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Abyssals and Deathlords

Davy Jones, The Maleficent Emperor of the Icy Depths, Master of the Ebon Labrynth, Captain of the Black Ivory - Deathlord. Styles himself as a pirate and master of the oceans. Gets abyssals by saving pirates who are almost dead. Wants to rule all the oceans and have all pirates in his service.

The Vengeful Maiden with the Scarlet Blade - Abyssal in service to Davy Jones. Was once in service to the Red Noble. Died and was saved by Davy Jones. Desires revenge against the PCs and to sail the oceans while robbing people.

Wyld Hunt

Cynis Falen Codexin - A rather shy air aspect who serves as the team's sorcerer and markswoman.

Ledaal Aina - An attractive wood aspect who serves as the team's healer and archer.

Cathak Riva - A valorious Fire aspect who serves as team leader and hand to hand combat specialist.
