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(Finally starting to flesh out Taboos)
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Latest revision as of 15:16, 24 July 2004

This is my meandering thoughts on the Taboos of the Blessed Isle. In it, I look at four particular groups. Some share Taboos, and some don't- but it's good to consider them all, for a full look at the culture, and what you can ask from whom.

Taboos are organized in orders, from least (First) to greatest (Fifth). Even casual aquintences can persuade someone to break a first order Taboo; third order Taboos are the realm of lifelong allies; Fifth order taboos are society shattering, and those who violate them will appear, from the outside, to be psychotic in their devotion to another.

Sometimes, I couldn't think of a taboo for a given rank. Maybe I'll fill them in later.

Keep in mind, every taboo that could apply to someone does. However, they will not all always apply at these levels, and an individual's Taboos may shift over time. (I'll include mechanics for forcibily doing this... eventually :)

Civilized People

Applies to: Pretty much everyone on the Blessed Isle; people that live in cities or on farms.

The First order of Taboo: Minor Favors (Request requries Background -2 of what they have and isn't Artifact or Manse)
The Second order of Taboo: Taking profitible criminal activity short of murder; Major Favors (Request requries Background -1 of what they have and isn't Artifact or Manse)
The Third order of Taboo: Murder a stranger; have an affair; Incredible Favors (Request requries the whole Background of what they have)
The Fourth order of Taboo: Torture; Kill oneself or indirect family; Yozi-Worship
The Fifth order of Taboo: Gross sins (cannabalism, etc); Kill one's direct family

The Immaculate Faith

Applies to: Any who geniunely follow the tenets of the Immaculate Faith. Immaculate Monks, most of the peasant class of the Blessed Isle and Lookshy, some tributary states in the Threshold.

The First order of Taboo:
The Second order of Taboo: Acting against Compasion or Temperance
The Third order of Taboo: Failing to respect one's place in the Perfected Hierarchy (disrespecting a Dragonblooded or higher ranking Monk; worshiping a God outside of the appointed times)
The Fourth order of Taboo: Aiding Anathema; Disrupting the Perfected Hierarchy (killing a Dragonblooded)
The Fifth order of Taboo: Serving Anathema

The Rulers

Including: unExalted aristrocrats, non-Immaculate Dragonblooded

The First order of Taboo:
The Second order of Taboo: Acting against Valor; Acting against one's House
The Third order of Taboo:
The Fourth order of Taboo: Acting against Conviction
The Fifth order of Taboo:

The Disenfranchised

Including: Criminals, literal Disenfranchised

The First order of Taboo:
The Second order of Taboo:
The Third order of Taboo:
The Fourth order of Taboo:
The Fifth order of Taboo: