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After her...interesting that morning, Nel stood at the funerary site longer still, the sun raising in the sky above. All were waking from restless nights, except those who slept not in the night. Kye found himself passed out under a tree after looking for so long for his friend. Mundegar and Kalyth found themselves waking from their bunks in the guest rooms they were given in the Lunar Manses nearby. The Sun rose blood red, after the mournful night.  
After her...interesting that morning, Nel stood at the funerary site longer still, the sun raising in the sky above. All were waking from restless nights, except those who slept not in the night. Kye found himself passed out under a tree after looking for so long for his friend. Mundegar and Kalyth found themselves waking from their bunks in the guest rooms they were given in the Lunar Manses nearby. The Sun rose blood red, after the mournful night.  
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Eleria watches Kye worridly, hoping that he can persuade Nel.  
Eleria watches Kye worridly, hoping that he can persuade Nel.  
He nodded and held open a hand. "I'm sorry if I've been a half-assed captain...I won't let anything like what happened to StillOwl to happen again...I swear it..."
He nodded and held open a hand. "I'm sorry if I've been a half-assed captain...I won't let anything like what happened to [[StillOwl]] to happen again...I swear it..."
She turns to the Elder. "I am sorry we are being so difficult. If I am right however we should be decided any moment...." She looks satisfied.  
She turns to the Elder. "I am sorry we are being so difficult. If I am right however we should be decided any moment...." She looks satisfied.  
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  Malachi is waiting in Nel's room for her return
  Malachi is waiting in Nel's room for her return
  Malachi is now known as Death_Keeper
  Malachi is now known as [[Death_Keeper]]
She gave him one last grateful look and hurried off to the others.  
She gave him one last grateful look and hurried off to the others.  

Revision as of 09:05, 3 April 2010


After her...interesting that morning, Nel stood at the funerary site longer still, the sun raising in the sky above. All were waking from restless nights, except those who slept not in the night. Kye found himself passed out under a tree after looking for so long for his friend. Mundegar and Kalyth found themselves waking from their bunks in the guest rooms they were given in the Lunar Manses nearby. The Sun rose blood red, after the mournful night.

Eleria had not been seen since the funeral by anyone.

Lekadi will rise early from his bunk and perfom his normal morning exercises before heading outside, hoping their no anathema around that he doesn't know

Nel stood motionless in the sun. Her eyes were red and puffy from the tears she had cried, but her face was calm now.

Un-noticed, a small cat, little more than a kitten, patted to the edges of the manse from the woods.

Nel sighed and turned away. She sheithed the sword and strapped it to her back the way Owl did.

The Lunars on the isle were slow to rouse, Vercingetorex being the first up that morn of the Lunar contingent. "Sorrow this morn, Mundegar." The young Walrus nodded to his elder. "Aye."

Steeling herself, Eleria left that safe form of a cat, and returned to normal at the edge of the manse, callingon her wings. She looked tired, and her eyes were tense with some unknown emotion. She held her wings around her protectively, and her fists were clenched tightly. The two wing shaped Moon-silver blades, only seen briefly before, crossed her back. She slowly, watching out to avoid Kye, made her way through the Manse. It was time she found her conpanions. She did not have the luxury of time...

"Good morning youngling." The snake slithered his way toward her. "I sense terrible sorrow within you. Pain this is. Or...something more?" A biforcated tongue tested the air as he eyed her from the corner of his hood.

Eleria, biting her tongue and struggling to keep her violently swirling emotions in check, bowed to him. "I am fine Revered Elder. I come as you wished?" Her fists did not unclench. Her voice was steady... too steady...

Lekadi wanders around the area for a while, getting his bearings, before heading to the water-front to bathe.

"Keep not your emotions near me child, I find it nearly offensive, speak your mind."

Eleria, faced with incurring the wrath of an Ancient, visibly winces. "My apologies Elder. I simply.. had a difficult night. After the rite for Still-Owl... some things were said... remembered. It is of no moment..." Her voice betrays that it most certainly is, but she tries her best to please the Snake.

Kye was still passed out under the tree. He had gone nearly three days without sleep, and his body couldn't take it anymore.

Nel yawns. She walks half asleep to where she knows the others would have been the night before.

"Indeed, well please try to compose yourself for later." The snake slithered onward toward the rest of his flock. A call went out across the island for morning worship of the ancestor cults.

Lekadi hearing the call, will get dried and dressed, then head to see what the fuss is about

Eleria blinked as he left, cursing her lack of control. Given a choice, she would have just stayed away. She was here at all unly under duress. She sighed, and began searching for her companions again, trying to look calm.

Mundegar came to put a hand on her shoulder. "Aye lass, ye be not alone. Come on...let's et some food."

Nel will wander in the direction of the call. She was feeling ready to be around people again.

Grateful for his fatherly presence, she allowed herself to be led, her fists unclenching slowly. "Yes, of course. Food...Thank you..." She seems distracted, but calmer, allowing him to choose their destination, uncaring.

"Can't have it all bottled up, you gotta remember civility, you offend these folks and we'll be in a rock and a hardplace."

"I'm.. trying...." She paused for a deep breath.

Mundegar lead them to a row of cooking houses manned by beastmen and humans alike, making grand feasts for the all the islands occupants of Fish, shellfish, fruits and sea kelp.

lekadi arrives at the focal point of the call, looking around at all the anathema around, wandering just how by the elemental dragons their could be so many in one place

Eleria picked at some small amount of food, not hungry, and remained close to Mundegar, trying her best to be polite and open as he advised.

"Lekadi, get yer hind end here to eat! It's a long day we have ahead, have to have the Bellena fixed up." Irontusk dug into his food.

lekadi also picked at his food, still a bit uneased with the people around him

Nel wandered closer. She could smell the food and found her way among the others. She found her way to an available seat and ate in silence.

Eleria gave Lekadi a weak smile of greeting. "Good Morning Lekadi." Spotting Nel, and knowing she had to be feeling far worse, Eleria beconed her over.

"morning El" lekadi says, half sheepishly

She smiled a bitg more at the abreviation, feeling better than she had expected among her companions.

"You could drop a pin this morning, everyone seems quite..." Kalyth will look down the rows, the Lunars and their Dragon Blooded companion seem to be the only ones eating, the rest of the population that isn't cooking is off at prayer.

Maybe there was more to this pack thing that met the eye.

"prayer, shoudn't you guys be their too?"

"Not that I know of, we weren't asked." Mundegar down a drought of fruit juice.

Eleria looked curiously. "Prayer? To whom? Surly Luna should be respected at night... that is as I always do it..."

"ohh, hello, i don't think weve met, i'm lekadi" lekadi offers his hand to Nel

"It's ancestor worship, that's what it is I think." Kalyth will keep her lips sealed at the Dragon's Chosen making peace with a Solar.

Nel puts on a polite smile. "No, we hadn't met yet. I'm Nel. It's a pleasure to meet you Lekadi."

"Does anyone know when we are supposed to be meeting the Elder here?"

Nel refrains from shaking his hand, since she was eating, and instead nods to him.

lekadi aukwardly pulls his hand back and carries on eating

Eleria looks hesitant. "Because we are all here buy Kye... and he should be here if the meeting is soon..."

"I can try and get them for you? if you want" Lekadi offered with a grin.

Nel noded and grabed a second and third plate, filled them with food and made her excuses. "I should take some food to the others." She stood and turned to go back to the boat "I'll be back soon." she offered as she left.

She shrugged. "Kye is that way." She pointed. "I don't know where Scin is. He is probably still asleep. I can go find him..."

"Scin..." A soft pressure pushed against his forehead. "Scin wake up. Breakfast awaits you, and I'm coming with." Sighing, the put out Ocean Breeze took the Solar by her own arms, and over her shoulder, walking out to the deck and throwing him overboard.

Eleria finished her food. "I'll tell you what Lekadi. You get Kye that way, and I'll help Nel find Scin?" She shrugged. "Probably. he is not far. Just beyond the tree line. See you in a bit!" With that, she stood and headed back to the ship behind Nel, feeling a lot better with the companionship of the other Exalts. She hurries, catching up to Nel.

Lekadi activated wind carried words tech, saying "come on, breakfast is ready. and tell eleria you found out about breakfast now"

Eleria caught up to Nel just on time to see a sleepy Scin thrown over board by the Nymph.

Nel walked over to the ship. She heard Scin wake up, and smiles for once. "When you're dried off, I brought you some food."

"Good morning!" Ocean waved to women walking up the docks.

Eleria grinned, and called in Old Realm with mirth in her voice. "Friend Ocean. Has he offended you?"

"Oh no, he simply would not wake." Ocean stated simply.

"Well you have succeeded admirably in managing to rouse him. Well done." She shared a grin with the Elemental, and started up the Gang plank.

Nel payed no mind to the old language, as always, and comes up on deck. "Greetings Ocean. I hope you will let Scin know about the food. I'm sure he'd also like to join us at the main table."

Eleria came to stand by Nel. "We should be meeting the Elder today and we should all be available. Will you meet us there?" She smiled. "Nel you want to head back to the table with the others? Ocean seems wwell capable of handeling Scin..." Kye opened his eyes groggily. He had only had a few hours of sleep. "Wha...?" Scin spluttered belatedly, having stood groggily with his eyes half open in the shallows for a minute, waking himself. "What?"

"Morning sleepy head, food is here." The Nymph will be all too amused.

Scin looked around at the ladies, eyelids still somewhat closed. "Why do people keep doing this?" he asked, plaintively.

Nel noded. "Just a moment. There's something I wanted to get." She set down Kye's plate of food and rushed below deck to her room to grab her artifact.

Kye got up, looking in horrible shape. He made his way back to the Underhanded Venture. Those repairs weren't gonna do themselves...

Eleria shrugged and waited for her, watching Scin in amusement.

"I'm awake, I'm awake.." Scin complained. Scin draged himself out of the water, shaking the saline out of his sleeves. Scin looks accusingly at Ocean, and then falls in line to follow.

Seeing Kye approaching the ship, Eleria promptly however followed Nel down below deck, although not into her room.

Kye walked up the plank onto the Venture, smelling the delicious food. However, a few steps onto the deck, he stumbled a bit, nearly falling back asleep. Kye arrived on the docks to watch his first mate clamber out of the water completely soaked.

"G'mornin Kye... You look as bad as I feel!"

"Huh....Scin? What the bloody hell are you swimming in your clothes for?"

Eleria waits politely outside Nel's room, making sure she is audible.

"First Mundegar, now Ocean. Everyone's throwing me overboard, Kye!" Scin looked miserable.

Nel retieves her blindfold and ties it on quickly. She appears outside her door and is greeted by Eleria. "oh. Hello."

"so Mundegar, how do you think those solars can keep up on business, when they sleep in to this hour?"

"Someone said something about food...????"

Eleria nods at her. "Shall we leave?"

Scin clambers onto the ship and follows the smell of fresh cooking

"Oh plainly enough, they've got divinity on their side." Mundegar puffed on his pipe... "Then again."

nel nods and leads the way back up on deck.

Kye made his way to the plate and shoveled it down, half-choking on it, before falling over, fast asleep again.

Eleria followed nel back on deck, knowing that Kye was there, careful not to meet his eye. She changed to a cat following Nel, hoping she could slip bye unnoticed.

Scin arrives at the meal, looking at everyone around with brine-laden eyebrows dripping into his eyes and face "Good morning" Scin sits down and accepts a plate graciously.

Nel doesn't question Eleria's new shape and continues past the others without sound.

Eleria pads to the campfire beside Nel, resuming her own form as she arrives.

Kye snores so loud it's hard not to hear as they pass.

She nods to Lekadi."I think you won it's true. Kye arrived as we did. Although he is asleep again, so I think I am th real winner..." She grins at Lekadi, happy. Suddenly hungry now that her friends have cheerred her up, she grabs another bit of food.

Scin takes his ever present bow and reaches nearby for a fowling arrow, wrapping it with more than a few layers of his sodden shirt so as to make a soft but firm arrow. As the others become aware of what he's doing, he swiftly turns, eyes still sleepy, and fires the arrow in a high arc.

Nel will join Lekadi and the Lunars at the meal. She sits next to Eleria with her regained sight. Looking around she notices Lekadi and will nod to him again.

"Bloody hell?" Mundegar and Ocean will watch the arrow....

The arrow sails slowly, spinning and bucking, and lands with a sloppy but soft thump on Kye's head

Eleria holds some food to Nel. "Want any more? How are you feeling today. Holding up ok?" She looks sympathetic, and worried.

Kalyth spat out her drink in a coughing laugh as she walked down the docks. Mundegar will bite his lip, walking down as well.

Nel shakes her head lightly from side to side. "no thank you. I'm fine... I... I'll be alright."

Kye sat straight up. "Turn 30 degrees port, and I want the sails at full. The wind's with us, mates! Huh...? What the hell???"

Eleria smiles at her, and hesitantly puts a hand on her arm. "Well we are here for you, ok? You know that?"

Scin watches Kye awaken, biting absently on a loaf

Ocean will let out a demure cough and poilitely drag Scin to eat.

"MORNING KYE!" Scin turns to Ocean with an impish grin. "This is your fault you know, I'm feeling vindictive now!"

"I suppose..." She'll let out a sigh, dragging him down the dock.

Kye looked at him with half closed eyes, not at all thrilled to be awake. "Don't do that again, or I'll throw you overboard too..." With a thump, Kye will go back to sleep.

Nel resists the urge to question Eleria on how she was there for Owl... She takes a deep breath and turns her gaze in Kye's direction. She changes the subject. "This is a morning full of rude awakenings..."

Scin grins again at her

Eleria sighed. "Not just this morning... This island..."

"What goes around, eh? So, where are our hosts?" Scin snickered.

Kye snored loudly again. "Mmmm, no, to the left baby..."

Eleria smiled to Scin and Ocean. "Hello again."

"'Ello," Ocean sat, amazingly clothed in fine robes.

"hi Scin" Lekadi piped in.

Eleria pointed out oll the other food. "There is plenty here. Help ourselves I think..."

"hi" lekadi replies to Ocean

"Hi Lekadi. How're you dealing with all this, ey?" Scin gestures grandly to the surroundings

"So does anyone know what time this meeting is supposed to be??" Eleria asked, looking around.

"well, with the rest of em not here i feel alright"

"Don't worry Lekadi. It's fine. There'll be no trouble." Eleria comforted.

Soon, the beastmen and humans wil lfilter in, the din of noise steadily rising as they sat in their groups and began to eat.

"Heh.. can't say I'm comfortable around them either.. I feel like I'm in a temple or something; afraid to talk.."

"but i've only met one lunar here sofar that i'm pretty sure doen't want to eat me"

"Oh, I'm sure that's just prejudice." Scin tried to add "They'll warm up."

Eleria rolled her eyes at her friends. "Relax Lekadi. No on is going to eat you. And Scin." she pointed to the rising din. "They don't seem worried about noise."

"You're too lean!" One of hte beastmen near you all will say.

Eleria grinned. "See Lekadi? You are safe. You wouldn't make good eating apparently."

"hmmm, is that a compliment???" Lekadi whispered to Eleria

"Hey there you, I'll have you if you're not careful!" Scin grins at the beastman, teeth showing

"I'm sure it is..." she grinned.

The beastman will grin back, showing off a maw full of a siaka teeth. Don't mess with the shark beastmen.

Scin is unimpressed, meeting his gaze until he breaks it while chewing his meal

Eleria looked around. "Kye seems to be missing still. Ocean I don't suppose you feel like lugging another dumb man over-board?"

Nel sighs and continues to watch the other people eat and be merry. A part of her wants to join such merriment... To laugh at jokes, enjoy good times. But her accusing mind was still mentally digesting the happenings of last night.

"ahhhh" lekadi says while stretching, "haven't had such a nice meal for a while"

"Mmm, maybe. Give me a few minutes." And off she'll go...

"Thankyou Ocean!" Eleria shouts after her, genuinley grateful.

lekadi will lean up close to Eleria... "who's ocean???"

To the dock, where the ship lies, walking up the gang plank. Seeing the passed out Solar, she won't even try asking for this one. She knows better. "Blame Eleria, I am merely a messenger of Heaven." And so the Solar was lifted and held over the side...and dumped.

Eleria grins at him, whispering back. "She's a member of Kye's crew. She is a Nymph, an elemental."

"ohhh" Lekadi nodded

"I'll introduce you when she gets back."

"FUUUUUUUUUCKK!!!! COLD!!!" Kye's cry echoed through the air.

"HE'S AWAKE!" Ocean smiled and walked down the way back to the table.

Eleria nodded gratefully at Ocean. "Thanks so much Ocean. You are a true friend." She grins at her. "By the way... This is Lekadi. HE's been on our ship. Lekadi, this is Ocean."

Kye just kinda floated face down in the water for a moment, mumbling to himself, air bubbles hitting the surface, before getting up and walking to shore.

"hi ocean"

"How are you?" The Nymph will grasp his hand in a firm hand shake.

"so Ocean, how often do you throw people overboard???2

Knowing Kye would be comming, Eleria took a place at the other side of the large Mundegar, trying to be small.

Mundegar chuckled, taking down more drink, eyeing a wet Solar walking ashore. "All hands prepare for action..." Kalyth giggled.

"Twice already this morning. I approve..."

"Indeed, the Solars are lazy." Ocean observed.

She grins at the Nymph again, liking her a lot already.

lekadi laughs heartily at Oceans remark

Kye finally made his way into camp, still half asleep. "Mornin' all..."

"evening Kye", with a smile on Lekadi's face

Eleria remained small behind Iron'Tusk's bulk, unready to face him.

"good morning, Kye. Sleep well?"

"Mornin' Kye!" Scin hands him whatever hot beverage might be available, hopefully Coffee

Kye didn't notice Eleria behind Mundegar. "No...was up all night lookin for Eleria...anyone seen her...?" He trailed off as he fell asleep once more.

"Man.. he's in no good shape.."

"hmmmm, maybe we should let him rest"

Nel snickered under her breath. "I see." She turns and faces Eleria. "Nope. Haven't seen her myself..."

"I think this must surely be Eleria's fault for keeping him up, eh?" Scin looks with mock accusation at Eleria Scin then scoffs another morsel "What are we waiting for anyway? Some sort of meeting?"

"He wouldn't have done it if he didn't want to. It's his own fault."

Knowing he couldn't hear now Eleria looked out from behind Iron-Tusk. She glared at Nel and Scin. "Not my fault. I was alone last night. And we need him awake when the meeting happens. I guess now that he is there we can wake him when we are needed though."

"Yea, what's the meeting about then?"

"Although how to keep him awake is another question..."

"...meeting?" Scin looks from face to face

"We are supposed to find out why we are here I think..."

"Oh good. I could deal with knowing why I'm here. I don't think this place is my cup of tea." Scin finishes, pauses, and then flops onto his back.

"I think we all could. I just don't know when we will be finding out today..."

"You would have thought they'd get it over a done with wouldn't ya"

"Well, until then we've some time to relax, I suppose." "Yea.." "..although..."

She looked around. They were all gathered, among the hordes of strangers. With Kye asleep she felt pretty safe, and with the comraderie of the others, she was able to fully pull herself together for seeing the elder. Her thoughts and emotions still spun inside her, but now she would hopefully not offend him again...

Scin sits upright "I think we've gotta start repairing the ship... but I don't know how."

"Good point..."

"don't look at me, i can't nail 2 bits of wood together"

"Damn.. I'm not sure Kye's much better, and I don't really want to ask for assistance here.."

Nel offered her assistance. "I'll help, the best I can. Once we wake Kye up. Perhaps after the meeting, he sould be led to his room to get some real sleep."

"You can repair ships?" Scin looks somewhat skeptical

"Hmmm... let's wait a bit... inspiration will hit us... there has to be a way... We could start with Iron-Tusk's ship?"

"no, but I follow instructions well." Nel felt small

"Problem is no-one knows the instructions... Although I could at least help with a normal ship." Scin sighs resignedly "I'm probably gonna end up making packing until my fingers bleed again..."

Eleria looks at Mundegar. "Wanna start work on your ship until the meeting?"

Scin looks at the rest for a moment and thinks..

Kye rolled over, finally happy to be getting some sleep.

"Right. I'm gonna go practise, and when I'm done I'll commit myself to the repairs for the day. Thanks for the breakfast everyone, and good morning." Scin smiles firmly and makes to head off.

"see ya later Scin, and fall in to the water again"

Scin calls over his shoulder. "Good to see someone liked it!" Scin leaves, and finds a decent space where he can start practising his archery and general combat. He spends some time splitting blades of grass with fowling arrows, then punches clean through a few trees in the woods.

Mundegar will nod, "Aye we need to start fixin soon."

Ocean will stretch, "If you are all done eating, I shall retire to the ship to keep an eye on it." With that she was gone.

Eleria said to no-one in particular. "I like her." With that Eleria puts herself at Mundegar's disposal for repairs, hoping the Beastmen will leave Kye alone where he lies.

Nel sighs as the others contemplate their lac of crafting skills. She takes the initative and walks up to Eleria from the croud. "Eleria. Will you come with me? I want to ask the Snake Lunar for technical assistance."

Eleria nods at her. "Of course. But couldn't we just ask someone here? We were told they would help us..." Eleria looks around for the Beastman that had been told to see to their needs...

Bogratio will appear a few moments later, ruffling his feathers and presenting himself, "Is there anything you all need this morn?"

"Good Morning." She said to him. "is there anyone here who might be able to give us some guidance in repairing out ships?"

"Aye there is," He'll bring a feathered hand to his beak, looking across the table. Letting out a loud squawk, three more of his kind shall pop their heads up.

"These three are heads of the ship repair and upkeep on this Isle, they shall attend your boat, you should hurry on, the master is having the meeting soon."

"HOw soon?" "And where?"

"We can take it to our dry dock across the island and repair her, take a week or two. This is a fine craft we do."

She nodded gratefully. "When is the meeting, and where?"

Somewhere, far away, Scin misses a shot as the craftsman says how long it will take. He's not sure where that mistake came from... "The meeting takes place at the prayer courtyard, just follow along the buildings until you reach the guilded statues then take the path uphill."

"How soon?" "A half hour or so I was told. Now if you'll excuse me." He bid all his companions off and Mundegar left them with a chiding, "Don't hurt my ship! Or I'll ring your feathered necks," he added below his breath.

Eleria thanked him. Then she turned to her friends. "We need Kye awake for that meeting... how can we keep him awake? Ok. WHo will volunteer to wake him?" She looked around hopefully.

"I'll do it," Kalyth waved her hand in the air, "and I won't dunk him either!'

Eleria wanders off and makes some coffee, and gives it to her brave Lunar friend.

Nel nodded. Let Kelyth do it. She'd be nicer to him than most others.

Eleria then waits patiently for Kalyth to do her thing...

"Kye, Kye! Hey! Wake up!" She sniffed the odd water she had given her. "What the hell is this?" she whispered to herself. She hefted his head and poured some of the hot liquid in his mouth, much to his mouth burning displeasure.

Kye spit out the hot coffee. "The hell!?!? Can't I get any sleep!?!?"

As he wakes Eleria quietly steps behind Iron-Tusk again.

"Wake up!" Kalyth will laugh and jump up avoiding his weak wristed swats.

"Why can't I just get some sleep??"

"Anyone seen Eleria?? I need to talk to her..."

Eleria squeezes her eyes shut, cursing herself silently, afraid to face him.

Nel shakes her head. She moves over to kye. "Perhaps she isn't ready to talk."

"She doesn't have to...I have to apologize...I think I may have said something wrong last night..."

Nel whispers to him. "Then speak your mind. She's closer than you think."

"Rather do it in private..."

"Pete's sake..." Mundegar will motion to Lekdai and Kalyth, "We'll be at the meetin' grounds." And so he left Eleria in the open. "Need to stand tall my dear. If you can't handle this, you can nay handle the rest of life."

Eleria stood before Kye, her eyes squeezed shut.

Nel smiles in Eleria's direction. "I tried." She wanders off after Mundegar.

Kye finally noticed her. "Oh! Umm, now I feel slightly dumb...but...want to go somewhere more private?"

She nods at him without opening her eyes. "We don't have long though... the meeting..."

"hey...are you okay...??"

"I am fine. Perfect. There is nothing at all to worry about. Honest." One of her eyes opened. "We should probably go to the meeting. We can talk after if you need..." She looked edgy.

He put a handle on her shoulder. "About last night...if I said anything that I shouldn't have...I'm sorry..."

She shakes her head, opening her eyes properly and looking away. "No, no. You did nothing wrong.. I just made a fool of myself. I told you things... I am ashamed. We should just forget it ever happened..."

"Why? I told you my past...there's nothing shameful of sharing that with me. After all, what are friends for? Besides, I won't tell your secret."

She met his eyes, finally. He could see right down into her soul through them. "Please... don't... Let us just forget it... the meeting... we should..."

He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her like he did the night before. "It's okay...don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong..."

She sighed into his arms. "Thanks Kye... I... ... ... Thankyou." She stayed there for a minute or two, before pulling back. "We should go. I have already annoyed the Elder enough today..."

He nodded, half asleep. "Okay, but please, just let me get some sleep afterwards...it seems like all of Creation is against me resting today..."

She smiled weakly at him. "Of course..." She started up the hill to the meeting, taking his hand, hoping that the essence flow between them would give her the comfort she needed to not annoy the Elder further.

So they walked down the rows of shanty and stone buildings, toward the meeting area, walking up a path, lined with stones and gilded statues of apes, snakes and a carved statue of a whale, they arrived at a vast open courtyard (think Aztec), gathered there, some ten Lunars, including Vercingetorex, and Vako. Mundegar and the others stood off to the left, talking amongst themselves. The snake, upon seeing the others will tap his staff, signaling the meeting. He bid the Solars forward.

Eleria reluctantly lets go of Kyes hand as he is called forward, going to stand with her crew-mates.

Scin arrives at the meeting still with a sheen of sweat from his exertions

Nel steps next to Kye and signals Scin to hurry up and join them

Scin arrives beside the others in line, leaning into Nel's ear to whisper "What'd I miss?"

Nel leans close to Scin. "nothing. We were just summoned when you arrived."

"Solars, and gathered Lunars of the Blue Bellena, step forward as well." The Snake will slither up to a raised dais. "You have been summoned by Lord High Admiral Leviathan. A...turbulent time is coming for this Age as you all know. Perhaps the end of this Age as we know it."

Eleria stepped forward beside the Solars, butting all her effort into impressing the Elder with her control.

Scin breathes in and clears his throat awkwardly as he steps forward

Mundegar settles, his leathers creaking slightly as he held his hands behind his back, listening intently.

"As I have been told by voices borne on the wind and earth, No Ten Hands is dead." He watched the Lunars gathered bow their heads. "The Packs she sent North and South are dead and gone. At least the Northern one is scattered. Fifteen of our kind are dead and awaiting the Second Breath in as many others."

Eleria's eyes widen in shock at this announcement, control forgotten.

Scin winces at what sounds like a terrible toll

Mundegar's jaw drops, goggling at the possibility that so many mighty Exalts could be slain. It takes him a few seconds to recompose himself, his face settling into a frown accentuated by his moustaches and tusks.

"A silent war is raging, behind the scenes away from mortal eyes. Ever since the fall of the meteor, the North lands have slowly gone silent. Frost Wolf himself has assembled an army in response to this and waits in the mountains for anymore movements from the Realm or anything from the Meteor. He too has seen the signs. I am awaiting the arrival of three more Lunars, but I speak to you all now. You have been at sea long. Something is afoot on the Realm, to what end, I know not. But Lord Leviathan is tense, and is ramping up his war games, a sign I haven't seen in some time. He is marshalling all his might in the Pact to bring awareness. But so far, Raksi and Tamuz have disregarded it. Nothing is occuring in the East or South."

Mundegar strokes his beard, still frowning.

Scin stays silent and looks at the ground before him, not sure should he do anything or say anything in response. Who was Raksi? Tamuz?

"Though...amazingly, Ma-Ha-Suchi has taken up the call, and marshalling his forces, though...for good or ill I know not. But Lord Leviathan wants to assemble all the Lunars of the West under one banner for which may come. The time of the Rising is at hand."

Come to that, who the hell was Leviathan? Scin wasn't any more informed than when he arrived..

"Luthe will break the waves once more."

Eleria struggles to keep silent, not wanting to annoy him further, burning with questions.

He shall slither back and forth, addressing the crowd. "For those wondering, Luthe is a great First Age port and harbor that once floated along the waves. A glorious attestment to both Solar and Lunar ingenuity. It sank in the Usurpation, but will rise once more, we have been repairing it slowly over the years and we're ready once more."

Scin 's Eyebrows raise in consideration, now listening more clearly

Mundegar raises his eyebrows, impressed by this news.

"We have three more Lunars and by the grace of Heaven, several more Solars on the way. Reached by our messengers. The time is nearly at hand, we fear a prophecy is about to come true. One my master has only recently told us of, he thought nothing of it in his youth..."

Scin looks a little crestfallen again. Another prophesy? Scin hated prophesies...

"We don't know specifics, but it ties into the one of No Ten Hands. All of you, in deed the entirety of all Solars and Lunars we think. Must be assembled against this. This is dread man, truly dread."

Eleria remains silent, sure he will have instructions for them.

"You are to head to the site of Sunken Luthe right away, there will be three submersivals there and the Lord's personal Guard to see you down to the city, there...we will begin preparations. To make sure you can face what comes from the newly assembled might of the Realm.

Eleria bowed unquestioningly.

Scin looks around in confusion, locking eyes on Kye to see the captain's decision. Underwater? Submersibles? Shit..

Mundegar also bows, pleased at this honour but still frowning about the troubles that he has been informed of.

"So...how long are we staying underwater?"

"The foul play that lies behind this is cunning and patient and has been waiting for this day for years, centuries...milliennia. We expect to train you, using the finest First Age training devices and properties known. And if you do not heed this, you may go. But be warned, the Hunters are still out there. And those fifteen will only grow with time."

Eleria, already agreed to go, looks at Kye as well.

Scin perks back to the speaker. Training though.. could they help him hone his skills further?

"We don't know how long, probably a few years at the least. The city is vast and equipped." He looked at Kye. "A decade at the most."

Scin then looks aghast "Kye, what's the verdict?" Scin looks torn

"I suppose I could use some training...but a decade...doesn't that give our foes just as long to ready themselveS?"

Mundegar is already nodding in acceptance, excitied at the prospect of becoming stronger.

Eleria hid a frown, hoping Daruis could follow her under water easily.

"It is your choice. And yes, but their progress in reforming the Realm is slow going, they have a hard time using something that your former incarnations built. Besides..." He smiled. "We will be here to wage war in your stead."

"Well," says Mundegar, "I suppose if they've been planning this for millennia, a decade won't make any difference."

Kye stood there, silent in thought for a moment. He was lost in his emotions again, not wanting him and his allies to be caught off guard. "Okay, crew! Listen up!"

Scin stands more straight and to attention as he listens

Nel looked almost insulted. A decade being trained by a first age fish?! Her mouth fell open at the conversation around her. She looked to Kye finally, she was his crew, and would follow him as such... but please let it all be an exaggeration...

A small crease graced Eleria's lips as Kye once again took command. He must be on the mend...

"Okay, this, unfortunately, is where we split ways...the elder guy's right. We need to train, and become stronger. However..." he went silent.

Scin looked confused as he absorbed this

"In my opinion, we can't turn a blind eye to the events here as well. That's why..."

Her brow creases as he continues. Part ways?

"Why I'm staying behind."

Her creased brow turns into a glare.

"But Kye.." Scin started speaking and then stopped a moment. "..what good is staying here gonna do?"

"A noble endeavor young Solar." Vako and the others will nod.

"Once your training's done, find a way to contact me...I'll come back as soon as possible..."

"Stay behind and fight? Then I'm coming with..." Nel nodded with confidence, like it were a done deal.

"Kye... We need you there..." she says, careful not to irk the Elder. "The will still be there to fight when we are prepared..."

Scin looked at the crowd around him and nodded understanding, still with a confused look

"You don't even know WHAT we are to fight... that is what we must learn..."

"No...please...only one of us needs to stay..." he said to Nel, and then turned to Eleria. "That's exactly why I need to stay. To find out exactly what we're up against..."

"Captain, I'm sorry if I must now be insubordinate. I can't allow you to face peril alone, I am oathbound to protect you."

"I don't plan on fighting if I don't have to. Just keep an eye on things..."

Scin looks stoic and firm in his assurance

"You're also oathbound to follow my orders."

"Well captain, my priorities conflict."

"kye I am certain we will recieve word in Luthe... And They will be able to tell us how best to fight it, not just what it is..."

"For the good of Creation" Kye quoted. "Not for my sake."

Nel shakes her head. "Let the lunars learn. We're needed here."


"I must choose those that are more applicable!"

"HA! Laughable my young Night caste." Vercingetorex will come down into the crowd. Laughing to himself.

"Please, mates...trust me."

"Trust US Kye... Please come..." Eleria pleaded.

"I'm afraid my trust is thin and fragile my friend! You're not thinking straight, and my course is clear" Scin looks comically set in his decision. "I will accompany you and make sure you are protected in your defence of creation. And should ill come of it, then I shall have done my duty to the ship and to my oaths." Scin turns to the Elder. "Revered Elder" he says, mimicing the honourifics used as best he can.

Eleria was struggling not to get emotional before the Elder. "Kye.. Perhaps we should take some time to discuss this..."

Nel turns to face the lunar. She lifts her eyebrow. "Needed or not. My place is not underwater."

"What be the choice, Kye?" Kalyth will look between the two.

"I regret I cannot accept your gracious offer, as I have prior and overriding obligations."

The snake will bow, "Then die with honor."

"I must stay with my captain."

"Scin!" Kye shouted. "Get trained! The more of us that are prepared, the better. You as well, Nel. Learn, and become stronger."

The word "die" rings in Eleria's ears. her voice becomes stronger, invoking every shred of pull she has over him. "Kye. You need training. You must come!"


Nel turned to Kye again. She took a deep breath. She couldn't go... she needed to see Owl... "Kye, if you're staying, I'll stay. I can learn here too."

Eleria cursed that her bond with Kye wasn't two way... if only she could talk to him.. "Kye. You MUST."

With the voices coming from each side, a different choice in each face, Kye looked to them all for the right answer...

Deep down, were she woll not acknowladge it, is the though that maybe, just maybe... he wants to leave because of what she said to him...

Kye raised his flamepiece and shot it into the air. "ENOUGH!!!! Now, I'm going, like it or not. Anyone who's got a problem can tell me in private. No more of this bickering!"

Scin still stands firm in his conviction; his friend and captain shall not be alone. "Very well."

Eleria rolled her eyes. More Solar drama... "Fine CAPTAIN. Talk to me then..."

"Fine then..." He nodded down the path. "I'll talk with you two afterwards..." He gave a nod to Scin and Nel. With that, he headed down the path.

Scin nods understanding.. Nel nodded after him.

Eleria sighed, looked vaguley appologetically at the Elder, and followed him down the path.

Kye waited for her where he was sure there was no one watching.

She arrived and stood before him silently, expecting an explanation, not believning the one he had given one bit.

He looked at her with less stern eyes now. "I suppose I should explain a bit, eh?"

She nodded wordlessly, her eyes betraying a hint of hurt.

"Listen...I'm sorry...I just need this...I need to find out what my place in Creation is again, 'cause pirate aint cutting it anymore... And, training underwater for a decade, while it will make me stronger, isn't what I need right now...please, trust me Eleria..."

"Kye, you made an oath to serve creation in this quest. You know as well as I do that you can't do that while off on a personal quest. I will help you as best I can, but to fulfil this oath you MUST come with my to Luthe and learn about what we fight. Staying up here oblivios breaks that oath. Anyhow I can tell you what you are. You have not been a pirate since before I met you. You are A Solar Exalt, fighting for creation, chosen of the unconquered sun." her voice became softer. "And besides, you said you wwere here for me"

He took her hand into his. "I know you trusted me before...in a different life...I promise though, I'll come back as soon as I can once all of you have finished. Just, contact me again...the same way you brought us together for the first time." "I am here for you, and if you need me again, just call for me..." "I'll make it back to Luthe for you even if the entire Realm gets in my way"

"Kye you must come. You swore! I thought you meant it... I thought you really were a hero in this age... that speech... I believed every bit of it..." "But if you go now, I will know you didn't mean it... the first moment times get tough you are leaving us on your own personal quest..." "You can't" "Please..." "We all need to go to Luthe... and you will not go alone anyway... if you stay, no one will go. We will all be killed as the Lunars were..." "You will doom us to the same death..."

"I did mean it, and I still do...but, we can't all sit in safety and train...even if word would get to us, it'd be too late..."

"If you choose to stay, all will, and if all do, we will be hunted down like my brethern." "We NEED the training the Elders can provide to survive, or we will all follow Still Owl..."

"No, I won't let them stay...only one of us needs to..."

"You can't stop them Kye... If you stay they will too.... You cannot command them to. They will all break your oath, and the Hunter will kill them as your curse takes them..." "You know it is true... Think of them... " "If you seek meaning in life I will give it to you..."

"I have...and that's why I'm going to leave without them...simply breaking my oath with Scin, instead of them falling under the curse..."

"You are their leader... they follow you. They need you. You have command over a great circle, without you they will fall appart..."

"I don't want them to put themselves in danger for my sake..."

"Kye the only way to save them is to lead them." "We need unity and only you can give us that."

"I'm worthless as a captain. I'm just a drunken lecherous pirate, and they'd be far better off training with Leviathan"

"the will not get the training without you. You show your words to be false by your very worry. You would absent yourself from them to save them..." "that is caring about others. It does not sound like a pirate"

"Then...how about this? One year. That's all I ask"

"Take your year after or during training." "At least lead them there. Take part." "I am sure you will be allowed to leave as you wish and return." "I have a quest of my own I will wish to embark on from there." "You will get your time alone, and the Circle will have it's leader..." "Please Kye.... We need you..." She looks at him imploringly.

He sighed. He couldn't stand seeing her hurt."Fine...I'll lead them...but after that, I'm leaving for a year..."

Her eyes lit up, luminous with relief. "You will stay for a while though won't you? To find out what hunts us, so that you will be safe when you go to the surface..."

"Yeah...a week or two...sound good?"

She sighs. "Kye we need a leader not an escort to the city. You just said you would lead us. You will have to stay for a year at least find out what hunts us. I will not allow you to endanger yourself with ignorance. You must learn, and learn how to fight it, recognose it." "I insist" She looks determined.

"Ya know..." he smirked. "That's one of the things I like about you. A bit stubborn." He smiled wide at her. "Fine, you've got it..."

She smiled, not letting him off that easily. "Swear to me Kye... And you BETTER mean it...."

He looked at her sternly. "Well done...Fine. I swear it..." Golden runes swilred about them. "Happy?"

She threw her arms around his next extatically. "Thankyou so much Kye!!!" "You really are our Leader... You just proved it!!"

"You owe me though..."

She nodded solemly and stood back from her impulsive hug. "I agree. I owe you. Definitely." She grinned mischously. "And you can hold me to that too..." "Oath away boss..."

"Good. Dinner. Tonight, once everything's settled."

"Dinner?" She looks confused. "You said you needed to sleep..."

"I do, but, let's get something to eat first..." He smirked

She shrugged, smiling. "Well lets go straight after the meeting then."

Kye finally made his way back to the meeting grounds. "Okay, Scin, Nel...pack your stuff, we're going to Luthe...now, I need to arrange what will become of the Venture"

Eleria followed him, looking unbearable smug.

He walked straight past them to talk to the other Lunars without saying another word.

Scin looked deflated from his posture of stoicism "We're ah.. Ok"

She stops in the clearing and sits down, placidly, still looking smug.

"Yes sir!"

Nel gasped. She wasn't ready... She couldn't just disappar for a decade... Her mouth dropped into a frown.

"Yes, young one?" Vercingetorex looked down three feet to the tiny Solar.

Scin throws an arm over Nel's slumped shoulders "Relax, it'll be great!" "I'll show you how to fish.."

Eleria stops looking concerned and starts looking concerned. "Nel you should come with us. A total change of scenery will be good for you..."

Scin grins, now happy that he didn't have split priorities..

Nel pulled away from him and the others. It was obvious she didn't want to go. Oaths kept her in her spot.

Scin looks a little put off at that, but shrugs and resumes his smile

"I... I need to be alone... Write to family and things...." Nel was introspect

Eleria came up behind her, keeping a respectful distance. "Nel... we are here for you.." "We are a Pack now.." "We will take care of you there... I promise..."

"She has family?" Kalyth whispered to Scin.

Scin leans in "I don't think so.."

"Agreed..." Kalyth nodded.

Her voice is persuasive. "We can visit your hope occasionally I am sure. You can see your family then..." "Kye and I will both be leaving occasionally. I know Ten years is a long time, but we won't be totally isolated there." "And we'll have each other while we are down there at least.."

"The city is vast, my younglings, filled with people already. The army is stationed there, along with twelve more Lunars and a few Solars."

Nel took a deep breath. She was trying so hard to stay collected. "There are people back home I need to... I need to tell them somethings before we up and vanish for a decade..."

Scin turns to the elder, not wanting him to feel ignored

Kalyth bit her tongue....

"You already have some Solars beneath, sir?"

"We won't vanish Nel. I promise you can come back. I will come with you if you like. Believe me! You are not leaving anyone for ten years..."

"Yes. Three. They and their allies have been living there for months now."

After talking a bit to the Lunars, Kye came back to the others.

"And there are others of our kinds there. We will not be alone."

"Hey Scin, got some great news..."

"Amazing, then I should look forward to meeting them" Scin looks expectantly at the captain "Yes Kye?"

"Please Nel. You don't have to be alone..."

"The Venture's gonna get a full overhaul. Even our main gun'll be working again...however...I'm gonna have to take a year off of training to repay them...don't worry though, it's just a year. Not a decade like I originally said"

Hmm.. "So you'll be off on your journey again, huh? Starting when?" Scin looks inquisitive, as if peering through a veil

"Not sure..."

Eleria, worried at Nel's silence, put a hesitant hand on her shoulder. "It will be alright Nel..."

"But not starting immediately, right? Maybe a few weeks, months? Years?"

Kye noticed Nel looking a bit downhearted. "Hey, Nel...come with me for a bit..."

"hmph" Scin crossed his arms in disbelief

Nel took a deep breath again. She looked to Eleria and spoke softly. "Surely we're not leaving immdiately? I will be given time before we leave...?"

Eleria looked at the Elder. "When are we expected to leave?"

With an infinite sympathy the great snake lunar will slide before Nel, "I am sorry my dear, but we must make haste, we will leave before nightfall..."

"Relax Nel, we'll get a message to them. Whether by paper or prayer, they'll hear from you." Scin added.

Stood and listned to the Elder and nodded before walking over to Kye. She said nothing. Her brain was cluttered with emotions and thoughts. Nothing was what it was supposed to be.

Eleria gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze as she walked off.

Kye walked a short distance. "Okay, what's up?? Anything I can handle? I owe my crew a few favors after what I put them through, after all..."

Nel picked her words carefully. "I have, unfinished business here. Well, not here exactly. But above surface... I can't leave just yet... I... there's things I must do."

"Listen, training is for the best...I want us all to become stronger...perhaps if I was stronger, Still Owl would still be here..."

"Please, trust me...this is for all our good."

"If we leave first thing in the morning... it'd be different.. I could see..." She paused and took a deep breath. "I'm not accustomed to change... If we leave tomorrow morning I will go without a fight."

"We need to leave tonight, according to the elder...I don't know why, but I trust him. Let me help you. You'll be able to finish everything before we leave then..."

Nel steeled herself. She relaxed her arms and hands that balled themselves into fists. She looked Kye over with her sorcerous sight she could see he would be true to his word. She nodded. Feeling ever more trapped she wished now that Owl would come to her... "Alright... If that's how it must be."

Eleria watches Kye worridly, hoping that he can persuade Nel.

He nodded and held open a hand. "I'm sorry if I've been a half-assed captain...I won't let anything like what happened to StillOwl to happen again...I swear it..."

She turns to the Elder. "I am sorry we are being so difficult. If I am right however we should be decided any moment...." She looks satisfied.

Scin looks amused "I suspect you had a hand in making him see reason?"

"Excellent, my patience is hard to wear at."

Eleria grins at Scin smugly. "A small hand yes... "

"You made him promise again. I hope it wasn't too binding? I was in a bit of a bind just there myself.>"

Nel stares at his hand and wonders just how sorry his is about Owl. She refuses her ill thoughts. "You've been better than you give youself credit. Let's get moving though. Daylight is being wasted."

She shook her head. "No. I was gentle." She tilted her head. "Will Ocean come?"

"I suspect she won't. She was enjoying the surface life."

"Why is she still with you anyway? I thought a summoning would only gain her company for a month?"

"But I'd be happy should she choose to come." "I only summoned her to ask her for assistance." "She stayed on her own"

Eleria raised a brow. "Really... interresting... Didn't she ask for anything in return?"

"No, I think she just enjoyed working on a ship and sharing some surface life for a while."<Scin> "..and getting to dump people overboard, it seems"

Nel once again joined the others. Her expression told much, she sheilded her emotion well.

Eleria shrugged at him. "Nice. I used the spell when I wanted to take a message to Kye and I had to pay."

"Perhaps I was lucky to find such a friendly person as she."

Everyone together again she stands. "Well we presumably have things to do today then? What time do we leave exactly Elder?"

"Soon...very soon indeed."

"Are we done?" She was adressing the Elder Lunar. "I mean no disrespect, but there are things I'd like to get done before we leave." She added a sweet little courtsy at the end.

"Very well sir, it seems I have things to pack. I shall do as my captain suggested then and return soon."

"Yes, and don't be snide child, let out your anger if you ahve it. My feelings won't be hurt."

Kye walked over to Eleria. "I'll catch up with you in a few for dinner like we agreed. Had to promise to help Nel to get her aboard. No oath, but I'm still gonna help.."

She nods. Of course. "Elder... before or after nightfalll?" the question seems important to her.

"As soon as possible, most likely before sunset now. The winds are changing..."

Scin looks surprised for a moment

Her face falls noticably and she nods at him indicating obediance.

"Something the matter?" The snake leaned down.

Nel nodded. She turns to Kye. "I'll be in my room... I need to write home."

She shook her head, trying carefully not to make her earlier mistakes. "No. I was just hoping I would have a little of the night before we left. I am.. not a day person..." She tried with all her might to hide her reall reasons for wanting the night... the strong arms now when she needed them the most....

"Got it...'

Nel turns and bows again to the elder and makes her exit.

"I understand, then you have one hour after sunset, not a minute more."

her eyes lit up with gratitude, and she bowed to the floor before him. "Thankyou Revered Elder for your Indulgence..." Her voice rang with relief and thanks.

He smiled, "Carry on now my dear."

Malachi is waiting in Nel's room for her return
Malachi is now known as Death_Keeper

She gave him one last grateful look and hurried off to the others.

"Eleria! Nel's gone off, so, whenever you want that dinner is fine by me..."

Nel walked calmly until out of sight then broke into a run. She ran and it felt good to feel the wind in her hair again. She held back emotion and ran with all the speed she could muster.

She looked very happy as he saw her. "Any time. Now would be good. I can pack and do my other preparations later. We have until one hour after Night Fall." She smiled at him and changed her course to head towards the food area. It had been a long morning.

"Well, it's still a little early for dinner, but works for me. My quarters or somewhere else?"

She shrugged. "Wherever suits you. I owe you remember?" she grinned.

Mundegar is set on Luthe. He has little objection to the Captain going, however... if he'd rather head out against creatures capable of killing 15 aged Lunars, when he could be getting strong, that's his decision. Vercingetorex looked all too amused, though a hint of something more was in his eyes. "Trouble in the ranks, never good." "Well with respect sir, I have been placed in something of a predicament. I have decided to stay with my captain for now." Scin spoke with determination.

Scin still stands, shifting from leg to leg, somewhat impatient now that his decision had lost some of it's urgent air.. damn, he thought.. I think I'll be waiting a while.. Scin glanced to the right, seeing the light show. He whistled softly in appreciation of the gravity.. "I wonder what that was..."

Nel glaces over at Scin. "You're being impatient. Just wait. He'll be back."

Scin made a conscious effort to stop shuffling his feet "I just don't wanna know where we're going.."

"I intend to stay. There is more here for me."