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Apathetic Affliction</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level (agg)\\
Duration: One Scene\\
Type: Simple\\
Caste: Lost Shore\\
Min Essence: 5\\
Prereqs: CurseOfBrokenTongues

Fae exalts have tasted the endless discord of the Sea of Chaos; this charm allows them to disperse that entropic force en masse. The fae says a simple line like “There is no hope in the distance. Only chaos.” This statement seems profoundly true, as if it was spoken in an innate, pre-Creation language. This line resounds in the minds of anyone who hears it and they hear along with it the sounds of endless shorelines. All characters within normal hearing range hear this sentence automatically, in their minds or otherwise, and believe it, instantly becoming afflicted with Apathy for a number of rounds equal to the fae’s essence. Fae are unnaffected by this, however, as they are creatures of chaos and already know about its universality.

Another way of using this charm allows the fae to focus her powers on a single individual. Her opponent becomes inundated with hopelessness and feelings of isolation to the extent that he is incapacitated. He takes no health levels of damage; he merely loses the will to fight, and even to make decisions and live. He may make a conviction roll and if he succeeds, he slowly walks off the battlefield. If he fails, he lays down his weapons at his feet and sits down. Using the charm in such a manner against a player’s character is not recommendable simply because, out-of-game, it wouldn’t be fun at all for the player afflicted with this curse. It's more recommendable to use this charm's second effect on NPCs.

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