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Solar Investigation

Ten Magistrate's Eyes
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

Lawgivers are never at a loss for how to proceed in an investigation. This charm allows a Solar to
ignore all penalties that apply to an investigation roll and instead gain an equipment bonus equal to
their Essence score.

Chief Magistrate's Gaze
Cost: 1m, 1wp
Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Perfect
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Ten Magistrate's Eyes

The unflinching eyes of the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun cannot be misled by petty tricks. This Charm
counts as a Perfect Investigation attempt, this charm adds at least one success above and beyond any that
might be required to spot anything an investigation might reveal. If opposed by a Perfect effect their is
a Essence score roll off between the two charm users, with this charms user gaining one free success.

Judge's Ear Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: one scene
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

The Lawgivers are the guardians of truth. This charm allows the character to recognize all deliberate lies
presented to here. The character can also recognize the deliberate use of half-truths, though not which
part is truth. If supernatually backed lies are being told, this charm adds the Solar's essence as extra
successes on the Solar's side of the contested rolls and the Solar may choose to roll Wits + Investigation
even if another pool is normally suggested.

Irresistable Questioning Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Social
Duration: one scene
Prerequisites: Judge's Ear Technique

This charm forces the truth from those who would lie to the Heroes of the Sun. While questioning someone,
the solar may roll (social attribute + Investigation) - (Resolve + Essence). If the solar succeeds the subject is
forced to answer any questions the solar asks with the complete truth. Preventing yourself from answering
costs the subject a Willpower point, when three points have been spent the subject is free. Repeated use
builds resistance in subject, if the Solar has used this charm on them before in this story they have an extra
penalty of three dice on their roll.

Evidence Discerning Method
Cost: 1m, 1wp
Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: one story
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

The Lawgiver's see into others hearts. This charm allows the Solar to profile someone's personality. They need
not interact with the target but need sufficient material evidence of the target's personality. If the target is attempting
to mislead others than the solar must roll Intelligence + Investigation - target's Manipulation + Socialize. Missing or
corrupted information can require rolls with penalties as well.
Success allows the Solar to have a Profile of the targets behavior, teaching Virtue, Vice, Morality of subject and giving
the Solar the rote quality when dealing with the Target in Social or Dramatic Actions, since they can predict the target's
behavior. Lawgivers cannot attempt a new profile until a new story or a new piece of important information comes up.

Courtier's Eye Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

The Lawgiver can understand the Harmonies of the world. This charm allows the Solar to detect another's wealth
and importance with a glance. This charm targets one individual the Solar can sense. Roll Wits + Investigation +
Essence versus Manipulation + Socialize, in a simple contest. If the Solar succeeds he learns the target's ratings
in Resources and Fame, he can also know if target thinks he has Allies, Retainers, or Status merits that are relevant
in the scene. This charm may only be attempted once per target per scene.

Consumer Evaluating Glance
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Courtier's Eye Technique

The intentions of others are transparent to the Chosen of the Sun. The Exalt uses this charm immediately after interacting
with the target. Roll Wits + Investigation - target's Composure + Essence. Success forces the target's player, or the ST, to declare
their intentions and goals for this Social Interaction.

Know the Soul's Price
Cost: 1m, 1wp
Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Courtier's Eye Technique, Judge's Ear Technique

In the savage world that is Creation, everyone has a price. Even if its not money, there is something that can turn everyone.
Immediately after interacting with the Target roll Wits + Investigation - target's Composure + Essence. On a success the
target's player, or the ST, must declare their ultimate price, if the Solar meets that price, than the target becomes a
loyal servant until the Solar breaks the bargain.

Crafty Observation Method
Cost: 2m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

The world has no mysteries from the Chosen of the Sun. This charm is an investigation based action in which the Solar
may examine observable evidence. This charm functions as a dramatic Investigation action that takes up to 15 minutes
but happens within only one turn and does not require disturbing the scene.

Perception Charms

Note on Perception, The assumption made with these charms is that when penalties reach negative ten dice
that a normal human doesn't even get a chance die roll. So charms that lower penalties represent the improved
senses of the character, letting them sense things normal humans can never do without equipment. Normal
perception rolls are Wits + Composure(or a situation appropriate ability), the following charms will
always allow Investigation to replace Composure if desired. (Thus allowing excellency usage)

Keen (Sense) Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: one scene
Prerequisites: any Investigation Excellency

Essence enhances the Solar's senses. This is actually three charms, one for sight, one for hearing and touch,
and a third for smell and taste. This charm reduces any penalties that apply to a perception check based on
the chosen sense by 4. It also gives Solar an equipment bonus of two dice. It also allows Investigation to
apply to all such rolls and thus benefit from Excellencies.

Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline
Cost: 1m
Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: one scene
Prerequisites: appropriate Keen (Sense) Technique

Essence grants the character supreme sensory prowess, this is three charms, one for sight, one for hearing and
touch, and one for taste and smell. This charms reduces all penalties that apply to the appropriate sense by
half rounded down. This charm also allows Investigation excellency use. If both Keen (Sense) Technique and
this charm are active for the same sense, the character will also gain exceptional success with only three
successes for rolls of that sense. (A character with both active would need a 32 die penalty to be kept from
a roll, assuming no other bonuses or equipment or stunting to help out.) As an example of sensory ability
a character with both sight versions active could see a candle in the dark about 7 miles out with no penalty
on their roll.

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