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by BrilliantRain

Long ago, during the first age, there was a powerful twilight. He was a master at building and using swords, although he always remained humble (for a solar) and compassionate (again, for a solar). This Solar had a young assistant, who was also a solar of the twilight caste. This assistant was neither humble nor compassionate and felt that his master was a fool for having those beliefs. However, the assistant was a good actor and he thought that his master never knew of his true feelings. The only reason the assistant stayed with his master was that his master was the best living swordsmith. The assistant's goal was to supass his master and thus prove to everyone that the master's beliefs were foolish. To this end the assistant begain conducting secret experiments in blasphemous directions. In his researches he discovered the existance of a black mineral that could be alloyed with a ghost to create a metal that was as strong as Orichalcum but contained much more "killing intent". After a number of experiments with this mineral he discovered the optimum mixes to create the best metal possible. However, to create a truly powerful weapon a truly powerful soul must be used. He prepaired for weeks, took his master by suprise, and captured his soul in three jars, one for the lower soul, one for the higher soul, and one for the exalted shard. The apprentice combined the mineral with his master's lower soul first, to make sure that his plans would work properly. The resulting sword was named Rakusanmonji (Three Paths to Paradise) in a mockery of his master's greatest achivements. Now that the apprentice was sure he was on the right track he crafted a better sword using his master's higher soul. The resulting sword was full of killing intent and he named it Rakurokumonji (Six Paths to Paradise). After testing the two swords to find all of their flaws, he intended to use his master's solar spark to craft the greatest sword ever, which he would call Rakukyumonji (Nine Paths to Paradise). However, before he could start upon this task, the Usurpation occured, the apprentice was killed, the last soul jar broken, the swords lost, and the solar sparks of both master and the apprentice were imprisoned.

However, the apprentice has now been reborn as an Abyssal and he is still hunting for his master's spark so that his final sword may be born and his triumph completed.

  • /Rakusanmonji
  • /Rakurokumonji
  • /Rakukyumonji