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<b>Name:</b> Situro<br>
<b>Caste:</b> Waning Moon<br>
<b>Concept:</b> Charming Rogue<br>
<b>Nature:</b> Caregiver<br>
<b>Anima:</b> A prism of bright silver light and purple shadows.  As essence is spent the colours grow brighter and the patterns shift faster.  When it goes iconic a bright silver panther is seen, surrounded by purple flames.<br>
<b>Face:</b> 2 Nain-ya<br>
<b>Anima Power:</b>For 10 motes they can make one free shape-shift, into any form they have, per round for one scene. <br>
<b>XP</b> <nowiki>Left/Spent</nowiki> 29/195
<b>Strength</b> 3, <b><i>Charisma</b></i> 5, <b>Perception</b> 3<br>
<b><i>Dexterity</b></i> 4, <b><i>Manipulation</b></i> 4, <b>Intelligence</b> 3<br>
<b>Stamina</b> 3, <b>Appearance</b> 5, <b>Wits</b> 4
Athletics 2, <b>Awareness</b> 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Endurance 1, Investigation 1, <b>Larceny</b> 4, Lore 1, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Occult 2, Performance 4, <b>Presence</b> 4, Resistance 1, Socialize 2, <b>Stealth</b> 4, <b>Survival</b> 2, Thrown 1
<b>Resources</b> 3(An inn in Nexus)<br>
<b>Renown</b> 2<br>
<b>Heart's Blood</b> Played too much to apply(See below for full list)<br>
<b>Artifact</b> 3(A Moon Tear)
<b>Compassion</b> 2, <b>Conviction</b> 4, <b>Temperance</b> 3, <b>Valor</b> 2<br>
<b>Virtue Flaw</b> Curse of the Heartless Weasel<br>
<b>Willpower</b> 5<br>
<b>Essence</b> 4<br>
<b>Personal</b> 14<br>
<b>Peripheral</b> 42/37
<b><i>Renown</b></i> -  Has been improved in play
<b>Succor</b> 10, <b>Mettle</b> 40, <b>Cunning</b> 20, <b>Glory</b> 17
<b><i>Merits and Flaws</i></b><br>
Eternal Vow(Merit), Lucky:3 points, Enchanting Feature
<b>Body Enhancement</b> - Ox-Body Technique*1(-2*4)<br>
<b>Defensive</b> - Steel Paw Style(1m), Bowing Reed Technique(4m), Feline Gaurd Technique(3m)<br>
<b>Interaction and Knowledge</b> - Unspeaking Aura of Dread(3m/die)<br>
<b>Melee Combat</b> Sensing the Deadly Flow(1m/die)<br>
<b>Perception</b> - Sense-Shapening Change(1m/die)<br>
<b>Shapeshifting</b> - Finding the Spirit's Shape(1m), Deadly Beastman Transformation*2(5m), Humble Mouse Shape, Shaping the Ideal Form(1m), Towering Beast Form, Many-Faced Moon Transformation(3m), Prey's Skin Disguise(5m, 1wp)<br>
<b>Stealth</b> - Stealthy Fox Method(2m/die), Chameleon Skin Disguise(2m/die)<br>
<b>Survival and Healing</b> - Beast Instinct Method(2m/die)<br>
<b>Unarmed Combat</b> - Body Weapon Technique(1m)
<b>Deadly Beastman Transformation Attributes:</b> +2/+2/+2<br>
<b>Gifts:</b> Resiliance of Nature, Terrible Beast Claws, Rugged Hide
<b><i>Power Combat</b></i><br>
<b>Human:</b> <b>Soak</b> 3B/1L, <b>Initiative Base</b> 8, <b>Dodge</b> 11<br>
<b>Fist</b> Speed 8, Accuracy 9, Damage 3B Defense 10, Rate 5<br>
<b>Kick</b> Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 6B, Defense 5, Rate 3
<b>Power Combat DBT:</b> <b>Soak</b> 7B/7L, <b>Initiative Base</b> 10, <b>Dodge</b> 13<br>
<b>Claw</b> Speed 12, Accuracy 11, Damage 10L, Defense 11, Rate 4<br>
<b>Bite</b> Speed 4, Accuracy 9, Damage 13L, Defense 9, Rate 2
<b>Artifacts</b> Situra wears a Moon Tear around his neck at all times.
Situro was born and grew up in Nexus.  His father was an assassin, and a fairly skilled one as mortals go that worked for whichever guildmember needed his help and could pay his prices.  Its not a great surprise that his father died while Situro was young and left the two of them mostly peniless and on the streets.  His mother got a job working at an inn though and they could make ends meet.
Situro was always a charming, attractive boy and did small cons and minor thieving to help his mother out.  As he grew older he even got a small gang up and running.  This wasn't the smartest of moves on his part.  If its one thing the Council of Entities hates, its organized crime.  They had an agent though, and a trap was organized.
As they were all meeting to make a deal with merchant from Greyfalls over some illegal drugs something just clicked in Situro...a sense of feeling that something was right and he bolted.  Somehow he was just able to manage to escape the mercenary group that was moving in and escaped the city, running straight into the forests.
We must leave our protagonist there and go back to the end of the first age to explain something.  Not all lunars stepped aside to let their mates be slain the by armies of the terrestials.  Situro in that age was one such person, woman to be exact in that age, and stood by her husband to face what was too come.  The odd thing about it though, was in the sending and binding of the solar spouse into the Jade Prison, the lunar spark was trapped in there too.
It sat there, with all the solar souls as the rest of lunar kind were warped and twisted by the wyld before mastering the art of tattoos.  Long years passed and it was not until the Jade Prison was shattered and the souls released that his spark could leave to find a new body.
Back to the present.  To be honest, Luna had forgotten about this one shard and was a little surprised when Lytek interrupted her turn to inform her about it.  It had slipped under his radar too and by the time they were turning their attention to it the shard had found and joined with a new mortal.  So Luna finished her turn(lets be reasonable here, Game comes first) and then appeared to the ragged mortal, on the edge of exhaustion and starvation, who didn't have the first clue what was going on.  Her presence soothed his frantic mind and she explained that he was to go to a Wyld place and perform a ritual that she described to him.  He was to wear this amulet which would protect him from the effects of the Wyld.  Then when he found another of his kind he was to locate a No Moon, learn from him, and give him a moonsilver scroll that Luna handed to him.  The Scroll said that this person was a lunar of the first age and that he was to be treated as any other lunar.  And then she left back to her games.
Situro did these things and in his travel to a Wyld place found himself inextricably drawn to fight a panther and kill it, tasting its blood and all done with his bare hands.  A week ago this would have been strange but felt...right to him.  He performed a ritual not seen for over a millenia and left the Wyld as a Waning Moon.  It wasn't long after that he found the No Moon Eightfold Word and presented himsenf and the Scroll for training.  Not about to ignore the words of Luna Eightfold Word trained him and while he wished to study him Situro wanted to travel and left.  Word spread quickly throught the lunar community of this young lunar of the first age.  Many want to study him to see if they can restore themselves to what they once were, others wish to see how the old ways handle the new age.  Situro, well he wants to travel and explore the world and his powers and sticking around to be poked and studied by some No Moon isn't high up on his to do list.
Though he hasn't followed up on it, when he was performing his ritual in the wyld he received a vision of his mate in this life.  The mate was male in the first age but is now a beutiful golden haired woman in this new age.  He felt the tug of his oaths sword long ago but has not followed up on it yet, unsure of his feelings in this matter.
Situro is an attractive man.  Very attractive.  Light grey eyes, a head of brown hair he keeps back with a bandana and the hair at his temples a black colour like the fur of a panther(his tell).  His smile comes easy and he moves with an easy, fluid, sensual grace that draws attention to him.  His skin is unblemished, not needing the tattoos of his people to have his caste and bearing a moonsilver stone around his neck to protect him should he enter the wyld.  Friendly, quick to help out those who might need it and quite interested in enjoying his increased looks and charms with lovely ladies that might catch his eye.
<b><i>Plot Hooks</b></i>
*Though he feels a great sense up duty to his solar mate, and through the Eternal Vow link might feel out a danger or emotion to the solar mate and want to investigate and perhaps surrupticiously help out.  He doesn't want to settle down with anyone at the moment, just wants to travel so could be a nice recurring visit thing.
*He is of the first age castes.  Lunars and enterprising solars and sidereals would likely want to talk and study him to see what has changed and maybe how to change the lunars back.  He doesn't want to help though, might take some working to do.
*He is a thief as well, a treasurehunter if you asked him.  Something is taken, stolen and a merry little chase happens after him before the entire group gets caught in a Wyld Hunt ambush!
BogMod [[Moon Tear]]
== Comments ==

Latest revision as of 23:58, 10 April 2007