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Child of the Forest


Born to the forest god, Bazil, and a mortal mother, Brand has found his place in the forests of the world.

The Past

The Present

Brand's Sheet

Name: Brand
Heritage: Elemental God-Blooded
Inheritance: ●●● (A relatively minor, though largely worshipped god of nature)
Nature: Explorer
Concept: Forest-traversing favored son of a forest god
(BP: 0/51 [21+18+2+2+2+2+4])
Anima (Aura of Power): The use of Peripheral Essence makes an aura of what appears to be leaves fluttering in a whirlwind around him.


Physical (6)
Strength ●●●
Dexterity ●●●
Stamina ●●●

Social (3)
Charisma ●●
Manipulation ●
Appearance ●●

Mental (4)
Perception ●●●
Intelligence ●●
Wits ●●

Abilities (22)

Athletics* ●●●
Awareness ●●●
Dodge* ●●●
Endurance ●●
Martial Arts
Melee* ●●●
Resistance ●●

Ride* ●●●
Survival ●●●


(* = favored)

Backgrounds (18 [6 + 3(inheritance) + 9(Patron)])

Patron ●●● (+9 backgrounds, 15 pts of Flaws)
Cult ●● (+1 temp Willpower every morning, +2 motes of Essence per hour)
Familiar ●●●●● (-4 for 2)
Artifact ●●● (One lv3 Artifact, 3 dots of artifacts of up to lv2)
Celestial Manse ●●● (lv3 Hearthstone)

Merits and Flaws


Awakened Essence - [(Essence x 5) + (Willpower x 2) + sum of virtues)] (-5 BP)
Magical Attunement (-4 BP)
Elemental Immunity - Elements of nature: earth, wood (-8 BP)
Prodigy (-2 x 3 = -6 BP)
Longevity (-2 BP)
God-Body (Resist disease, poison and infection, and heal at the same rate as an Exalted) (-10 BP)

Flaws: (15 pts)

One Eye - (-1 die on awareness rolls) (+2 BP)
Unusual Appearance � His one eye and his hair are both of a green that one would expect on foliage, while his skin has a very odd pigmentation. A shade of brown, but appearing rough and almost scaled, just like the bark of a tree, though the skin is as smooth as any other. (-1 die on stealth, larceny, and social rolls) (+2 BP)
Alien Upbringing (+1 difficulty on social rolls requiring human empathy or understanding) (+2 BP)
Elemental Archetype (-1 success in any opposed Socialize or Presence check, when the other characters knows his heritage) (+2 BP)
Aura of Power (Essence pool split into Personal [1/3] and Peripheral [2/3], and gain an anima aura) (+4 BP)


Ox-Body Technique (-7 BP)

Virtues (5)

Compassion ●●●
Conviction ●●●
Temperance ●
Valor ●●

Willpower and Essence

Willpower: 3(compassion) + 3 (conviction) = 6
Essence: 1 + 1 (-5 BP) = 2

Personal Essence: 10 (1/3 of 31)
Peripheral Essence: 21


-0 x 1
-1 x 2
-2 x 4 (2 from Ox-Body)
-4 x 1

Artifacts and Hearthstone



Relkia is a very ancient creature created by the forest god Bazil. Built with powerful hind legs for both fast running speeds and enormous leaps, she has smaller yet still operable upper arms with five fingered hands; quite like a human�s, though with claws. While she cannot speak, she does an excellent job of getting her thoughts and desires across to her one and only allowed rider, who seems to understand her mews, barks, and chitters perfectly.

Covered in a soft, downy brown coat of fur, with tall ears which lay back when she runs, Relkia isn�t designed for combat. While she can defend herself, she won�t go out of her way to fight. As an herbivore, she doesn�t even need her claws usually, except to crack open nuts or hard fruits.

Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 8, Stamina 6, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 6, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4.
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 5, Valor 1.
Abilities: Brawl 4 (Claws, Tail), Athletics 8 (Leaping, Running), Dodge 8, Endurance 6 (Long Distance Running & Leaping)

Base Initiative: 12
Dodge Pool: 16
Soak: 4L/8B
Health: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/incapacitated
Essence: 2

Claws: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 10L, Defense 6
Tail: Speed 8, Accuracy 6, Damage 12B, Defense 3

Note: Relkia is both ancient and powerful in her own right, so her running and leaping abilities are top notch. Although not an elemental herself, she possesses an affinity for the elements of nature such as earth and wood.