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Unbreakable Cypher
Cost: 3 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Minimum Linguistics: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None

Allows a character to encode a written or spoken message. Anyone that does not know the code (either through cracking it or having the Exalt explain it) will have no chance of deciphering spoken messages, and will require a ten times the Exalt's Essence in successes on an Intelligence + Linguistics to crack the code. A new cypher can be invented every time Unbreakable Cypher is used- and multiple Cyphers may even be used on a single message. In such a case, the character should decide what information is found behind each cypher.

Faded Golden Ink
Cost: 5 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Minimum Linguistics: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Cypher

When the Solar uses Faded Golden Ink, a single message that they are penning will flare with golden light for a moment, and then fade from view. This message will become visible only under some set of circumstances the Solar decides upon ahead of time. When in the hands of a certain individual is the most common, as well as in the hands of the Solar's shard, under certain environmental conditions (such as under direct sunlight, moonlight, or while on fire). Nor are written messages the only sort of information which may be concealed- anything which can be put to paper (such as diagrams or maps) may also be faded from view.

Code Cracking Eye
Cost: 4 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Minimum Linguistics: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Cypher

Allows the character to instantly understand the full meaning of an encoded message. Any mortal cypher is perfectly pierced- to correctly read a magically hidden one (such as an Unbreakable Cypher, or Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique) requires the character make an Intelligence + Linguistics roll, difficulty of the Essence of the person who used it.

Divinly Punishing Scriptures
Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Lethal
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Minimum Linguistics: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Discerning Savant's Eye, Twisted Words Technique

Mixing their own blood with Allows a Solar to impose a penelty if a given text is read by someone who either posses or lacks a certain characteristics. Those who begin reading such text know, upon laying hand upon them, that some certain doom awaits them for reading- this alone requires a Valor check (difficulty 1) to force oneself to read the forbidden scroll.

Such dooms manifest as Flaws (as per Merits and Flaws). The Exalt sets up to the Essence as points of Flaws (always the same to everyone who reads the text). Most commonly, these are a Derangement, Dying, Sterile, Mute, Disfigured, Nightmares, or Unlucky. There must always be at least one person (other than the Exalt themself) who can safely read a Divinly Punishing Scipture; if there is not, the Charm loses it's potency until such a person exists again.