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Soldier far exceeding the numbers that survived in the Kaers are being raised. When they are mature no
Soldier far exceeding the numbers that survived in the Kaers are being raised. When they are mature no
force on the world will be able to stop them.
force on the world will be able to stop them.
[[StarJaunter/ExaltedRewrite|Return to Main EEE page]]
=== Comments ===

Revision as of 16:27, 21 January 2010

The Setting for Exalted the Exquisite Edition

One Thousand Years ago, during what is now called the First Age, or even High First Age, Exalted, Heroes Chosen by the gods of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, ruled powerful city-states in a time of high essence. A prophecy arose that in 500 years the height of Essence would be reached and it would release a horde of evil, tainted beings, which would forever more be known generally as Horrors. The Chosen despaired, for while they may be able to best individual Horrors, the rare Exalted would be overrun by the Multitude of monsters that were coming. In order to save their peoples the Chosen agreed to lock them with magically protected Kaers and Fortress Cities. However capable the Exalts were though building and enchanted enough Kaers to protect their entire civilization in time would be outside their reach. As the Exalts struggled for a solution, and they might have even found it, they were chosen after all, a group of the hated Dragonblood race came before them. Dragonbloods were a non-human, magical race. They lacked the power of the Chosen, but had some power and could breed true. They were hated due to practiced of slavery and experiments on those they considered lesser, normal humans. The Exalted had kept their numbers trimmed back to appease their populace. Now the Dragonblooded proposed a solution. Let us breed an increase our numbers, with a few centuries of population growth their would be hundreds of thousands of Essence Wielders, compared to the less than a thousand Exalted there were. The Exalted accepted and over the next few centuries the Dragonblooded grew into a vast Slave Empire. Always they slavery was well justified as helping to build a Kaer or to free a Dragonblood for important enchanting work, but slavery it was. Just as the monstrosity they had allowed reached its height and the Exalted would be forced to act, the time limit was reached, all had to enter their Kaers and Fortress Cities for 1000 years.

400 years later, and 100 years ago the first of the Kaers risked opening there doors early, or at least those are the earliest that are still around now. This far past the peak, Horrors still walk the land, but they are few enough that the Exalted heroes can challenge them in hope of Victory. The world has scarred by the time spend with Horrors but the Races of man learn to accept that as part of the challenge of harvesting those resources and rebuilding their world. A new threat has emerged from the emerging Dragonblooded. They have spent their time in captivity breading up a Army of Dragonblooded who will sweep the land conquer the world before the Chosen can adequately respond. Already new generations of Soldier far exceeding the numbers that survived in the Kaers are being raised. When they are mature no force on the world will be able to stop them.