157) lvl 1 - Accord - Cha+rituals=6 ((requires fetish))
Hunting Prayer (pg.166) minor - +1 die on all tracking rolls
Breath of Gaia (pg.166) minor - lowers difficulty on any one healing or detection roll by 2
Greet the Moon (pg.166) minor - +1 on social rolls with garou of current auspice
Greet the Sun (pg.166) minor - +1 on sense wyrm

Harmony Flute - lvl 1 - gnosis 5 - calms all who can hear it while it’s being played.
Death Dust - talen - gnosis 6 - sprinkle over dead body to speak with it’s spirit.
Moon Glow - talen - gnosis 8 - carry in umbra for safe passage. ((x4))
Nightshade - talen - gnosis 5 - drink and for 1 hr become invisible, works only at night. ((x3))
Moon Sign - talen - gnosis 5 - throw down infront of any changing breed and they turn into their animal form.

None, yet

Flaws: (6pts taken, 5pts given/used.)
Child (3pt flaw) People won't take me seriously. +2 difficulty on relavant social rolls.
Short (1pt flaw) +2 difficulty persuit rolls
Pack Mentality (2pt flaw) -1 difficulty for pack tactics. +1 difficulty for everything when not with pack.