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== History ==
== History ==
Backstory forthcoming.
Annointed Sapphire and Hallowed Dictum never expected to have a child due to their indiscretions.  It was unexpected and, above that, unacceptable.  Their god would be furious... angry beyond comprehension.  Perhaps even enough to kill them both.  The simple thought that a priest and priestess of Holudhak the Ravenous had fallen in love was enough to generate folk tales in the kingdom of Calh.
Calh, a rather small kingdom several dozen miles north of Larjyn, was ruled by a god named Holudhak.  Legend has lost any record in Creation as to what sort of god he was, though it was clear that he was never found in Heaven often, due to his constant surveillence amongst the small territory he called his in Creation.
About twenty years before the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress from the Realm, the priestess Annointed Sapphire and the priest Hallowed Dictum fell in love.  Though it was prohibited by the rules set forth by Holudhak, their love was too great, and their union strong enough to conceive a child.  They kept it in secret for as long as possible and managed to acquire a place away from Holudhak's prying eyes where Annointed Sapphire could give birth to the child.
What happened next was horrible.  In an attempt to keep the child a secret, they escaped the kingdom, disappearing in the cloak of night on a Guild caravan after spending the last coins they had to pay the slavers, their knowledge of Creation so innocent that they knew nothing of what they were getting into.
Within a day of having left, Holudhak appeared in a furious storm before the caravan, and the Guild slavers accepted a price for both Annointed Sapphire and Hallowed Dictum... the price was steep, and Holudhak had to part with many pieces of jade.  Also, he left them the new born child.  What use did he have for it?
Seven years later, young Dante had his first fight.  He was good.  Very good.  His Guild master put him to fighting with other slaves immediately.  The young boy took risks and demonstrated a level of showmanship in the ring that the slaver had rarely seen.  Of course, the day Dante ripped the slaver's genitals out with a meathook, the Guildman's opinion changed dramatically.
Dante ran into Nexus and gained his freedom... and it was glorious.  He was fifteen when he gained his liberty from the Guild by stepping into Nexus, and once he was free, he began to look for work.  Persa, the man who would become his mentor and trainer, found him in the thick of a street fight and, mightily impressed, made him an offer.
It has been Dante's life ever since to fight people in ring, alley, and arena; he attempts to survive each day without being torn limb from limb.  Often he wonders of his parents and what has become of them.  He remembers nothing from that early on in his life, but believes that some day it will all be made clear.
== Character Sheet ==
== Character Sheet ==

Revision as of 21:35, 24 October 2005




Annointed Sapphire and Hallowed Dictum never expected to have a child due to their indiscretions. It was unexpected and, above that, unacceptable. Their god would be furious... angry beyond comprehension. Perhaps even enough to kill them both. The simple thought that a priest and priestess of Holudhak the Ravenous had fallen in love was enough to generate folk tales in the kingdom of Calh.

Calh, a rather small kingdom several dozen miles north of Larjyn, was ruled by a god named Holudhak. Legend has lost any record in Creation as to what sort of god he was, though it was clear that he was never found in Heaven often, due to his constant surveillence amongst the small territory he called his in Creation.

About twenty years before the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress from the Realm, the priestess Annointed Sapphire and the priest Hallowed Dictum fell in love. Though it was prohibited by the rules set forth by Holudhak, their love was too great, and their union strong enough to conceive a child. They kept it in secret for as long as possible and managed to acquire a place away from Holudhak's prying eyes where Annointed Sapphire could give birth to the child.

What happened next was horrible. In an attempt to keep the child a secret, they escaped the kingdom, disappearing in the cloak of night on a Guild caravan after spending the last coins they had to pay the slavers, their knowledge of Creation so innocent that they knew nothing of what they were getting into.

Within a day of having left, Holudhak appeared in a furious storm before the caravan, and the Guild slavers accepted a price for both Annointed Sapphire and Hallowed Dictum... the price was steep, and Holudhak had to part with many pieces of jade. Also, he left them the new born child. What use did he have for it?

Seven years later, young Dante had his first fight. He was good. Very good. His Guild master put him to fighting with other slaves immediately. The young boy took risks and demonstrated a level of showmanship in the ring that the slaver had rarely seen. Of course, the day Dante ripped the slaver's genitals out with a meathook, the Guildman's opinion changed dramatically.

Dante ran into Nexus and gained his freedom... and it was glorious. He was fifteen when he gained his liberty from the Guild by stepping into Nexus, and once he was free, he began to look for work. Persa, the man who would become his mentor and trainer, found him in the thick of a street fight and, mightily impressed, made him an offer.

It has been Dante's life ever since to fight people in ring, alley, and arena; he attempts to survive each day without being torn limb from limb. Often he wonders of his parents and what has become of them. He remembers nothing from that early on in his life, but believes that some day it will all be made clear.

Character Sheet

Caste: N/A
Concept: Pit Fighter
Nature: Survivor

Anima: N/A
Allegiance: N/A

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Journeys: Endurance 2, Ride 1, Sail, Survival 3, Thrown
Serenity: Crafts, Dodge 4, Linguistics, Performance, Socialize
Battles: Archery, *Brawl 5 (Dirty Maneuvers +2), Melee 2, Presence 1, Resistance 2
Secrets: Investigation, Larceny 1, Lore 1, Occult, Stealth 2
Endings: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy, Martial Arts 1, Medicine 1

Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 1, Mentor 2, Resources 1
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Colleges: N/A

Essence 1
Personal: 00/00
Peripheral: 00/00
Committed: N/A

Willpower: 5/5
Health: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap.
Armor and Soak: Breastplate (Mobility Penalty -1; Fatigue 1)
Lethal 4
Bashing 5
Aggravated 0

Paradox: N/A
Anima Power: N/A
Astrological Effects: N/A

Merits: Ambidexterous (1); Daredevil (3)
Flaws: Rivals (2)
Equipment: Breastplate, staff, straight sword.



Expanded Traits

Allies: Dante isn't known for making himself a lot of friends, however he does have a few friends. One of them, unbeknowngst to him, is a god. Not a powerful god, but a god is a god in the end. He doesn't really know the nature of Baccan, but the being is one of the few people he trusts, and that's a good thing.

Baccan is the God of Cock Fights in the Scavenger Lands. He's not terribly powerful, but he does have some pull in the fighting underworld. Even though his domain is the small world of cock fighting, he knows a lot of people in upper stations and can make a lot of gamblers rich very fast if things go his way. Among the mortal populace, he appears to be a staut, middle-aged man with slightly balding hair and bright, avian eyes. He's known for cawing along with roosters in the dawn, and always knowing how cock fights will develope. He himself is one of the best known cock fight bookies in the Scavenger Lands, and there's no one better to talk odds with.

Contacts: Though not a friend by any means, Urran is someone that, for the right price, can give informtation or assistance to the pit-fighter. No one really knows what Urran actually does, however it does seem to gratify him and give him quite the luxurious lifestyle. Urran is based in Great Forks.

Mentor: There's a rumour that Persa was once a prince in one of the Hundred Kingdoms, and that he escaped a treacherous plot to kill off the royla family. No one but he knows the truth, and affronted with such rumours, he simply smiles knowingly.

A tall man, Persa has been Dante's trainer, mentor and friend for as long as the young man has been in the pit-fighting business. He's the one that protected Dante from cruel salvers that wanted to use him for less... savory activities. Even though Persa continuously advices Dante to give up pit-fighting as soon as the right opportunity presents itself, he's also the first one to cheer the young man on when it comes time to face opponents in an arena.

Resources: Divided between Persa and him, Dante's winnings are straight forward prizes from winning gladiatorial combats. Depending on the bets in his favor or against, he gets paid a hefty or poor sum. Usually the latter.

Rivals: Bersa is the biggest guy around when it comes to pit-fighting. At least, the biggest mortal. Strong and tough, he's incredibly slow and astoundingly stupid. He hates Dante ever since the smaller man defeated him in one round with a sharp kick to the groin.

Kalsin Duvei is... different. At times, it seems he is Dante's match, while others he seems far superior. The fact that every time they fight they find themselves evenly matched could be coincidence, though that's to be seen. Kalsin's most fervent desire is to put Dante down for good, and be crowned king of the pit-fight. The problem is he's going to have to beat many more than Dante; however, the would-be Sidereal is first on the list.

Combat Statistics

Fist: Speed 6, Accuracy 8 (10)*, Damage 3B, Defense 10 (12)*, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 3, Accuracy 8 (10)*, Damage 6B, Defense 7 (9)*, Rate 3
Straight Sword: Speed 10, Accuracy 10, Damage 6L, Defense 6, Rate 3
Quarterstaff: Speed 12, Accuracy 10, Damage 10B, Defense 7, Rate 2
* Specialties that do not always apply.

Dodge 7
Modifications: With Armor: 6
Base Initiative: 6


List of spendings.