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In Exalted, prayers can be used to influence the gods and gain positive attentions.  The rules governing them are in the Main Book, pages 335 and 336.  Essentially, you make a Performnce + Charisma Roll with a Difficulty of 6 - (dots of Recources sacrifice is worth) + 1 if you're not a priest. 
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When saying a prayer to the pattern spiders for SiderealAstrology, Sidereals add 2 to the difficulty of this roll if they don't make up a [[petition]] to go along with the prayer (there's a minor continuity error as the Sidereals phatsplat says that the Chosen of the Maidens get a difficulty 5 (6 minus 1 for being a priest)).
The Pattern Spiders don't care about sacrifices when you offer up a prayer to perform SideralAstrology, so there's no reduction in Difficulty for that.  You can, however, add 1 die for every three hours spent in prayer, to a maximum of +3 dice.  Also, you can get bonuses for your [[petition]] if done right.
Base rolls:
Solar Zenith:  Performnce + Charisma, Difficulty (6 - (dots of Recources sacrifice is worth))<br>
Sidereal praying for Astrological Effect: Performnce + Charisma Roll with a Difficulty of 7 (unless there's a [[petition]])<br>
All nonpriests:  Performnce + Charisma, Difficulty (7 - (dots of Recources sacrifice is worth))<br>
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Latest revision as of 22:35, 19 February 2005

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