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And here be Session Two for this crew of pirates.

Back to Western Pirates

Back to Session One

Session Two

It's a chilly day in the harbour of the Coral Archipelago. The Hurricane (in disguise) has docked in one of the fringe islands. As do all the islands in the archipelago, this island has a roaring sea trade, with a large dock to accommodate all the ships and the facilities that go with it. There are also inns, taverns, gambling dens, market stalls and other such entertainments to serve the crew of any ship that docks on the island. Repairs for the ship has been arranged for, and it will be a day or two before the ship is fully repaired.

Megumi checks out the market stalls. Not that she needs anything - though she wouldn't mind restocking some fire dust, sails, and various consumables for the Hurricane.

Lady Syn hops off the ship looking for the tavern for a few hours to hear the various tales and see what kind of fun there is. Check the market late day, then unless told otherwise, look for trouble.

Orillian has a very clear order of priority. First, the ship, making sure the shipwrights are all competent. Then, hit the taverns. Possibly for information about any little-known islands that might be on the map, but mostly for the 'atmosphere'.

Ryoujal stays close to some of the others, especially Orillian, helping him lug back what ever heavy stuff that needs lugging. For the most part he tries to keep himself from gawking, he doesn't recall being in this port before and tries to take in some of the local colour in the tavern, learning about some of the MA community here.

You paged Megumi with 'There are plenty of market stalls. And they sell all manner of things. Supplies, sails, those are easily found. Firedust is a little harder. And will be pricey.'

The three Solars easily find a tavern. There are many taverns on this island, selling cheap beer, simple food and containing loads of rowdy people. They're all chatty people too, and those with an ear out can hear about some ships being lost at sea due to monsters. There's a game of darts and a table for a game of cards as well.

Orillian points out various things about the town on the way in, as if he's been here before. Sure, he's faking it, but how's Ryoujal going to know. "Aye, over there be a fine-looking tavern but I think the wenches are finer over here. Ahh, cards. A true game for the mind. Hah, talkin' about sea monsters." He swaggers over to the bar. "Hey, barkeep, how about some service down here?" He flashes a smile at the tavern wench and then looks around for anybody particularly shady or salty.

Lady Syn takes a seat at the bar and orders few drinks. After a bit, she makes inquiries about any map collectors in the area to the bartender.

Ryoujal nods at Orillian, taking a seat where ever he can and looking about at the people amassed about here, "Well it does seem rather lively here." Orders a drink and listens for any mention of a monastery, back-alley fighting tournaments, and complaints about the local divinities.

You paged Megumi with 'As she looks at the wares, she spots something that shocks her a little. There's some swords and armour on sale, and she's pretty sure that the scratched off marks belong to the Lookshy armoury.'

From afar, Megumi saunters over and examines the equipment more closely.

Ryoujal says, "You make berth here a lot Orillian?"

Orillian coughs and grins. "Never before in me life." Then he turns to address the bar at large. "So ye say there's a sea monster huntin' ships around here, eh? Lost a lot of seamen to it?"

You paged Megumi with 'A salesman comes over as Megumi inspects the equipment. "Good day fine lady. How may I help you? Are you interested in this lovely bunch of equipment. It's newly arrived. Very good quality."

From afar, Megumi picks up a weapon and inspects it closely for a moment. "Oh?" She runs a finger along the length of the blade, feeling the quality of the metal.

Orillian finds the seamen very willing to talk about the sea monster. Apparently, some creature has been pretty active of late, preying on several ships, tearing them to pieces and eating the crew. There have been a few survivors and witnesses but they mainly never want to set sail again. A sad fate for Westerners.

Ryoujal finds no mention about monasteries, although if he's interested in fighting, there's plenty there. If Ryoujal is interested, there are people willing to let him buy in for a view.

Lady Syn has to do a lot of asking before she manages to wrangle a name and place out of someone. There's a good map collector around by the name of Swirling Waves. He buys and sells maps and draws some of his own as well.

Lady Syn gets a few more drinks and notes to see this Swirling Waves later once everyone has had their bit of fun.

You paged Megumi with 'Yes indeed lady. I see you've picked a fine sword." He goes on to ramble about the good qualities of the sword while Megumi inspects it. Yes, it's definitely the Lookshy mark, despite the deep scratching. It's of a fine quality too.'

Orillian nods and listens to the sad tales. "Aye, the bloody beast tried to eat me too. Anyone be knowin' where it comes from? Is there a certain place it haunts about?"

Ryoujal asks about the biggest arenas and their specialties in the manner of martial arts before buying in a view, as well as getting an idea what size the purses would be for the winners.

Megumi pages: And the rest? Does any of this look particularly arcane?

You paged Megumi with 'Nope. It looks like fine equipment from Lookshy. Meant for their mortal troops mostly.'

You paged Megumi with 'Not quite. Try haggling. There's plenty of equipment here, enough to equip all her crew.'

When Orillian makes his declaration, there's some silence then they pelt him with questions. His own questions almost get lost under all that, but most people don't know. It's been haunting the seas nearby and there have been some ships who escaped and manage to limp into harbour. The name of his ship is definitely inquired about.

From afar, Megumi sighs and sets down the sword. "I've seen better." She taps the tang of one of the swords. "Much better. Where did you get this from, ICEHOME? But I suppose I could see my way clear to purchase some backup weapons, perhaps. Get it off your hands for you.."

It takes some talking before they open up to Ryoujal, but eventually they say there's a small fighting arena that mainly consists of people beating the crap out of each other with their bare hands and no protective equipment. There's a fee to enter, but the winner takes all. And there's betting on the side too.

Orillian leans back and basks in the attention. "Gentlement, gentlemen, gentlemen. I can only answer so many questions at once. Whatya say we work out a system, eh? Whoever's got the rum be doin' the talkin'." He winks at the barmaid and then looks around expectantly to the gathered sailors.

As Lady Syn drinks and watches the bar, she gets propositioned a few times. Since proposals usually start with buying the lady a drink, she gets a few free drinks too.

You paged Megumi with 'The salesman becomes slightly indignant, but only as much as is required without scaring off the customer. "Come now. It's a fine piece of equipment. I just got it off some merchants who came by our port just the other day. You can tell it's of a good quality just from that one sword." He protests.

Ryoujal says, "Well bare handed and unarmored is my preferred way to get some business done, may I ask where, when, and how much?"

The men roar their approval and start buying the rum while the barmaid very happily serves them and doesn't seem to mind too much that hands tend to wander. First round goes to asking for his name. Second round to his ship. Third round to what happened.

Lady Syn spins around to lean against the bar and look over the proposals after downing the drinks.

They name a pretty sum to Ryoujal and mention a place nearby. It'll take him a good chunk to buy himself in. But the place is not too far a walk and the fights occur at sundown.

Most of those making the proposals are sailors, though there are a few locals. Some are handsome looking and attempt to be charming. Others are far more lewd in their advances.

You paged Megumi with 'The salesman does relent a little when she mentions that she intends to buy more than just one sword.

Lady Syn leans against the bar and makes sure her whip is easily visible. "Boy boys boys. Do you really think you can handle me? Or do you think I'm some damsel in distress or sea loving harlot here for entertainment? Now, I should probably be have but where is the fun in that. Unless you have blue connections, you're just little fish in a big pond."

Ryoujal nods and starts to think about it for a minute he says, "That sounds like a good deal." He thinks about rounding up all of his cash to get into the tournament, though he would share some stories about of his battles, of course leaving out the sea monster, gods, fae, and in general the whole glowyness out of the telling.

The people start getting chummy with Ryoujal, exchanging stories of their own prowess while trying to see how strong this large man is. Since Ryoujal does make for an impressive sight at least.

From afar, Megumi shakes her head briefly and takes a step back, waving her hand slightly dismissively. "I could get a far better deal than what's listed here. And it's not as if my crew is made of Cowries.."

From afar, Megumi turns to the merchant. "Savvy?"

Lady Syn's actions do get the less polite ones to draw back. They prefer easier targets. A few of the slower ones are confused, but most get her meaning and start drifting away. A man pipes up from beside her at the bar. "Y'know. Can be dangerous to be so blatant about it. Not too many people like...blue." He doesn't quite face her, nursing his own drink.

Lady Syn gives a smile. "Now, don't you know, some girls like danger."

Orillian laughs and finally spills. "I be Orillian, smith and sawbones." "Hurricane." "Just sailing along we were, when all sudden-like there's this scraping under the hull. Then the quartermaster gets snapped right up. Beastie seemed to be allergic to a good hammerin' though. And more than a few hot coals."

Ryoujal laughs and says that they'll have to wait for tonight to see his mettle like everybody else. "Though I will say it's not that impressive, especially on my home island." He says with a wide smile.

"And it's a dangerous game to play." The man replies. "So does the girl who flirts with danger have a name?"

Orillian coughs. "Err... oh gods' balls."

Lady Syn says, "Lotus. And does my friendly protector have one?"

There's a sudden silence when Orillian mentions his name and ship. Ignoring the whole fact that he just admitted to being able to hammer a big beast. The silence starts to spread.

The man finally turns to face her. "Seed." Then he glances over to where the silent patch is starting to grow. "Looks like something's up."

From afar, Megumi snaps up an apple from a nearby cart and tosses a small coin at the merchant tending it, then bites into the fruit and leans against the weapons stall, oblivious to the danger her smith is generating elsewhere. "They barely match the quality my smith can manage," which is probably true, but deceptive. "I just want a few convenient backups. Out of curiosity, what ship was it that sold you this wrought-iron?"

Orillian stands. "Well, thank ye for the drinks gentlemen, I think it's time I best be goin'." He still holds a tankard of ale in his red-gloved hands as he stands up.

Ryoujal looks over at Orillian and says, "Well I wonder what that guy said to make them so mad..."

Lady Syn says, "So Mister Seed should we be poking our noses into this or use the cover to our advantage and slip on out?"

You paged Megumi with 'The salesman shrugs. "It was a passing ship. I think they're still in the docks, but I didn't bother getting their names. They were asking for a reasonable price. But you my lady, you are driving a hard bargain. I need to make a living here."'

When Ryoujal asks his question, he gets a straight answer. "Orillian is a wanted traitor and deserter in our islands. That he should have the gall to just walk right in..." On the other end of the bar where Syn is sitting with Seed, the man shrugs. "It's up to you Lotus. After all, you're the one who likes flirting with danger." He replies with a smile. And when Orillian makes to leave, there is a firm hand on his shoulder. "I don't think so Orillian. I think you should come with me before you make a mess here." Comes the strong voice.

From afar, Megumi shrugs. "Well, if you can't handle the pressures of the job.. every merchant I ever met puts a fat overcharge on their wares, for bargaining. And if a buyer like me is stupid enough to buy at the listed price, well, that's even better. But I'm not a complete fool, see." She pulls another sword off the rack and twirls it, then taps the tip against the ground. She continues nibbling on the apple with her other hand, and examines the markings on the weapon. "Hrm. Where ARE these things from, anyway? Lousy, archaic symbol. I'd wager the smith what made 'em's already gone out of business years ago.. so they're poor quality, overpriced, and OLD. I'll give you 10 silver dinars for the lot."

Lady Syn looks over at who stopped Orillian. "Things are about to get really fun or really disappointing."

Ryoujal says, "Oh, one must not have the brains of a herring to admit that here, or is all but suicidal."

Orillian tenses but smiles. "Ahh. Just lemme finish me drink first." He takes a swig, then heats his glove and tosses probably-burning alcohol back over his shoulder.

You paged Megumi with 'After that little tirade, the man finally relents. "Fine, fine, you win. Now I'll have payment up front. It'll be extra to deliver it to your ship."'

Megumi pages: Oh, I can get it to my ship on my own just fine." She pulls out a changepurse from under her belt and opens it up, peering inside. She carefully pulls out silver pieces, one at a time, looking terribly reluctant before passing it over.

You paged Megumi with 'The man grumbles but accepts the money, griping softly about hard hearted women who haggle prices down so he can't make a living. And the two scales worth of equipment is hers. She does need to figure out how to get it back to the ship. She can't do it herself.'

Megumi pages: finds a young child nearby - one of the various young wisps that always frequent markets - and offers the kid a small slip of silver - enough to feed the child and a couple others for two or three days, though - if he or she will go to the ship she describes (the Hurricane, by another name) and inform the crew she needs five sailors to come to the stall with whatever wagon-like object she knows to be aboard, and help her carry away a purchase.

Lady Syn notes a muscular man that moves with conviction, armed with at least two swords with more probably hidden on his body and wearing a buff jacket. As Orillian tosses his drink over, the man jerks to one side as the burning liquid shoots past him to land on the ground. Which predictably enough catches fire. Chaos ensues. People start running. Someone is burning. Maybe several someones. "You idiot!" The man behind him shouts. "This place is made of wood! Are you trying to kill everyone here? We could have done this peacefully!" At the bar, Seed jumps to his feet. "Looks like it's time to go. May I join you in fleeing this deathtrap Lotus?" He offers. Ryoujal's mates just scatter. Fire and wood is a bad combination.

You paged Megumi with 'The child grabs the piece of silver and nods, running off to the ship. She returns after a while with the sailors.'

Lady Syn nods and starts towards the door hoping to relieve Orillian's foe of a weapon or two as she passes by.

From afar, Megumi helps the sailors pack the gear up and sets them back for the Hurricane before going to look for her officers. I imagine she'll be finding them near a burning tavern? ;)

Orillian coughs. "Eheh. Well if ye'd been there to take it would'nay be a problem, eh?" Still, he cools his gloves and starts concentrating on shoving people out of the soon-to-be-burnt-down building rather than fighting.

Ryoujal lets out a sigh, and starts to run out of the tavern with the others doing his best to 'accidentally' run into Orillian's accuser.

Lady Syn runs off with her new acquaintance Seed. On the way, she gets two brand new swords too. "Were you carrying that before?" Comes the comment from Seed as they run, but it's more a question to self rather than her. Back in the quickly burning tavern, there is lots of chaos. "You idiot. I was trying to get you out without the others making a fuss. Of course, if you hadn't gotten drunk and made that stupid declaration, we wouldn't have this mess." He starts trying to help the people in the flames, pulling them out of the fire and the burning building. Ryoujal should probably be helping too.

As Megumi is wandering around, she starts to see smoke rising from a distance. Knowing her crew, she had better head in that direction.

Orillian keeps tossing people out of the tavern and turns to the man curiously. "Do I _know_ ye?" he asks curiously.

Lady Syn smirks as she runs. "These? A girl has to accessorize for a night on the town."

Ryoujal goes and helps those people who are too slow out of the tavern as quickly as possible, sometimes tossing them out of the door.

"No. Now shut up and help with the fire. We'll chat later." By now the fire has spread all over the tavern and is happily consuming all the ale and other alcoholic drinks that tend to spill on the ground. Several people are caught by the flames as it spreads so quickly, trapped in various sections of the tavern.

Ryoujal sighs as he sees the people cornered by the fire, covertly making his skin harder, he runs in to rescue them and get them out as quickly as possible.

Orillian reaches into the flames to pull people out, relying on his gloves to protect him for now.

Seed laughs as they run out of the burning tavern. "Indeed, a lady of mystery Lotus." In fact, while they run, they run right past Megumi.

Megumi starts running at the first sign of smoke. Silly crewmen.

Orillian tries to douse people with beer, which shouldn't have enough alcohol in it to burn, as he grumbles, "Y'jus don't sneak up on a man like that in a tavern full of people whhat wanna kill 'im..."

Lady Syn gives Meg a brief look of 'not my fault'.

Megumi blinks as she sees Syn, raising an eyebrow and shooting her a 'yeah, suuuure' look. She then heads up to the tavern and starts checking on people.

Ryoujal does his best not to rely on magic and will not let a little thing like a wall stop him from picking up one of the patrons and carrying them out on his back.

The fire spreads to its next door neighbours, but thankfully, all the commotion has driven most of the people outside anyway. The informal fire brigade works to douse the flames and stop it from spreading. Thankfully, there are no more liquor store explosions. It looks like they're getting it under control and a large crowd is gathering. In the mean time, the man from before walks up to Orillian. "I'll meet you at your ship. You better leave while they're distracted." And he walks off, muttering to himself "And I need to find my swords..."

You paged Lady Syn with 'After they're some distance from the burning tavern, they finally stop to catch their breath and Seed starts laughing. "How amusing. That why I visit taverns. You see stuff there you can't see anywhere else."'

Megumi grabs Orillian by the lapels and drags the larger man along behind her for the ship.

Orillian shrugs. "No offence mate, but I don't think we'll be waitin' for ye fer looooooooooon-" he's cut off by Megumi grabbing him.

From afar, Lady Syn laughs along with him. "Always entertainment. Though its a damn waste of drink like that. Pity about the people too."

You paged Lady Syn with 'The man nods. "Well, the drink wasn't that good anyway." And he turns to her. "And now that I seem to have your undivided attention, may I take you somewhere? A bite to eat say? Another tavern if you dare?"'

Ryoujal comes storming out of the tavern, with a layer of soot all over him and several of the stragglers on his back. Putting them down, he says, "I think I got all of them..."

Lady Syn pages: "How about we resume our conversation about the ties to blue first?"

Orillian swallows. "Ahoy cap'n, sorry, I may have let a few things slip through the drink..."

Megumi heads back to the Hurricane, yelling as she hits the gangplanks. "Unpack the sails and make ready to get under way!"

Outside, Ryoujal is hailed as a hero and people start patting him on the back. A healer comes to tend the wounded people and has a look at him, then dismisses him as uninjured and goes back to the wounded. Lots of people are shaking Ryoujal's hands and cheering him for saving all those people.

Megumi says, "And where be our navigator? Bring out the helmswoman, so we can get going!"

Orillian starts working the rigging and checks to make sure everything's at least seaworthy before shoving off. "Oy, cap'n, let's not be leavin' so quick on my account, not with the master-at-arms and navigator still ashore, I think."

Megumi and Orillian return about the same time as the sailors bringing back the crates of equipement and supplies. The crew follow her orders instantly although Gyar looks surprised. "But Captain, we haven't finished our repairs. We're dry docked remember?"

Ryoujal smiles, shaking hands and saying that it was nothing really. Seeing Megumi storm off, he says "Thanks, but I should go and see if there was anything else I can do here." He says doing his best to wind his way through the streets and meet up with Megumi since he's sure that something bad is about to happen.

Orillian looks over the side. "Well Malfeas' breath." He looks for any holes in the hull that will need patched.

Megumi pauses for a few moments to consider this news. "....Oh, bloody hell.. ok. How quickly can the repairs be made?" She grabs Orillian by the lapel again. "With you helping?"

Having needed to dry dock so that the repairs could be done to the bottom of the ship, where most of the damage was done anyway, they have removed much of the timber and are working on replacing it. It'll take a while before they finish patching up the holes that they made themselves.

You paged Lady Syn with 'The man smiles, and leans against the wall of the building. "Like I said before Lotus, asking about the blue can be dangerous. But that depends on what you want to know of course."'

You paged Ryoujal with 'The people refuse to let Ryoujal leave without providing proper recompense. And they're all packed in around him. Behind, the fire continues to burn merrily, but is at last in no danger of spreading and they're letting it burn until it runs out of fuel. "Come friend. We must get you a reward of some kind. What is your name? How may we thank you?"'

From afar, Lady Syn gives the man a very calm look. "Lets start with where they hang out here. That sounds like a lovely place to dine."

You paged Orillian with 'Looking at the bottom of the ship, he really isn't too sure. Even if he's helping, he'll probably need several hours of solid work with the ship to get it seaworthy. It wouldn't do to do a rough patchjob and end up sinking just a few miles from shore.'

Ryoujal pages: Smiling at them, he sees that he's not going anywhere anytime soon, dediced to go with the flow. "Well.. I guess that would be only proper... I'm usually called One Big Mo....untain." When asked about how they can repay him, that he actually has a hard time thinking about that, "Well usually some food or monetary compensation is standard, but I am willing to accept what ever you think is fair."

You paged Lady Syn with 'Seed smiles, but his eyes don't as they search Lady Syn, looking for...something. Whatever it is, he either finds or doesn't find it and shrugs. "I suppose I might know a nice place. Follow me." He leads her through the winding streets until they end up at a restaurant. He exchanges words with the waiter and they are led to a private room. "This is a very good restaurant. They serve all manners of seafood, and even manage the occasional steaks. Hard to come by in the West."'

You paged Ryoujal with 'The people laugh when he introduces himself and he is ushered into another tavern. A little ironic actually. They serve him the best drinks and the best food, while some grateful people he rescued slip him cowrie shells and pieces of silver and what small valuable trinkets they have. "To Big Mountain!" Is the general cry.'

From afar, Lady Syn follows along suspecting either the run around or a trap. She takes a seat and nods. "I'd imagine. Cows don't travel well. So what to your recommend?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'How about the daily special? It's always something different. It's amazing what they can make from the simple ingredient of fish." He says.'

Lady Syn pages: "That sounds fine."

Ryoujal pages: Thank you! Coral citizens are the best people in the whole West!" He cries out loud to the others, sort of swept up in the whole being a hero thing. It also would be best to keep him away from the Hurricane. He accepts what ltitle trinkets they have, looking a bit oddly at some of the stranger bits... He keeps on the party attitude, hopefully keeping them from thinking about the fugitive. Not to mention it feels good being a hero than just some odd mutant, and decides to live it up.

You paged Lady Syn with 'He nods, and places an order for two daily specials. Once they are alone, the talking begins. "So tell me. Lotus. Why the keen interest in the blue? Are you thinking of switching your favourite colour?" He looks at her searchingly, trying to understand her motivations.'

From afar, Lady Syn smiles. "I like knowing what powers are in a region. Whose toes not to step on and who to conduct business with."

You paged Ryoujal with 'The cheering and partying continues for quite a while, and no one really cares that Ryoujal is about the largest thing they've ever seen. Drinks flow freely (minus the flames this time) and Ryoujal is served more food than he can eat, but there are people to help him with that. It's rowdy, boisterous and all in his honour. They ply him with so much drink that he may be able to get drunk for a change.'

You paged Lady Syn with 'The man looks at her a while, then nods. "Aye, it's always good to keep on the good side of such powers. Having them angry at you can be a dangerous thing."'

From afar, Lady Syn narrows her eyes. "And that’s the wrong kind of danger. So how about I talk to the right people now?"

Orillian slides down one of the ropes tying the ship to the floor of the drydock and starts shoving wood into the holes.

Orillian frantically attempts to hammer in the boards and get the ship ready to sail again. In the meantime, someone is coming up along the planks to the ship. "I'm looking for an idiot!" He calls, but doesn't just step on the ship uninvited. Orillian recognises that voice.

The repairs are going to take a while.

Orillian calls up "Bah! He's with me I guess."

Megumi takes a look over the side at the man at the gangplank. "And you are?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'Patience." Seed says. "Now we should eat. Enjoy the food." As soon as he says that, the door opens and the food is served. It's some kind of fish. He immediately starts eating and invites Syn to do so as well.'

From afar, Lady Syn eats with a class that doesn't match her usual style while she waits.

"I'm someone who can help you." The man says, opening his hands wide to show that he is currently carrying no weapons. And since he lost his two swords, he apparently isn't carrying any weapons either. "May I come in and speak, away from other ears?"

Megumi nods. "Very well. Welcome aboard."

Orillian continues shoving boards in and nailing them down with his fists at spectacular speed, but apparently not spectacular enough. "C'mon, ladies, you gonna help me out here or not?" he asks, addressing the shipwrights.

The man walks onto the ship. "Somewhere private? I would prefer if we can speak with your smith too. Since it is a matter that would likely require him."

Megumi waves her hand toward her cabin, and then pokes her head over the side and calls to Orillian. "Come up here for a moment."

Ryoujal pages: Continues drinking, in pursuit of that mental state known as a good buzz. Unfortunatley the others did not have the divine stamina he was gifted with and he lets out a slight sigh, "Well another night of thinking clearly..."

Orillian finishes hammering a large plank in and then turns to the shipwrights. "If ye'll be excusin' me for a few moments, ladies," he says, bowing, then scrambles back up to the deck.

Megumi heads into her cabin.

You paged Ryoujal with 'Everyone around him is dead drunk while he's still stone cold sober by the time the partying is past its peak. However, after he is done, he is approached by a comely lady. She has a charm, and is even pretty. She smiles in a suggestive manner in a silent proposition to Ryoujal.'

Orillian follows.

You paged Lady Syn with 'As she eats, she notes that the cook is very good. In fact, everything tastes really good. Everything feels pretty good too. "So tell me, why are you interested in people with blue ties?"

Ryoujal pages: Is a bit surprised at that, he never really thought of himself as desirable, nice to look at sure, but never thought that this would happen. Standing he silently nods and follows her, ready for a rather singular experience.

The man follows Megumi into the cabin and takes a seat once everyone is seated. "I'm not bothering with introductions. As far as anyone knows, we haven't met. I know of you Orillian. Solar Anathema and traitor to Coral Pirates. And I know of you Megumi Stormbreaker, gentleman pirate and captain of the Hurricane. A very fine ship incidentally. And in exchange for me enabling you to get out of this place without further fuss, I need you to do me a favour."

From afar, Lady Syn shakes her head. "I've already told you. Now I think its time you quit playing games." Tosses her food aside a bit clumsily. "Or do we just skip to the main event?"

You paged Ryoujal with 'The woman smiles. And Ryoujal gets to spend a very nice time with a beautiful lady.

Megumi says, "And what favour would you have in mind?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'The man nods. "Very well. If you wish to know someone from the Lintha, here I am. State your purpose for looking for one of us."'

Orillian whistles innocently. "Solar anathema, don't be knowin' nothing about - oh, why bother. Now what's this favour, nameless 'benefactor'?"

From afar, Lady Syn leans on the table. "The antidote first if'n you don't mind."

"There's been a pirate ship harassing my ships. And it's no ordinary pirate ship crewed by ordinary people. So, given that you're no ordinary crew and you're an excellent pirate and captain as far as your reputation goes, I think you can help in this matter."

Orillian scratches his chin and turns to Megumi curiously.

Megumi says, "Ah. Extraordinary pirate ship. What does it look like? And what's giving you so much trouble destroying it yourself?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'I don't think so. But don't worry. It won't kill you. And it'll even wear off after a while with no harm done. Now, state your business." He demands more insistently.'

From afar, Lady Syn lowers one arm to her side. "Fine. Makes it more fun this way. You've ever heard of a lady pirate with an axe to grind against the Lintha? Some say she's a devil. Others a ghost." Flips the table with her free hand and chops into the guy with her stolen sword. "Guess what? I'm her."

He gives a wry grin. "We can't find it. Much like you do, it appears seemingly from nowhere and destroys ships. I have few survivors. And those I have sent have all been destroyed. You see my problem. There have been many losses."

Megumi nods. "And what have the survivors told you of the experience?"

Orillian ponders. "Now, this great sea-beast and this other ship, is there a relation there?"

The man shrugs. "The ship appears and there is the usual sea engagement. But they never seem to pierce the hull of this ship. And then they are boarded by terrible creatures. Those who survive are those who stay hidden and manage to get picked up by a passing ship. Not that many survive."

Orillian nods solemnly. "Terrible creatures, you say?" He looks over to the captain. "Well, it seems noble a cause as any as a pirate could come up with..."

Megumi shrugs. "And in return, you'll let us sail away unmolested?"

"Absolutely. I'll even make sure the ship is put on priority for repairs. You'll be able to sail out of this dock without anyone trying to stop you." He looks at Orillian. "I do recommend he stays here though. Any more drunken outbursts and it'll make things trickier."

Megumi turns to regard Orillian briefly, then stands, stretches momentarily, and leans forward, hand across the table. "We have an accord?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'The man has only time to look surprised before the table is flipped in his face and he's chopped. Bleeding heavily, he screams for guards. "Kill her!" He snarls as they rush in, while some others move to protect him from her.

Orillian coughs softly and stares at the very interesting floor.

The man nods. And reaches out to shake Megumi's hand warmly. "Deal with that mysterious pirate ship, I will allow you to pass out of this island unharmed." And golden light flares up as the oath is sealed. He stands, satisfied, though with a slight smirk on his face.

Megumi pauses. "Don't you mean the other way around? Unless of course you mean you have some reason to assume this ship I'm to hunt will be attacking this very island soon.."

Orillian scratches his head. "Aye mate, ye worded that a bit bass-ackwards, if ye know what I mean."

You paged Lady Syn with 'The guards usher the man out while four other guards advance on her. One of them swings a sword at her before they start to press in.'

From afar, Lady Syn brings the blade up to protect her while moving away to let the swing take the stolen sword to the ground but not her.

He smiles. "Don't worry. The contract includes everything that has been said into account, since Megumi here is the one who agreed to the accord. I've tested their limits thoroughly. Now if you don't mind, I have a few messes to clear up so I can fulfil my end of the bargain. Good day." He moves to leave.

Megumi nods as the man leaves. "...By your leave, sir." She mutters, then turns to Orillian. "Best return to the repairs."

From afar, Lady Syn flips out her Straight sword for now. No need to show off. She brings the blade around to hamstring the guard as she moves to keep a wall behind her.

You paged Ryoujal with 'After a wonderful time and some sweet exchanges, Ryoujal should probably be on his way. The Captain and crew might be missing him.'

Megumi briefly sits, pondering who it might be. Could it be...nah. They're a little more obvious, at least. Hmmm. Maybe she should start polling some sailors for legends that might be related.

Orillian smirks nervously and heads back to the hull.

Megumi rises and heads out to see how operations are going aboard ship - equipment stowed, new supplies laid in properly, etc.

From afar, Ryoujal thanks the woman, wishing her the best, and then goes out in the early morning towards the Hurricane, trying to take the 'scenic route'.

Ryoujal comes back on the dock with a rather great spring in his step and whistling an uplifting tune. He gingerly heads on to the ship and says, "Good evening all!"

Megumi looks over at her Master-at-Arms. "Mr Ryoujal. What's got into ye, that has you in such a fine mood?"

Ryoujal says, "I had a very good time captain, all thanks to our rather loose-liped shipwright."

You paged Lady Syn with 'Again, both swords clash and the mortal valiantly holds against the exalt. The other guards take the opportunity to move in but thanks to cramped quarters, only two others get to attack.'

"Yes.." Megs replies dryly. "Remind me to thank him later."

Ryoujal says, "Will you need me to help you thank him Captain Storm?"

From afar, Lady Syn brings her straight sword over to flip the chair into the way of the guards to throw them off then focuses her Essence into the blade.

Megumi says, "Let's just say I'm thinking about it. Well, what made for such a good afternoon?""

Ryoujal says, "An adoring crowd impressed at me saving people from that fire, with good food, drink, and a few other things..."

Megumi says, "Other things?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'The table is sent flying into the guards and thoroughly distracts them for the moment. Lady Syn can take the opportunity to do something.'

Ryoujal he says jingling a small pouch full of silvers, shells, and other odd but valuable things.

From afar, Lady Syn presses the assault and spins towards one of the guards looking like she's about to slice him then drops low and stabs at the first one as she moves towards the door.

Megumi nods. "I see. Well, I'm glad you made good contacts." Because it's *SO* likely we'll be coming back here.

Orillian sneezes. Hmm, someone must be talking about him.

Ryoujal says, "I think that we have some time until we have to go. I think that there is something I might want to do to increase my reputation in this town, and make a few more shells as well."

You paged Lady Syn with 'She nearly cleaves the guard in half as she heads for the door. Around this time, the other guards are struggling to their feet. Outside, there are more guards and what guests they had have already fled. But seeing her cleave a man near in two is intimidating.'

During the hours while Ryoujal is away, Orillian continues hammering at the ship, not quite in the same rush as before, but still working quickly. And in those few hours, the ship is fixed up good as new. The Hurricane can sail once again.

Lady Syn pages: "Its time to remove the Lintha from power. Do ye wish to shed blood on my blades or do ye wish to live proper lives and never set foot asea again?"

Megumi says, "Lovely. Now we just need our helmsman."

Ryoujal says, "So I take it we are not going to spend another night in port?"

Orillian coughs and pants. "Yeah, where is she? I hope she not be stirrin' trouble..."

Megumi says, "Not if we can help it. I've been promised protection, but I don't want to rely on it."

You paged Lady Syn with 'The guards back away, afraid to engage with this terrifying woman. In fact, she can see a clear path and be out of this place if she hurries while they hesitate.'

Orillian wipes his brow. "Eheh. Right. Touch of a surprise, that man being what he was," Orillian points out.

Megumi gives Orillian a peculiar look and heads for the gangplank. "I believe I'll be looking for our missing comrade."

Ryoujal says, "I think I should come with you as well. Just in case there is trouble."

Orillian follows then stops. "Err, right, I'll just be mindin' the rigging and what-have-ye, they don't want me ashore..."

From afar, Lady Syn grumbles about it being almost a total loss. She spins back and kicks up the blade she used on the fist man and grabs it in her off hand before stuffing it in her belt. Unless the guards get brave again, she walks to the cash box and takes it too.

You paged Lady Syn with 'She pretty much gets to do anything she wants. She should probably leave though. Chances are, proper people might be sent in to deal with her.'

Megumi turns. "Or you could wear a hat." Ryoujal says, "And a veil."

From afar, Lady Syn puts the blade and box under her coat, takes a meandering route and heads towards three false ships, ones with realm colours if there.

Megumi saunters back up the gangplank, pulls off her vaguely feminine hat and flops it on Orillian's head, pulling the brim down to his mouth.

Orillian shrugs and appropriates Meg's hat from her head. "Right then, hat it is. And I'm no southern harem girl, thank ye, and I'd appreciate ye to not objectify me in that mrmph mrmphle murmph.

You paged Lady Syn with 'After several hours of her wandering and making sure no one follows her, the poison finally wears off and she heads back to the ship.'

Ryoujal says, "Alright then, what about a scarf, nice manly scarf?"

Megumi goes back in her cabin, digs around for a moment, and comes out with a silken red scarf with delicate embroidery. She ties it swiftly around Orillian's neck, giving a tug at the last moment.

Orillian starts trying to talk and then pulls the hat back up. "Mrmphle mrmph fine fine scarf oh ye Gods could ye have picked something less... poofly?"

Megumi says, "Nope."

Megumi pulls out the sleeves on Orillian's shirt and gives them a nice poofy cuff apiece.

Orillian grumbles quietly.

Megumi leans back and puts a finger to her lips thoughtfully as she looks Orillian over. Then she snaps her fingers. "Ah. I have it." She goes back into her cabin for a few moments, and comes back out with a fancy makeup kit we got off a V'neef merchant vessel a few months ago.

Orillian stares coolly at the makeup kit. "No."

Megumi looks up at Orillian and waves a hand off toward the island. "They'll never recognize ya, mate."

Lady Syn walks up the gangplank. "So when did we pick up a circus act?" She flicks a few coins in the air and catches them looking smug and self satisfied. "Also, we have a map expert in town."

Megumi says, "Ah, good. Have we a heading, then?"

Megumi refrains from dismissing Orillian at this time, even though the whole reason to dress him up was to go find the girl walking up the gangplank..

Megumi is having far too much fun with him at the moment.

Ryoujal says, "Ah Syn, good to see you. We were getting worried about you for a moment."

Lady Syn says, "Well, I figured the captain would want to talk to the map expert, herself. I would have been her faster but I got sidetracked. And I'm a big girl. If I'm gone for more then a day, you can worry."

Ryoujal says, "Noted for future reference."

Megumi says, "I wasn't worried. I was just in a hurry."

Lady Syn says, "All the chaos was Orillian's fault."

Orillian coughs and tugs at his scarf.

Megumi steps partway down the gangplank, still carrying the makeup kit in one arm, waving it about recklessly. "So, where's this map maker?

Ryoujal wraps an arm about Orillian's neck, "No need to apologize, we all know you're sorry. Just need to learn how to hold your ale.

Lady Syn gives Swirling Waves address.

Swirling Waves is located not too far from the docks, since maps are usually meant for ships. It's a relatively short walk there.

Megumi trots the rest of the way down the gangplank and toward the address, still hanging onto the kit.

Orillian grumbles something about _holding_ it not being the problem.

Lady Syn points a finger at Orillian. "Should we leave the bearded lady here if only until he learns to love the rum? We don't need any more fires in town."

Megumi pauses mid-stride. "Oh, yes! I forgot to add the rouge!" She turns toward Orillian with a determined look in her eye.

Lady Syn says, "Run lad."

Orillian attempts to run away.

Ryoujal goes to grab ahold of Orillian, "Come on lad, Capt'n's orders unfortunately."

Megumi makes Orillian up all nice and pretty...sort of...and then returns to seeking out the cartographer.

Ryoujal holds Orillian steady as Megumi goes to town on his face.

Orillian follows allong ruefully.

Ryoujal goes along still with a wide smile on his face.

The four Solars head to the cartographer, with Orillian looking truly...different from his previous appearance. Why, no one would ever recognise him. They would be too busy laughing. It's a short walk as mentioned earlier, and they soon find the given address. A simple picture depicts his business of maps.

Lady Syn says, "If I'd known this was your plan, I'd have seen about buying a few melons to use as stuffing."

Megumi knocks on the door, and then steps in.

Megumi says, "Oooh, remind me to get some at market."

Ryoujal says, "Hmm, always loved my Mom's melon salad..."

Orillian grumbles grumbles 'wait'll you need sewn up again' grumble

Lady Syn says, "If ye could have gotten into a normal barfight, I wouldn't be giving you such grief."

When they walk in, they are truly dazzled by the sights. There are scrolls everywhere in this place, with maps dangling from the ceiling and framed onto the walls. It's a little hard to move with all the boxes of scrolls and they keep bumping into the maps. A voice somewhere behind yells "Coming!" before the mass of maps shift and a man peers out from behind them. He's just starting to grey around the temples, with a pair of truly thick glasses. "Can I help you?"

Orillian smirks. "Hey, the master-at-arms got laid out of it..."

Megumi says, "We are looking for an island."

The man blinks. "Which one?"

Lady Syn looks at Ryou then twitches. "And..." Goes silent as the map master arrives.

Orillian looks through his photographic memory and suggests a general area to start from.

Ryoujal does his best to not ram his head through any of the maps.

Megumi says, "It's kind of...pear-shaped."

Megumi makes motions with her hands.

The man gets to work, muttering softly to himself as he wades through his library and searches, bringing out several maps that could match what Megumi and Orillian are mentioning. He removes some maps from their dangling frames and stretches out these new maps out so that they can observe the maps carefully. "Would these be what you're looking for?"

The maps are confusing to three of the Solars as they try to match what they remember from fuzzy memories to the maps spread out on the frame. Only Orillian manages to look past the pictures and piece together the fact that the map from the hologram is out of date and work out which map looks the most accurate. From what he reads of the map, this is very far out West.

Megumi shakes her head at a couple. "No, no...what we want is more...hrm...shippy." She mutters some more nonsensical things under her breath.

Lady Syn blinks a bit. "Why can't they ever say go here, spend wisely?"

Ryoujal is a little distracted from crushing anything. "People think tests are fun, at least those people who give out the tests."

Orillian raises an eyebrow. "Oh my. You wouldn't happen to have maps that go into the Wyld, do you?"

Orillian ponders. "Of course such maps would have to represent complex hyperdimensional geometry in some cases."

Orillian scratches his head as he ponders some more. "Or tell it as a story."

"Hmm?" The man looks to the map Orillian was looking at. "Well, what I have is a combination of old and new maps. I try to keep them up to date, but what with the borders being what they are, it can be difficult. This one...I got it about a dozen years ago from a distant traveller. I assumed it was some island out pretty far, but not so far that there is no land."

Ryoujal says, "Is that fancy talk for 'impossibility?'"

Megumi looks at Orillian, with some confusion. "I don't remember charts having these...hyper...whosits before.."

Orillian examines the map and nods. "Hmm. Of course, this is all liable to have shifted..."

Megumi says, "So I guess we'll just have to stumble our way over there with general directions?"

Swirling Waves shrugs. "It's possible. I don't have many people who go out there far and bring back accurate information on the lay of the land."

Orillian nods. "And the flows of the narrative."

"So do you want a copy of this map?" The man asks. "You can have it and talk about your directions on your own time."

Orillian nods. "Yes, I believe we do."

Megumi tosses the good mapmaker a few silver coins.

Swirling Waves grabs the coins and counts them, before nodding. He wades through his library again and comes up with a scroll. He hands it to Megumi. "Pleasure doing business. If you do travel there, I would appreciate an accurate depiction of the lay of the land, assuming it hasn't been swallowed by the Wyld." With those words, they are ushered out of the shop.

Lady Syn says, "Friendly chap"

Ryoujal says, "Thank you... Now I just need to find a map on how to get out of here..."

Ryoujal does his best to crouch out of the store.

Megumi slips out between Ryou's legs casually and heads back for the ship triumphantly.

Orillian heads back to the ship with the map.

Lady Syn looks over at Orillian. "So how did you escape your friend with the swords? He suddenly get worried when they were gone?"

Everyone heads back to the ship, and they pass the smouldering remains of the tavern and its neighbours on the way. Thankfully, no one was injured, so people are mainly moaning the loss of home and their beloved tavern (and source of income). Back at the ship, everyone makes ready to set sail and there are no problems at all since the tides are coming in for the evening and they set sail, leaving behind the Coral Archipelago.

Orillian peers at Syn. "Ye took them, then?"

Lady Syn says, "I figured it would help you out and maybe keep you from setting anything else on fire. The bigger sword works nicely."

Orillian smirks. "Aye, he was a wee bit put out by that."

Lady Syn pulls out both swords and hands them to Orillian. "Here you go."

Orillian looks them over. "Hmm. Good workmanship."

Megumi orders the ship to weigh anchor. Wee.

Ryoujal grabs the chain and starts to haul up the anchor.

Orillian snickers as the islander tries to weigh anchor in drydock.

Lady Syn says, "By the way, are you going to get changed or do you plan to run around the whole time with the scarf and hat now?"

Ryoujal says, "I don't know, I sorta like how he looks now."

Lady Syn whispers. "You might want to hurry before he gets feeling frisky again."

As the tide comes in, the Hurricane floats gently out of the dock into the harbour. And from there, it's out to the open seas as they sail off and leave behind the islands of the Coral Archipelago.

On to Session Three