Difference between revisions of "StalkerofShadows/ForgeGauntlets"

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Latest revision as of 17:50, 10 July 2005

Artifact created by StalkerofShadows

A lesser version of the awesome Forge-hand gauntlets from Aspect book: Fire. Faster rate, with no aggravated damage or armor-melting

Artifact rating: 2
speed +0, accuracy +1, damage +2L, defense +1
These are actually stats for exceptional fighting gauntlets (non-power combat).
Brawling aid, allow the wearer to block lethal damage attacks with brawl.

These gauntlets allow the wearer to work metals (including the 5MM other than soulsteel) by heating it to the melting point. These count as first-age tools and add +1 to craft rolls in relevant situations.

This artifact is designed for my Dragon-Blooded character, who so desperately needs a way to craft 5MM artifacts. Dragon-Blooded craft charms are very lacking in this regard.
Would adding hearthstone settings be reasonable, or would that require artifact 3 rating?

Edit since Autochthonians came out: They melt adamant as well.
