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(*Solar Performance Charms, including some brand-new ones)
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Revision as of 09:01, 7 May 2005

(House rule: Graceful Reed Dancing is absorbed into Masterful Performance Excercise, since having two seperate Charms for the same exact thing in the same Ability is dumb)

Lord of Creation Prayer</I>

Cost: 12 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq.: Respect Commanding Attitude, Heart-Compelling Method

The gods of Creation know the Solar Exalted as the chosen heroes of the Unconquered Sun, foremost and highest among the gods. Their words carry weight, and their prayers carry divine weight beyond that of the wine they spill or the words they recite. When the Solars pray, the gods listen.

The Solar reduces the difficulty of a prayer roll to a god or elemental by his Essence, to a minimum of one. If the Solar achieves culmulative successes equal to the god or elemental's Essence, the god will personally appear before the Solar, though gods with an Essence rating equal to or greater than the Solar are not bound to do more than listen to his prayer.

Against gods and elementals with an Essence lower than his own, the Exalted receives a perfect success on a Performance roll to pray for the god's favor. Not only does the Solar infalliably impress lesser gods, it is a Severity 4 offense for a Terrestrial god with an Essence less than the Solar's to not personally attend to the Solar's prayer. These gods must execute any reasonable task (the definition of "reasonable" is up to the local Celestial censor-- it generally includes any task assisting the Solar against enemies of Creation and any minor favor that does not inconvenience the god or elemental in question) the Solar asks. Only those in open revolt against the Celestial Hiearchy will dare to not co-operate, but the state of the Celestial Hiearchy is such that such rebellion is anything but rare. Still, lesser gods loyal to the Hiearchy or the Solars in general will generally respond favorably to the use of this Charm.

As part of the terms of the Exalted Mandate of Creation, neither the use of this Charm nor actions taken by a god or elemental on behalf of a Solar using this Charm violate the Mandate. This is, of course, not recognized by the Immaculate Order.

<I>Blessed Ensemble Method</I>

Cost: 15 motes
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq.: Respect Commanding Attitude, Heart-Compelling Method

The Solar inspires his followers to follow him in performance, and their performance improves beyond their mortal capabilities. Lead by the most talented of performers, they can't help but become among the most talented themselves.

The Solar must lead followers in a Performance roll of some sort, be it leading a chorus, fellow actors in a play, a dance group, or a congregation in prayer. Everyone actively and willingly following the Solar's lead gains the Solar's Essence in automatic successes to their Performance roll. This Charm produces group performances of uncanny quality, and a group of people enhanced by this Charm automatically wins any Performance contests against groups not enhanced by this Charm. The Solar can lead no more persons in a performance using this Charm than his Charisma x10.

This Charm has special effect when used to lead prayer. The god worshipped by such a prayer receives motes of essence equal to the combined Essence ratings of all participants in the prayer.

<I>Dance of 1,000 Feet</I>

Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereq.: Blessed Ensemble Method, Phantom-Conjuring Performance

The Solar is a Prince of the Earth, and when he moves, the men of the world move with him. The Solar performs, and those who witness the performance are bound to join him. It takes great coldness to interrupt such a group display of talent and skill.

The Solar must be in the midst of a Charisma+Performance (only Charisma will do) action, such as singing, dancing, acting, or prayer. The roll may be enhanced as normal by other Charms such as the Masterful Performance Excercise. On activating this Charm, any character whose Willpower+Essence is less than the number of successes on the Solar's Performance roll is compelled magically to join in the performance. He picks up a voice in the song, a part of the dance, a role in the play, or falls in adoration to whatever god the Solar prays to.

Those affected by this Charm must make a successful reflexive Temperance roll each turn to not spend their entire action on a similar Performance roll to the Solar using this Charm. Attacking the Solar or anyone under the effect of this Charm or anyone willingly performing along with the Solar requires the attacking character to fail a reflexive Compassion roll every round he wishes to attack the performers.

<I>Transitive Actor</I>

Cost: 2 motes/die
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq.: Impenetrable Performance

Some fit their roles perfectly. Others make a role fit them. It falls to the Solar Exalted to be the only performers who can truly bring self and role into true harmony.

The character must be acting under a false identity, be it for a play or to fool the city guards or an identity created by King of Masks Technique. The Solar may add up to his Essence in dice to all dice actions for the Duration of the Charm appropiate to the identity by commiting 2 motes per die added. The Solar only receives this bonus as long as the identity is intact-- if the Solar drops it for even a moment, the Charm ends.

<I>Patient of the Act</I>

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereq.: Memory-Reweaving Discipline

There are those among the other Exalted who consider themselves divine performers. And yet, even among the oldest of Lunars and Sidereals it is whispered that even fairly young Solars can always, always take someone else's hard work and make it all about themselves.

This Charm is used in response to someone else's Performance roll, on the same audience as the original roll. The Solar pays the cost and rolls Appearance+Performance against the original Performance roll. If the Solar wins, he tricks everyone in the audience into thinking the Solar made the original roll. The Solar receives any associated benefits or downsides of having made that roll.

<I>Perfected Starlet Stance</I>

Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereq.: Prereq.: Transitive Actor, Patient of the Act, Dance of 1,000 Feet

Such style! Such grace! Such presence! None shine so brightly as the Chosen of the Sun!

The Solar receives a perfect success on a Performance roll. If it can be accomplished with a single Performance roll, the Solar succeeds at the task.

Mortals who witness this Charm are starstruck. They become fans of the Solar and clamour for news of the hero. They will volunteer what free time they may have if the Solar asks them nicely. The Solar becomes their inspiration-- those who remain his fans for an extended period of time will eventually develop Virtues that match the Solar's. Only magical effects can dim the Solar's celebrity in their eyes. This effect lasts for one year after the mortal witnesses this Charm.

Regular use of this Charm can't help but make the Solar a hero heard of all across Creation. Although they are immune to the magical compulsion caused in mortals by this Charm, many magical beings will willingly seek out the Solar for a performance, to patron them, to seduce them, or to challenge them in a performance if they hear of such a diva walking the land.

Two Solars using this Charm while competing with one another using Performance cannot be told apart in their performances. Unless corrupt, judges will rate them as having tied.

=== Comments ===