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|[Name: Harmonious Orchid
Also Known As: Harmony
Birthplace: Harash's Meadows, small village on the north western coast.

Her village is the key location for an old myth from the first age of men. When solars were heroes and fae were the gruel under their boot. The story of Harash is one of a Solar priest. He was mighty, pious, and deeply kind. He never harmed a soul in his entire life. Out of all the solars of the time, he was truely still a shining beacon among his kind. But even though he was peaceful, and just, and fair, the Mighty Dragon Blooded knew that as long as he still lived that there would be no peace for them, they would always have to compare themselves to him. So when the dragon blooded slew the solars, they saved Harash for last. For they knew his cause was just, and he would be the hardest to bring down. They hunted Harash for many moons before they caught up with him on the north western coast. He was going to sail away into the west, to spread his peace-speak there. But they did not let him. They caught him and they slew him just like they did the rest, but as the legend goes the area was once lovely foothills, but upon Harash's death the Unconqured Sun himself, in such grief, smashed the earth and the unworthy dragon blooded there that it was flattened out into a meadowy basin. A place forever guarded in peace and harmony, by the Sun's will.

Shortly after the Great Contagin hit creation, a small setlement of peasants moved to the meadow because the land was fertile and the ocean abundant in their time of rebuilding. And though the Realm, and shogunate before them, has tried to sway the peasants there they have adopted Harash's way of peace. There is no infighting. There is no conflict, they don't practice war. They keep their enemies away by the will of the Sun and the peace in their words. As one might have guessed this lasted only as long as it could. The wyld hunt, fairly paranoid in the last few years, sought out the town and told them to lay down their heretical worship of the sun and worship only the Elemental Dragons. The town told the realm very politely that one can not tell the heart to stop beating and expect it to obey, and thus one cannot tell the brain what not to think, and the soul what not to believe. The wyld hunt didn't stand for that and afte several hundred years of peace, the small town of Harash's Meadows saw war and strife. Many were killed, some sold their beliefs for life, and some escaped. But all were changed. ||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/Munai/Exalted/Harmony.gif%7C%7C

|[Harmonious Orchid, as she was named at birth, is the last daughter of six generations of Orchid Tenders. Her parents Vibrant Orchid and his wife Meticulous Gardner Orchid had seven children. All perfect in their eyes. And all destened to become, what the village called 'Tenders', 'Tenders' being the closest thing to law keepers in the peaceful place. They mediate disagreements, and are respected in the community. When Harmonious was a child she was taught to worship the Sun, as her entire village did. She learned ways of making sure her prayer was heard, and listened for signs of it's answer. She learned young what it was to be a mediater in the town of Harash's Meadows, and kept her cool often.

Harmonious was barely twenty when the Wyld hunt came to her home town. Like everyone else she welcomed them with open arms of compassion. They took the town's hospitality and in return they attempted to shatter their beliefs. Harmony in particular didn't appreciate their slander of the Sun and his chosen. When the wyld hunt attacked, her family fell in defense of their town and home. Harmony stood and talked and reasoned and pleaded, the cruel dragon blooded and their armies would not listen. In her desperate time of need she asked for strenght from the Sun to make the hunt listen to leave her people in peace. While the sun gave her the first part of her wish, the hunt was only fueled further into violence by her exaltation. She continued to talk and reason, and while some paused long enough to allow some of her people to escape it was not enough to save everyone, and she was forced to leave.

After that she had no home, and had no where to go. Her only option was to travel. So she moved with her people as they spread out into creation. Two years have passed but it has not been easy for Harmony. While she has stayed optimistic that there will somday be peace for her, she was not allowed to stay long in any town, except Nexus. She arrived in Nexus roughly 9 months ago, and when she arrived she sought out a man she had heard of, named Knarled Willow. This Knarled Willow took one look at the pale and gaunt girl and took her in. He too has been trying to spread the peace of Harash's words. But in a town like Nexus his voice is not heard. Harmony took a risk and shared with Knarl her exaltation. He helped her understand why the world had been treating her so poorly for this, and has helped her blend in Nexus. For the past nine months she has lived with Knarl and while he looks old and acts it he is as limber as a green sapling. He has taught her much in the ways of learning others, and acceptance of how the world has been shaped by the spoken slander of the Dragon Blooded.||