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Sun-Graced Shadow

The Sheet

Name: Sun-Graced Shadow
Player: Raccoon
Caste: Night
Concept: Flying Archer without a cause
Nature: Follower

Bonus Points: 125/125 (+5 flaws) used
BP Allocation: 13 (Abilities) + 14 (Essence) + 11 (Backgrounds) + 6 (Virtues) + 64 (Charms) + 4 (Specialties) + 6 (Combo) + 3 (Merits) + 4 (Willpower)


Strength ●●●
Dexterity ●●●●●
Stamina ●●●

Charisma ●●
Manipulation ●●
Appearance ●●●

Perception ●●●●●
Intelligence ●●
Wits ●●


Archery* ●●●●●
Martial Arts

Endurance* ●●●
Resistance* ●●●
Survival* ●●●●●


Night (Caste)
Athletics ●●●●●
Awareness ●●●●●
Dodge ●●●●●
Larceny ●●●
Stealth ●

Socialize* ●●●

(* = favored abilities)


Archery: Using Archery Charms ●●
Awareness: Tracking ●●
Dodge: When Flying ●●
Survival: Hunting ●●


Artifact ●●●●
Artifact ●●●●
Manse ●●●●
Resources ●●●


Archery: Fiery Arrow Attack - Instant; Supplemental - 2m - Essence is concentranted in an arrow then launched, causing it to burst into flames mid-flight. This will ignite flammable materials, but also adds dice equal to Essence score in the arrow's damage. Arrows will be turned to cinders by using this charm.
Archery: Phantom Arrow Technique - Instant; Supplemental - 1m per arrow - As the bow is drawn, essence is shaped into a glittering arrow. The arrow has normal range and damage, but winks out of existence a few seconds after impact.
Archery: Rain of Feathered Death - Instant; Supplemental - 3m per duplicate - Essence is bundled tightly around an arrow as it is fired, and as it arcs toward the target, it multiplies. One attack roll is used for all arrows, but damage is applied for each separately. No more arrows can be created than the Essence score. All arrows must attack the same target.
Archery: Solar Spike - Instant; Simple - 1m per 2 dice of damage - A blazing bolt of Essence is fired, which acts as a normal arrow, but does a base damage of twice the number of Essence motes spent conjuring it. No more motes can be spent than the dots in Archery. The Solar Spike moves as quickly as a flash of lightning and is not subject to penalties for range or wind, though visibility can hamper shooting. Max distance is (Essence x 100) yards. When striking a demon or undead creature, damage dice equal to Essence are converted to automatic successes. Damage is determined by the essence spent on the bolt and the number of extra successes, not the damage of the bow.
Archery: Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire - One scene; Simple - 10m, 1 WP - For the rest of the scene, every time the bow is drawn back, a bolt of concentrated solar Essence is formed that does the same base damage as any type of arrow desired plus the the Solar's essence. These arrows are not subject to penalties for range or wind, though visibility is still a factor. These bolts have normal range for the type of bow used.
Archery: Wise Arrow - Instant; Supplemental - 1m per die - The Solar's anima is extended into the world around him, joining the archer, target, and arrow into a single being. For each mote of Essence spent, one die is added to an Archery attack roll, but the number of these cannot exceed the normal Dex+Archery pool.
Archery: There Is No Wind - Instant; Supplemental - 3m - Essence flows into the bow and arrow, and is fired with perfect, supple grace. This arrow ignores all environmental penalties and penalties for called shots, within its normal range.
Archery: Accuracy Without Distance - Instant; Supplemental - 1m, 1 WP - The Solar extends his sense of the local Essence flows to greater heights and can now shoot with perfect assurance, firing out to the maximum range with complete assurance that it will hit. If the roll is insufficient to hit, it still hits, doing the arrow's base damage. This can be used to hit small objects, cut cords and ropes and for other trick shots. It does not allow the Solar to negate armor by called shots to an eye or such.
Archery: Heart-Seeking Missile - Instant; Supplemental - 3m - Through a sublime understanding of the arrow's true nature, the character can draw upon the projectile's desire to strike home, making it undodgeable. If it strikes, it will always strike the target's most vulnerable spot. Double the successes rolled on the damage roll for purpose of lost health levels. This can also affect non-living targets like constructs or the undead, however the additional damage effect is ignored against inanimate targets.
Dodge: Reed in the Wind - Instant; Reflexive - 1m per 2 dice - For each mote spent, add two dice (no more than Dex + Dodge) to dodge an attack he can anticipate.
Dodge: Shadow over Water - Instant; Reflexive - 2m - Allows the Solar to dodge a single attack he can anticipate with his full Dex + Dodge pool.
Dodge: Seven Shadow Evasion - Instant; Reflexive - 6m - Allows the Solar to evade, without need for a roll, any single attack that he can anticipate, even an area effect.
Dodge: Reflex Sidestep Technique - Instant; Reflexive - 2m - Allows the Solar to dodge any attack he is not aware of for 2 motes with a dice pool of his permanent essence x 2.
Dodge: Flow Like Blood - One Scene; Simple - 5m, 1 WP - Allows the Solar to use his full Dex + Dodge dice pool to dodge all physical attacks, perceived or not, for the remainder of the scene.
Awareness: Sensory Acuity Prana - One Scene; Simple - 5m - Increases awareness by a number of dice equal to Essence.
Awareness: Unsurpassed Sight Discipline - One Scene; Simple - 5m - The Solar can see a fieldmouse a mile away, pick a face out of a crowded street with a casual glance and detect the tiniest details and imperfections without effort. In dark or poor visual conditions such as smoke, haze and mist, his senses are diminished, and he sees only as well as an individual using Keen Sight Technique.
Awareness: Owl-Eye Technique - One Day; Simple - 5m - The Solar using this can see in absolute darkness without penalty.
Awareness: Piercing the Night's Veil Practice - One Scene; Simple - 5m - The Solar can see in darkness, through fog, mist, blowing sand, or magically created darkness, as well as they can in broad daylight. They can also see through any object placed within two inches of their eyes, such as a blindfold or helmet.
Awareness: Surprise Anticipation Method - (Doesn't matter)
Awareness: Eyes of Safety Methodology - Permanent; Special - Whenever danger threatens the Solar, they receive warning ten seconds in advance. This also functions against anything intended to surprise him, even if it poses no actual danger. This makes him completely immune to ambushes.
Survival: Hardship-Enduring Mendicant Spirit - One Day; Simple - 5m - This charm allows a Solar to survive in the most hostile conditions without preparations, from blazing heat or terrible cold. He is protected from hypothermia, mosquitoes, leeches, and similar conditions. It does not protect from the most extreme conditions such as ocean survival, underwater survival, or the extreme elemental effects near the elemental poles.
Survival: Storm Warden Concentration - One Day; Simple - 6m - This charm protects the Solar from the adverse affects of natural weather. He may move through heavy winds, sand or snowstorms without being impeded or blinded, or spend a stormy night with no shelter. His anima deflects these conditions, providing a skintight zone of protection for the Solar and any possessions worn. It does not protect against temperature extremes.
Survival: Weather-Ignoring Stance - One hour; Simple - 3m, 1 WP - While this Charm is in effect, even the most powerful hurricane-strength winds have no effect on the Solar. In addition, he is protected from damage resulting from weather -- hailstones will bounce off him, for instance. This protection extends to other occurrences which closely resemble weather, such as meteor showers or ashen rain from volcanic eruptions.
Survival: Element-Resisting Prana - One Day; Simple - 10m, 1 WP - This charm works much like Hardship-Enduring Mendicant Spirit, but grants protection against even the most extreme conditions. While active, the Solar also adds his Endurance to his soak when he takes damage from elemental sources such as cold, fire, and lightning.
Endurance: Radiant Essence Technique x2 - Permanent; Special - 20 points of Radiant essence.
Endurance: Ox-Body Technique x2 - Permanent; Special - -1 x 2, -2 x 4

Merits & Flaws


Hidden Manse (2 pt)

Internal Compass (1 pt)


Permanent Caste Mark (2 pt)

Known Anathema (3 pt)


Compassion ●●
Conviction ●●●●
Temperance ●
Valor ●●●●

Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty

Essence & Willpower

Essence: ●●●●
Willpower: ●●●●●●●●●●

Personal Ess: 17
Peripheral Ess: 40
Radiant Ess: 20

Health Levels

-0 x 1
-1 x 4
-2 x 6
-4 x 1 Incapacitated



Indomitable Armor of the Empyrean (Artifact ●●●●)
Orichalcum, Articulated Plate; 16B/14L, Mobility -2, Fatigue 1 (when on the ground)
Flight: (Dexterity x 20) mph
Commit 6

This armor consists of sky blue interlocking metal plates held together by hinges and pins. Chains covers the elbows, armpits, groin, and backs of knees. It comes complete with a masked helm. Its most notable feature however, are two slightly curved and jointed spines which lay flush with the back when not in use.

With a reflexive action, the spines extend, stretching outward with several more between them. Essence flows out of the spines to form a type of membrane between them, forming wings. The essence flows out of these membranes to provide lift, and as such, do not need to be 'flapped' like a bird's wings.

The chestplate has a single slot for a hearthstone.

Deadly Repeater (Artifact ●●●●)
Orichalcum; Acc +2, Dmg +6L, Rate 4, Range 400
Commit 6

This odd-looking weapon is obviously meant to be fired like a crossbow, as it has a handle and trigger. The majority of it is rectangular, with a coin-sized hole at one end. A slit in the side has a catch for locking in another rectangular piece which can be loaded with any existing arrow or bolt. These 'clips' can hold ten arrows or twenty bolts, and there are three of them. To swap out clips takes an entire turn, while reloading a clip is variable. It can take approximately three turns in safe conditions, but more in dangerous situations.

The weapon works by using the committed essence to create small 'pockets' of charged essence which is used to force the arrow or bolt through the barrel and toward the target. The process of moving the arrow or bolt from the clip to the chamber is automatic, taking only part of a second. Charms to fire an arrow faster will naturally increase the speed of this reload.

A belt running from the top to bottom allows the weapon to be slung over one shoulder. When not in use, both the barrel and the chamber opening -- where the clip connects -- seal automatically to prevent dirt or water from damaging anything. The weapon is incredibly easy to maintain, despite its apparent complexity.

Other Gear


Tempestuous Gem of the Sealed Wind (Manse ●●●●)

This sky blue stone appears to have storm clouds floating inside of it when attuned, and is perfectly clear when it is not. It allows the wielder to send out a powerful hurricane-strength wind that strikes everything within a 45-degree arc in front of him, up to a distance of 30 yards. All characters within this area must make a reflexive Strength + Athletics check at a difficulty of the character's Stamina, or be blown five yards back and fall prone.

The winds can demolish flimsy structures and carry off moderately light objects. All objects within the area of effect are affected as though by a feat of strength with a level equal to the character's Stamina. Unanchored objects and objects in flight (such as a hail of arrows) will probably be picked up by the wind and blown away, while stationary objects may be damaged or destroyed. ST has final say on what is affected in what way.


Manse: A hidden manse in the mountains.

Resources: Said manse with a small amount of riches to tide him over.


Big Blasty Combo -

Heart-Seeking Missile - Instant; Supplemental - 3m - Undodgeable, double successes on damage roll
Accuracy Without Distance - Instant; Supplemental - 1m, 1 WP - Always hits, does arrow's base damage.
Solar Spike - Instant; Simple - 1m per 2 dice of damage, no more than dots in Archery
Rain of Feathered Death - Instant; Supplemental - 3m per duplicate, no more than dots of Essence
Fiery Arrow Attack - Instant; Supplemental - 2m - Adds dice equal to essence score in arrow's damage.
Seven Shadow Evasion - Instant; Reflexive - 6m - Evade any single anticipated attack, even an area effect, without a roll.