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(*And absolutely, this one. Using "Inspiration" for your own influences page is rather egotistical.)
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*The Flat Earth series by Tanith lee- I saw this in the Exalted Corebook. I read this. I was blown away. I even  made a Raksha character based on Azhrarn, cause he's the Night Master!
*Anything by Tolkien- if i have to explain myself maybe you shouldn't be playing RPG's
*His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman- Cause Gnostic fiction is awesome!
*Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card- Card is one of the best Speculative fiction writers out there. Harts Hope is his grand fantasy vision. I liked the view of gods and how even mortals could overpower them.
*A Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart- A novel of an ancient china that never was but should have been. I loved how the humour was straight deadpan, not ostentious. Also the characters presented are well rounded, three dimensional and funny as hell.
*Anything by Hayao Miyazaki- From Naussica to Spirited Away they have been nothing short of breathtaking. if you watch any of them you'll begin to notice a pattern: spirited young girls, determined young men, a lack of true villians, a deep respect of nature, and always at least one scene with flight. some people might think that using the same formula over and over would become repetitive, but its the way Miyazaki extends a story across this structure which shows his genius.
*Cowboy Bebop- Stop. Stay where you are. Have you seen Bebop? If not email your address to Paladinltd@comcast.net. I'm coming to your house and we are going to watch together (note that you have to pay for my room, food and any damages inflicted upon me or my dvds, and you have to pay for my return ticket, also i refuse to go Canada)
*Lord of the Rings series- not nearly as good as the books but definitelythe stuff of epic fantasy.
*Seven Samurai- because Kurasowa is my god
*Yojimbo- because anyone named strawberry fields that can kick everyone's ass is also god
<b>Video Games</b>
*Final Fantasy X- 'cause any time you cry like a little girl at the end of a video game, thats when you know its good!
*Baldurs Gate 2- the seminal piece on computer RPGs. Highly recommended
*The Legend of Zelda series- one of the greatest fantasty series in video games.
*Resident Evil series- Sometimes campy, always scary. Some of the stuff in there freaks me out.
*My Mom- cause i gots to give props to me mum
*My players (Whom i like to call the Knights of the Snack Table)-  I could go on for pages and pages about how great these guys are. Liam, who is always there to lift my spirits and to be a target for my dark machinations. Zach always helps me with my evil schemes and comes up with a few choice ones himself. And Reed, who despite what he says is a creative genius. He has come up with awesome characters, all of which i have stolen or killed (sorry Reed!). Alan who has the most resilient sense of pride despite his occasional idiocy. Mike who has continued Zach work of keeping me on my toes. I also want to give a shout out to two former players, Josh and Sam who we all miss (except for Liam who doesn't miss Josh at all)
*Shelly Bowman- who's love of fantasy inspires me more then she'll ever know

Latest revision as of 19:20, 14 March 2005