Difference between revisions of "Rioneer Aset"

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Latest revision as of 16:04, 26 February 2004

Name: Rioneer Asset Concept: swordsman Player: Nihilio Nature : Survivor Caste: Dawn Anima: Lion


Str 4 Cha 3 Per 2 Dex 5 Man 2 Int 2 Sta 3 App 4 Wit 3


Melee 5 (+2 swords) Endurance 3 Lore 1 Athletics 2 Linguistics 1

                     Performance 1      Medicine 1        Awareness 3   Socialise 2
                     Presence 2                           Dodge 2
                     Resistance 2
                     Survival 2

Artifact 2 Resources 3 Allies 2


Ox body technique (x2) Exelent strike One weapon two blows Peony blossom attack Iron Whirlwind Golden essence block Dipping swallow defence Bulwark stance Fivefold bulwark stance Hungry tiger technique Meditation of body restore Gracefull crane stance

Orichalcum daiklaive 
 sp 10/ acc 15/ dam +9L/ def 15
Chopping sword
 sp 8/ acc 13/ dam +8L/ def 12
Armor: Superheavy plate: 12L/12B/-4 mobiblity/ 3 fatigue
Willpower: 5
 Personal: 14
 Peripheral: 35
 Commited: 5
 Compassion 2
 Conviction 2
 Temperance 2
 Valor      3
Vitrue flaw: Berserk Anger