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The Regional Elemental Coordinators of the Realm

Disclaimer: This is just a rough outline of the idea. I'll be fleshing it out little by little later on.

The Immaculate Order cannot do everything. It cannot even do some of the things it does well. For every Dragon-blooded that holds his place in the Perfected Hierarchy, five or more elemental spirits rebel, either because they know the truth or because they are too mercuerial to keep their passions at bay. The Immaculate Faith has, in a way, downgraded the state of elementals (and spirits in general), especially in the Realm. Many elementals feel that they have been tossed aside, since their tasks are even more menial and degrading then they ever were.

There are tens of thousands, perhaps even millions, of elementals on the Blessed Isle. While these spirits are often creatures of duty, many find themselves relieved of their main tasks because of Immaculate (or simply Dragon-Blooded) interjection. It is these spirits, of which there are far more than many people even suspect, that rebel and fight against this imposed regimen. While once the Regional Coordinators were mostly the Celestial Censors of the Realm, since the inception of the Immaculate Order these dragons have become something far less pleasant. They are the judges and the jury. Censors, yes, but Censors who must reap a whirlwind of order and law. It is the Regional Coordinators' jobs to keep rebellious elementals in line, not because that's what their job descriptions are, but because their very livelihoods depend on it. If the Immaculates can trace their presence because of some rebellious and chaotic elementals, then it is the Regional Coordinators who suffer the burn of the tragedy.

The Regional Elemental Coordinators of the Blessed Isle are, each and every one of them, Lesser Elemental Dragons. They were once Celestial Censors, and though that is still their job, technically, they are far different. In actuality, only the Regional Coordinator of the North is one of the original of the five. The other four have been replaced in time with others, as they raised in status. Most of them were given the chance to place beings they knew in their old posts. Thus, effectively, most of the Regional Coordinators are young Lesser Elemental Dragons, more powerful than the other elementals, but still weak enough to be easily handled by any but the lowliest Sidereal.

Being a Regional Coordinator of the Blessed Isle is a thankless job, mostly due to the fact that they not only have menial and mostly dull duties, but they hardly ever get any chance to visit Heaven. Working in the region of Creation that grants elementals and spirits the least freedom is not something most gods are happy to do, yet somehow many of them make due. It is a job given to those that don't deserve anything better (in the eyes of the Celestial Bureaucracy).

The Regional Coordinators

The following are short backgrounds and histories for the five Regional Coordinators.

Xaowiann (North, Air) (Female):
Hacian (West, Water) (Female):
Safuneni (East, Wood) (Female):
Amihesuku (Center, Earth) (Male):
Apsu (South, Water): The original Southern Regional Coordinator was a weak, though cunning Fire Elemental Dragon who went by the name of Rrafu. He reigned in the southern region of the Realm over his weaker elementals with a burning fist that frightened and cowed most of his subjects. Although he had been audited several times already, he had certain flaws of character that he could not suppress, and this ultimately became his undoing. In breaking with the subtle traditions of the Regional Coordinators, Rrafu organized the elementals of his direction and attempted to raise them into an army. His army. Little did he expect the devastation he suffered at the hands of the Dragon-blooded Legions when the Bronze Faction of the Sidereals caught wind of his plans. He managed to escape barely scathed, but the vicious repercussions of his actions in Yu-Shan drastically hurt his power.

As a replacement, the Heavenly Celestial Censor Jharuf proposed that they appoint his son. Jharuf, a high-ranking water dragon, had dabbled in compulation with many mortal women in the past centuries, and his most prized offspring was the Elemental-Blooded Apsu. Such pride did the young half-blood incite, that through trials and tribulations, he slowly rose in power and Essence, high enough to become a Lesser Elemental Dragon himself. After careful deliberation, he was appointed as the temporary replacement to Rrafu. This was a hundred and thirty years ago. So far, the permanent Regional Coordinator of the south has yet to be chosen, and Apsu has no fear that that would happen. He knows how the Celestial Bureaucracy works, after all.

Apsu is a kind being. He mostly keeps the southern elementals in check by treating them with respect and appointing them with tasks that suit their natures. Unlike Rrafu, he does not punish them unless absolutely necessary, but like Rrafu, when he does punish, he is swift and merciless, the better to bring his point across. He has an attraction to Dragon-blooded women and, when given the opportunity, often tries to seduce them. He has had several offspring with some of them in the past, and keeps good track of them no matter where they go.
